Elephantine Grenzstadt und Handelsposten an der Südgrenze Ägyptens - Southern border town and trading post of Ancient Egypt
DAI - Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
...The aim of the excavations at Elephantine is to provide a coherent picture of the different parts of an ancient settlement and the interrelations between its temples, houses and cemeteries. Detailing the cultural development of the site, and using it as a source to extrapolate settlement patterns in other, less archaeologically accessible settlements is part of the objective of the mission. It is a rare moment when mud-brick settlement remains can be viewed by the public. This was formally made available as an open-air onsite museum in 1998.
The research program at Elephantine intends to not only excavate large portions of the site and to study and restore it, but to try to understand Elephantine’s role in the larger economical, political, ethnical and social contexts, both on the regional and the supra-regional level. The work aims to follow, diachronically, the developments across the different époques and disciplines. For such an approach, the preservation of the site and its layers with its moderate extension offers ideal conditions.
Currently, the mission is supporting the efforts of the Supreme Council of Antiquities to restore and refurbish the old museum on Elephantine Island...
Online: Excavation and Restoration on Elephantine Island
33rd season 2004 (pdf, 2.99 Mbyte)
34th season 2005 (pdf, 3.21 Mbyte)
35th season 2006 (pdf, 3.21 Mbyte)
36th Season 2007 (pdf, 3.63 Mbyte)
37th Season 2008 (pdf, 2.34 Mbyte)
38th Season 2009 (pdf, 1.94 Mbyte)
39th Season 2010 (pdf, 6.09 Mbyte)
40th Season 2011 (pdf, 4.77 Mbyte)
41st Season 2012 (pdf,5.3 Mbyte)