Friday, 4th November 2016,
Thirty First Week of Ordinary Time
Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop
Phil 3:17 - 4:1;
Ps 121:1-5;
Lk 16:1-8
In the first reading of today, St Paul is telling the Philippian church and to us today what are the features of Christian citizens living in this world. First, Christian citizens should imitate excellent Christian role models (v.17) second, they shun worldly values (vv.18-19) and third, they consider their primary citizenship to be in heaven. This makes them good citizens in this world (vv. 20-21). Paul, unashamedly bids the Philippians to follow his example of life and faith, so they will not be led astray by those who are foolish. Paul’s instructions on how to be heavenly-minded are applicable for all of us today. We, too, can put into practice his resolute trust and joyous self-sacrifice.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us always remember that we are citizens of heaven and live according to the example of Christ and other good models in the Church. Amen.