For URGENT consular assistance please call +357 22861100 and listen to the consular options.
Standard office hours are Monday - Friday 07:30-14:45
How we can assist British Nationals abroad is outlined here
The British High Commission no longer operates VISA and PASSPORT application services.
For visa information please go to For all visa enquiries, please go to
For Passport enquiries please choose one of the following options:
· Emergency Travel Document
If you need to travel urgently and your passport has expired, is lost or stolen please see; you will also need to contact the consular section on +357 22861100 (follow the consular options) for advice on how to proceed.
· Passports
· Lost & Stolen
· Renewal
· Veteran passports
· Passport /British Citizenship Eligibility
To check eligibility for a British Passport:
· For eligibility of UK nationality
· For all other Passport enquiries
Please contact the passport helpline on +44 300 222 0000, or email:
Visa & passport renewal/eligibility enquires will not receive a response.