Anarchic update news all over the world - 23 november 2016

Today's Topics:


1.  Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland): On the attack on La
      Plume Noire of the Lyon group of the “Coordination des Groupes
      Anarchistes” (

2.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL - international, US:
      Clinton what it means failure (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

3.  Greece, Black&Red anarchists APO: Then, now and forever
      under the power (gr) [machine translation] (

4.  Coordination of Anarchist Groups CGA-Lyon: fascist attack on
      the Croix Rousse and against the libertarian bookstore Black
      Plume (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (

5.  communistes libertaires cgt: Palestine: The strike against
      the labor law, too! (fr) [machine translation] (


Message: 1

Last Saturday saw a mass fascist attack on an anarchist bookstore in France in the 
aftermath of a fundamentalist catholics rally of the SPXX organisation which in Ireland is 
central to the anti-choice movement. ---- The Society of St. Pius X (SPXX) has a history 
of anti-Semitism and holocaust denial of an intensity that even the catholic church has 
taken action against its bishops from time to time. It was was founded in 1970 by the 
French archbishop, Marcel-François Lefebvre, who supported the pro-Nazi Vichy regime and 
remained part of the far right. ---- La Plume Noire appears to have expected the attack 
and reports that a dozen people were on hand to defend the building. A larger group of 
fascists with weapons attacked it and during the course of an attack that lasted a while 
the windows were smashed and a number of the defenders where slightly injured by 
projectiles thrown at them, We reproduce a translation of their report from Anarkismo 
below, see link in comments.

Fascist attack in Croix Rousse (Lyon) and on the anarchist bookstore la Plume Noire

Last saturday, 19th of november, 2016, in the middle of the afternoon, fundamentalist 
catholics and other far-right activists were calling for a rally place Colbert, to protest 
against a project to convert the “Saint-Bernard” church (currently disused) in a business 
center, and to demand that it was attributed to the “saint Pie X” brotherhood, a 
particularly reactionary catholic organization, close to fascist circles.

This rally was prohibited by the prefecture. In its statement, the prefecture mentioned 
the danger of disruption of public safety and shamefully put in balance violent fascists 
with progressive and antifascist activists present in the neighborhood.

The rally took place despite its prohibition, with members of the GUD (“Groupe Union 
Défense”), “Action Française” and “Parti Nationaliste Français”, wearing helmets and 
weapons. They made a first appearance in front of our premise, the “Plume Noire” 
bookstore, in the beginning of the afternoon.

Those fascist activists, openly ready to commit violent actions, were not disturbed or 
inspected by the many policemen that were there. Instead, those policemen protected the 
rally and held back antifascist activists and inhabitants of the neighborhood.

We are not surprised by such deference, even in the context of the state of emergency, 
even while this state of emergency was a pretext to the increased repression against 
progressive social movements. A few weeks ago, the police was protesting at night in the 
streets of Lyon, hand in hand with this far right.

Around 6p.m., when the fundamentalist rally was over, around twenty fascists activists, 
still well equipped, climbed the hills of “Croix Rousse” and brutally converged towards 
the “Plume Noire”, where there were a dozen of our comrades.

The people in the bookstore brought down the metal curtain to protect themselves, but the 
fascists managed to raise it again and smashed another shutter, destroying the glasses 
that were behind it.

The resistance of our comrades prevented the fascists to enter the place, but couldn’t 
avoid property damages: the destruction of all window panes and part of the metal blinds. 
Several people were slightly injured in this attack that lasted long minutes, mainly 
because of projectiles (stones, metallic tools, bottles) thrown by the fascists. When they 
arrived and when they left, the fascists chanted “on est chez nous”, “la France aux 
Français” (xenophobic slogans) and “death to the Jews”, as signs of rally and dispersion.

This heinous attack isn’t an isolated incident. It took place nearly 20 years after 
far-right activists set fire to the previous location of the “Plume Noire” in 1997, and it 
follows from the current rise of far-right and fascism, which results in a multiplication 
of attacks against minorities, trade unionists, and feminist, antiracist, LGBT and 
progressive activists.

These attacks are stimulated by the opening of new fascist places in several french cities 
such as Lille and Lyon, serving as places to organize this fascist intimidation strategy. 
In Lyon, there are now 4 fascist premises (PNF, GUD, Action Francaise and “les 
identitaires”), without any reaction from the authorities and from the Lyon city.

In the face of such challenges, we reaffirm that we won’t be intimidated, and we call to 
solidarity and to a large reaction from all components of the progressive camp.

The Lyon group of the “Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes”


Message: 2

As for the Brexit, insolvency Clinton result of a reaction combining social revolt and 
reactionary rancor. For revolutionaries, the challenge is to encourage the former, while 
fighting the second. ---- A billionaire and reactionary Face, Donald Trump will enter the 
White House. Worldwide, after eight years of office of a president to the substantially 
different style, Barack Obama, it raises questions. ---- This presidential election put 
competing two showcases of US capitalism: ---- capitalism "old" protectionist, 
isolationist, patriarchal and WASP ( "white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant"), illustrated the 
point of caricature by Donald Trump; ---- capitalism "modern" free trade, globalized and 
"rainbow", that is to say so-called inclusive vis-à-vis the ethnic, religious and LGBT, 
played by Hillary Clinton.

For women, minorities and all working men and women, the victory of the first is bad news, 
even if it required nothing expect from Hillary Clinton. The feeling is cooking a 
"backlash" reactionary after years of struggles for gender dominated minorities, 
particularly the movement Black Lives Matter. All this is the reactionary aspect of Trump 

But to understand how the character won, one must also consider the social dimension of 
this vote, which revealed a disaffection of the working class to the Democratic Party. 
Clinton lost, among others, because it failed to take the traditionally democratic 
industrial states, especially those known from the rust belt [1]of the northeast. The 
Democratic Party also failed to renew the enthusiasm that the Obama illusion was raised in 
the black minority.

There was no wave Trump, but collapse of the Democratic vote

The low turnout (46%) during this election is eloquent, but more telling is its 
distribution. On one side there was no wave of enthusiasm around Trump. He has met 59.8 
million votes, that is to say less than the Republican candidates in 2008 (60.9 million) 
and 2012 (59.9 million). But the Democratic side, it was the collapse: with 200,000 
ballots more than his rival, Clinton, however, has collected 60 million votes, against 66 
million for Obama in 2012 and 69.5 million in 2008.

Weariness of unemployment, factory relocation, houses of evictions ... Even obamacare has 
generated disappointment that: increasing contributions of the aisé.es salarié.es without 
creating a real social security for the poor . The disgust of the disaster rises. He just 
hunt Hillary Clinton. Next time, he will drive Trump, after he has led the same capitalist 
policies. But, meanwhile, it has done much harm in decomplexing racist hate speech, sexist 
and homophobic, and legitimizing climate denial. One can legitimately fear that tries to 
put its promises into practice.

Neoliberal ideology appears threadbare

In the West, people are looking for an economic and social alternative. Neoliberal 
ideology - even decorated with a supplement of soul "rainbow" - appears threadbare. She no 
longer dreaming person outside of the propertied classes, and this terrifies the small 
media-political clique who comments, dumbfounded, conflicting evidence of this 
obsolescence: on one side, massive struggles against the social destruction; on the other 
hand, withdrawal of xenophobic and reactionary reflexes with, for example, the threat of 
the FN in France.

It is urgent to create a genuine alternative, a response to the social distress of 
millions of workers and workers who feel abandoned. And the answer is neither in a 
headlong rush neoliberal nor isolationism a national capitalism. Free trade and 
protectionism are the two sides of the same coin that leaves the capitalist masters of the 
game. The central question is that of their expropriation and socialization 
self-management of the economy.

Alternative Libertaire, November 14, 2016

anti-Trump event in New York on 12 November.
DC Kelly Kline

[1]Rust belt: the "rust belt" of the industrialized areas.


Message: 3

The November 17 comes to remind us of what? - Does the meaning or the message has 
disappeared? - The reasons do not exist? - Uprisings are not rigged with appointments one 
would say. - However, a movement that forgets its history, seems to be unable to link the 
past racing legacy to future hope, fervent expectation that this world is changing. - This 
demonstration may have remembrance character and memory, but above all has updated 
character. - Topical therefore remains the sense of social and labor uprisings against 
tyranny and brutality of power. ---- Topical, because just the brutality here. ---- The 
"left" to power, which in fury struggling against imperialist strategy of the US state, 
comes in today to ban demonstrations against the arrival of the outgoing US President 
Obama to ensure order and security in the reception a strong political representative of 
modern totalitarianism.

And it is precisely this situation that the rulers will kareklokentafroi xanakatsoun at 
the "table" to become fans of the same project, the re-organization of the attack on the 
social majority of bankers and bosses. The people will again be asked to pay the bill and 
it shows in the most clear way that the award in supposedly alternative managers of social 
problems perpetuating the vicious cycle of oppression only reproducing misery and despair. 
Why no management can not humanize a system that is at the root of exploitative and based 
on relationships: authoritarian-subordinate, boss-workers. Even the primary need for 
housing is at the plate as fillets for further raising profits an auction and the first 
house the world that is unable to pay the usurious banks. And all the time the state with 
his dogs, police, makes backs fascists who seek come out again from their holes by dealing 
once again the dirty game of social cannibalism, the targeting of the weak, refugees and 
migrants, in order to divert the oppressed from the root of collective problems.

And they are the operators that give the solution themselves. To dismantle capitalism and 
rebuild their lives, with key components of social solidarity, cooperation, 
self-organization. To take back all the stolen wealth, give the factories to the workers, 
the services to return to the public sphere, in society that will supervise them. To get 
around the ecclesiastical wealth and use it for our needs. To give life to empty houses 
and to realize the free life as we think in them. To sustain each other, to cook together, 
to feed them all, do not let any misanthropic being, no "political leader" divide us, 
talking together in a direct way, geitonia- neighborhood to meet and get to know our 
needs, to find together ways to cover them with justice and equality. Do what is our plan. 
A design that has remained the only one that does not lead to more misery in war and 
bloodshed. It is not easy and we will fight any government, the police, the army. But we 
will win because we have right on our side, we have the consciousness of the people on our 
side. And that is all you have. And it is enough.

The riots are those that historically have been the model of an unprepared even to express 
project, that of social revolution, the total demolition of the exploitative conditions of 
existence of the social majority and the building of the hands of the people of equality 
world itself, solidarity and freedom. This is the path we have to follow fighting for the 
life and dignity.

TO ANARCHY AND libertarian communism

ALL / ALL in the course of 17 NOVEMBER

Collegiality for social anarchism Black & Red
Anarchist Political Organisation -APO-


Message: 4

This Saturday, November 19, 2016 in the middle of the afternoon, Catholic fundamentalists 
and other right-wing activists called for a gathering place Colbert, to oppose the 
church's conversion project Saint-Bernard (currently disused) in business center and 
require that it be entrusted to the St. Pius X fraternity, a particularly reactionary and 
nearby Catholic media organization fascists. ---- The rally had been banned in the 
prefecture, who invoked in its statement the risk of disturbing public order and referred 
back to back shamelessly fascist methods and violent militant · e · s progressive and 
antifascists present · e · s in the neighborhood. ---- The rally yet taken place despite 
the ban, including members of the GUD, the French Action and the Nationalist Party French 
heavily armed and helmeted, who made a first appearance at our local bookstore Pen black, 
in early afternoon.

These fascist activists openly prepared to take violent action, were not worried or 
controlled by many police officers present, which also provided protection to the 
gathering taking activist distance · e · s antifascists and other capita · e · s neighborhood.

We are surprised unfortunately no such complacency including us under the state of 
emergency, even as it serves include fig leaf to increased repression of progressive 
social movements. Recall that a few weeks ago, the police showed night in Lyon streets 
hand in hand with the same extreme right.

Towards 18h, while the fundamentalist rally had dispersed, twenty still massively equipped 
fascists have put together the slopes of the Croix-Rousse and brutally converged on the 
Black Feather, where there were a dozen of our comrades.

the people present in the room dropped the curtain to protect themselves, but the fascists 
managed to raise and to drive another metal component, also destroying the windows that 
were behind.

the strength of our comrades prevented the fascists from getting physically in the room, 
but could not prevent damage that are destroying all windows and a portion of the flap. 
Several people also suffered minor injuries during the assault which lasted several 
minutes, particularly because of projectiles (stones, metal tools, glass bottles) launched 
by the fascists.

When they arrived and then they left, the fascists screamed "we're at home", "France to 
the French" and "death to Jews" as rallying and dispersion.

This heinous attack is not an isolated event. Nearly 20 years after the fire the local 
Black Feather precedent by the extreme right in 1997, she enrolled in the current rise in 
power of the extreme right and fascism, which results in multiplication attacks against 
minorities, activists of the labor movement, feminist, antiracist, LGBT and progressive.

These attacks are favored by the opening of new local fascists in several French cities 
such as Lille and Lyon, which serve as places of organizations this fascist intimidation 
strategy. In Lyon, there are now four local (PNF, GUD, French Action and identity), with 
no real response from the authorities and the city of Lyon.

In view of this, we reaffirm that we shall not be intimidated and we call for solidarity 
and a wide reaction of all components of the progressive camp.

the Lyon group of the Coordination Groups of anarchists


Message: 5

The attacks against the rights of employees affect many countries. In May, the independent 
trade unionists and trade union left of Palestine are left struggling against a law 
imposed by the Palestinian Authority in agreement with the directions of the two official 
unions. BDS-CGT collective of activists published a brochure that discusses this conflict, 
history and current events of unionism in Palestine. Many supporting photographs which 
alone give a very different view from that Palestine has the TV ...: ---- To order: ---- 
To download:


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