We are now further divided us is the Non Trump Camp and the Non Hillary Camp. In discussion with my sister and brother in law last week, they kind of let on that they would be voting third party to let both major parties that they are totally disgusted with the offerings of the Elephant and the Ass. So now we can't say what we plan to do lest we get harangued by some opposition member.
Green libertarian ? What are you nuts, that is wasting your vote. Hillary , what are you stupid. Trump , you have got to be kidding. I think you see how it goes.
Whoa, said I , you are wasting your votes. I offered up that Trump was the only outsider ever to run in my lifetime and now more than ever we need someone to break up the cabal that is Washington DC, that unholiest of places. A veritable temple bazar of lobbyist, lawyers, journalistic whores and pundits, avaricious defense and military contractors and politicians and officious bureaucrats incapable of doing anything but serve their masters. Oh, for so long have I wished that some element of respect for the national interest and the interest of the citizenry would return to our nation. Oh, I hoped that someone would toss those who turned the temple of democracy into a den of thieves out on their asses. I hoped that the self interested elite of Washington DC could for even the briefest of times reorder business as usual to take care of business as necessary for the nation. As I aged, the finely coiffed by dumb as a post congresspersons who parade before any available TV camera became more annoying and disturbing. When could we expect this change to take place.
This view is shared by many, including my wife who demands "fairness" in all dealings. So I thought I was in pretty good company hoping Trump had the answers. Of course continued exposure to the man reduces his candidacy to the point that a vote for him would be hard to justify. But a vote for her is unjustifiable.
Which brought me back to my sister and brother in law, both of whom have an unusual ability to assess situations and dissect the components , and it seems as if they may have the right idea. Because they are unusually bright and educatied and have experience. No major party candidate is deserving of the vote, so don't give it to them.. They pointed our the considerable flaws of Hillary, which no one can deny and pointed out the megalomania of Trump which also can not be denied. They pointed out the bombast , the insults, the duplicitousness.
And even I had to agree, they were right. And sadly there probably will be no change to the status quo in my lifetime. Oh, crap, I thought how much fun it would be to watch Trump kick some congessional ass just for sport, not like Mitch Mc Connell doesn't deserve it .
E Mail releases on a now almost daily basis reveal jus how deeply flawed and amoral the Democratic party is..They will cheat and stop at nothing, look at how they threw Bernie under the train. But in their defense, Bernie probably had his price too. Video shows just how arrogant Trump is. Neither values anything about people in a basic human sense.
We have learned more about our political process than we should have ever wanted to know. There is no honor among thieves it is said, and apparently the same holds true with those who would be President. It is a sickening display on all counts. Underscored by the visit President Obama paid to North Carolina, not to assure flood victims and hurricane victims that help was on the way, but to campaign for Clinton to make and effort to bring in votes, the attitude of a cynical political operative.
Politics as usual, reminds me of the African saying: When Elephants fight the ants get crushed.
We ants have been getting crushed for so long that we had better start looking for someone who will stop the fight. It will not affect me, but I do worry for those without jobs, for those just starting out their young lives. They will be faced with the prospects of a diminished country.
Green or Libertarian, now where is that coin?