Top scientists of 3 top universities, date: 16.10.2016: Harvard University, M.I.T., Moscow University: TOP LINES IN RATING of researchers, authors of publications, Joshua A Salomon, Niek Verweij, Sergei A. Ostroumov, Верхние места, рейтинг ученых, Гарвардский, Московский университет, МГУ

Top scientists of 3 top universities, date: 16.10.2016: 

Harvard University, M.I.T., Moscow University: TOP LINES IN RATING of researchers, authors of publications,
Верхние места, рейтинг ученых, Гарвардский, Московский университет, МГУ, Массачу́сетский технологи́ческий институ́т, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, Массачусетский технологический институт, МТИ,
keywords: authors, Harvard University, M.I.T., Moscow University, publications, rating, Researchers, scientists, top, top universities

Date: 16.10.2016  (week ending 16.10.2016); SOURCE: ResearchGate;

3 top scientists of 3 top universities: Harvard University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.I.T.; Lomonosov Moscow State University; the top position in rating,

Top lines of the rating (ResearchGate):
Rating of researchers (faculty):
On the list of

Popular members by reads, the top position:

Harvard University:  

Joshua A Salomon

Joshua A Salomon,;

 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.I.T.:

Stephanie Seneff

 Niek Verweij,;

Lomonosov Moscow State University:

Sergei A. Ostroumov

Sergei A. Ostroumov   (  Остроумов С.А., permanently # 1 at his university in 2015-2016; permanently on the top line of the rating),;


results of the rating, previous weeks:

Top scientists of 3 top universities: 

Harvard University, M.I.T., Moscow University: TOP LINES IN RATING of researchers, authors of publications,

Date: 05.10.2016  (week ending 02.10.2016); SOURCE: ResearchGate;

3 top scientists of 3 top universities: Harvard University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.I.T.; Lomonosov Moscow State University; the top position in rating,

Top lines of the rating (ResearchGate):
Rating of researchers (faculty):
On the list of

Popular members by reads, the top position:

Harvard University:  
Joshua A Salomon
Joshua A Salomon


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.I.T.:
Stephanie Seneff

Lomonosov Moscow State University:

Sergei A. Ostroumov
Sergei A. Ostroumov   (permanently # 1 at his university in 2015-2016; permanently on the top line of the rating);;

results of the rating, previous week: 
DATE: 24.09.2016 (week ending 25.09.2016); SOURCE: ResearchGate;;

3 top scientists of 3 top universities: Harvard University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.I.T.; Lomonosov Moscow State University; the top position in rating,

Top lines of the rating:
Rating of researchers (faculty):
On the list of

Popular members by reads, the top position:

Harvard University:  
James Theodore Venable  

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.I.T.;
Stephanie Seneff

Lomonosov Moscow State University:
Sergei A. Ostroumov


3 top scientists of 3 top universities: Harvard University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.I.T.; Lomonosov Moscow State University; top positions in rating,

Top university science champs in serving society, attention, interest of users attracted,

top universities and researchers: Harvard University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.I.T.; Lomonosov Moscow State University; top positions in rating,

previous draft:

Rating: top researchers from top universities of America and Eurasia.
Rating: Researchgate.
University in America: Harvard University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.I.T.;
University in Eurasia: Lomonosov Moscow State University (top university of Russia and a substantial part of Eurasia);  week ending 10.07.2016;

More information and the names see here

harvard university notable academic staff and alumni:
Mark Zuckerberg
Internet entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is the chairman, chief executive officer, and co-founder of the social networking website Facebook;
Werner Heisenberg
Bundesarchiv Bild183-R57262, Werner Heisenberg.jpg

Rating of researchers (faculty):
On the list of

Popular members by reads, the top position:

  • Amy Edmondson

Amy Edmondson   ;

Source of data: ResearchGate, in 2016; week ending 10.06.2016;


Image result for Massachusetts Institute of Technology

massachusetts institute of technology notable academic staff and alumni:
Har Gobind Khorana:
Har Gobind Khorana.jpg

Image result for massachusetts institute of technology notable alumni

Rating of researchers (faculty):
On the list of

Popular members by reads, the top position:

Source of data: ResearchGate, in 2016; week ending 10.06.2016;

Moscow State University:

Image result for Lomonosov Moscow State University

Moscow University  notable academic staff and alumni:
Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa or Peter Kapitza (Russian: Пётр Леони́дович Капи́ца,
physicist, Nobel laureate:
Pyotr Kapitsa 1930s.jpg

Nikolay Nikolayevich Semyonov (or Semenov),
the 1956 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on the mechanism of chemical transformation:
Nikolay Semyonov Nobel.jpg
writer Anton Chekhov:
Image result for Lomonosov Moscow State University notable alumni

Image result for gorbachev and reagan end of cold war
Rating of researchers (faculty):
On the list of

Popular members by reads, the top position:

150 titles of Sergei's publications, English, Russian, with links to full texts, abstracts, convenient format
Source of data: ResearchGate, in 2015-2016;

The publications of the top researchers mentioned above are available online free on ResearchGate.

previous posts on the rating:


Верхняя строка в рейтинге, успех, рейтинг исследователей, лучший, университет Евразии, МГУ, Top position, success, rating, researchers at top university of Eurasia.
лучший, МГУ, рейтинг, Университет, успех, rating, researcher, success, top, university

the most read author from Moscow State University,  Ученый МГУ, публикации которого наиболее часто (среди публикаций других ученых МГУ) читают онлайн
biology, ·  environmental, Author, ecology, Moscow State University,publications, Sergei Ostroumov, the most read, top

Repost. 1983 - 2016, books, книги,  МГУ, книги, биология, окружающая среда, экология, экотоксикология, фото обложек книг
биология, книги, МГУ, окружающая среда,  экология, Экотоксикология,

80 useful comments on PubMed, about innovative articles on water quality, pollution control, hazard assessment, water self-purification, aquatic toxicology, filter-feeders, detergents, surfactants, bioassay, new facts, new productive ideas , 
aquatic, assessment, bioassay, detergents, filter-feeders, hazard, Papers, pollution control, quality, self-purification, surfactants, toxicology, water


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