The Valley of the Queens is mainly associated with one celebrated tomb, that of Queen Nefertari, the favorite wife of Rameses II. This fame is justified by the magnificence of its wall paintings, representing one of the highpoints of New Kingdom art (fig.1). Between 1986 and 1992, these paintings were conserved in a collaborative project of the then Egyptian Antiquities Organization and the Getty Conservation Institute, an undertaking that was pioneering in its scientific and multidisciplinary scope, attracting international attention...
The conservation of the tomb chapel of Sennefer TT 96 A
CTT Conference, 11 February 2016 in Luxor | Paper Hugues Tavier and Bianca Madden
Despite some rare and well-known exceptions, what usually strikes the visitor on entering Theban tombs is the level of the damage, particularly to the painted decoration of their chapels. Since the Late Antiquity, these monuments have suffered heavy deterioration which, as well as making interpretation and reading difficult, also risked their future preservation and survival. The tomb chapel of Sennefer TT 96A is a perfect example of this challenging situation.
TT49 - Die Grabkammer des Neferhotep: Ein Film von Dipl.-Rest. Christina Verbeek
Die Arbeiten zur Restaurierung der Wandmalereien in der verrusten Grabkammer des Neferhotep zeigen wir ausführlich in unserer Filmrubrik Die Restauratorinnen Christina Verbeek, Susanne Brinkmann und Birte Graue hatten dazu ihre Vorgehensweise eigenhändig gedreht bzw. filmisch dokumentiert. Die mehr als 30 Stunden Filmmaterial waren anschließend professionell zu zehn Episoden à etwa drei Minuten verdichtet worden und bei nach und nach in der Reihe "Das Geheimnis des Neferhotep" erschienen...