On Strip Searches and Press Freedom in North Dakota

Social Media Slant 4 Good

Using social media to raise awareness of important issues!

 New daily edition at 9 a.m.
Published by
Cendrine Marrouat
23 October 2016
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World Health 
Politics Environment #awareness 
On Strip Searches and Press Freedom in North Dakota
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Democracy Now!
thumbnailwww­.democracynow­.org - Monday was a cold, windy, autumnal day in North Dakota. We arrived outside the Morton County Courthouse in Mandan to produce a live broadcast of the “Democracy Now!” news hour. Originally, the loca...
Women at the forefront of peacebuilding 
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United Nations
thumbnailwww­.unwomen­.org - Videos | From where I stand | Photo essay | Feature stories | Speeches and statements | Publication | Events and webcasts | Join the conversation | Infographic | Facts & figures War and conflicts a...
Eradicating HIV stigma & humiliation: How Lydiah is changing lives in Kenya
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thumbnailwww­.one­.org - Lydiah Litunya raced through the dusty, narrow alleyways of Kayole, a low-income neighbourhood on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya’s capital city, towards her friend Sabina Atieno’s house. “My mothe...
I have witnessed terrible things - UNICEF Connect
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thumbnailblogs­.unicef­.org - The following is an interview with 17 year old ‘Aminata’ (not her real name). She was taken by Boko Haram against her will two years ago and forced to marry an insurgent. Aminata had no choice but ...
Made-In-Kenya: How this pair of running shoes are going to change lives in Kenya
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thumbnailwww­.one­.org - Kenya is known around the world for producing some of the planet’s greatest running champions. Its reputation for running has sparked an interest in runners from around the world, who flock to the ...
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Global Goals
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Watch our virtual reality experience: "One Woman's Triumph Over HIV in Africa"
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How this Ugandan woman is fighting the stigma against people living with HIV
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South Sudan families struggle to feed themselves - UNICEF Connect
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CHI St. Alexius Health Minot holds breast cancer awareness event
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Facebook apologises for removing breast cancer awareness video after terming it 'offensive'
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Nigeria's Hunger Heroine is empowering mums to make smart food choices
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Vancouver trustees fired but LGBT mentor safe for now | Daily Xtra
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