Learning to Love

 1. How´s The Language Going Elder?
Hello everyone! I've gotten this question a lot lately, and I'm happy to say I´m doing very well! The Lord has blessed so many times and  filled my mouth with words to say! I realized this week that I don't have to use my English Book of Mormon as a reference when I read in Portuguese so that´s pretty cool! Since I'm not a native speaker you never will be totally fluent, and everyday I´ll hear words or phrases that I don't totally understand, but the Lord helps his servants in the moments that matters but I feel confident talking with people now!

2. The Cancelled Meeting
This week we had a meeting set up with our trusty Ward Mission Leader, and 2 minutes before it was supposed to start he cancelled on us! I was bugged at first because we had planned our whole day around this meeting, but then I realized the Lord just needed us somewhere else! Well we decided to visit a young man in our ward, and when we got close to his house he was pacing outside and was clearly stressed! We talked to him and were able to help him through some trials in his life right now! He´s fluent in English so I actually was able to bear my testimony to him in English! It was actually so hard and it´s much easier in Portuguese, but I was glad the Lord put us there to help him!

3. Splits
We had splits this week!!! I love my companion and all, but it´s good to spend some time with someone else. We worked in our area so it was my first time as Sr Comp and being in charge of the whole area! Elder Rodrigues and I set some goals to work as hard as we could, and then we went out and did it! We got 13 addresses and had 5 lessons, which is like crazy high for our mission, and talked to everyone!!! It really showed me that if you set goals and work as hard as you can to get them, the Lord will help you achieve them!!!

4. Loving others
The biggest thing my mission has taught me so far is just to love other people! We spend all day everyday thinking about how we can help people and it´s amazing! Even trying to be Christlike in our house does wonders! Doing the little things like washing your comps dishes or hanging up his laundry or leaving him cookies goes a long way! God´s second greatest commandment after all is to love everyone as yourself! John Bytheway said "In the end, what we've learned from books, how many scriptures we've memorized, or how many callings we've completed will all be secondary to how much we have loved!"

Love you all!
Elder Rawson

 Had a 1 year party for the comp and roommate! 

My little friend insists on holding my hand when we walk to church!

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