I is Ove

My daughter a few weeks back mentioned a book .  A Man Called Ove.  She recommended it and I picked up a copy in a little book shop on Cape Cod  called the Yellow Umbrella Book Shop.  So I had a recommended book from this curiously little shop, which reminds me of every wonderful little book shop of imagination.  Unique in an era of Barnes and Noble and the book table of BJ's Wholesale or Costco and so totally the antithesis of modern marketing. .Armed with a book from a charming little shop, how could I help but be drawn in.  I don't recall if she said she read it or if she took the lazy approach of the millenials and listened to it.  Ove would prefer the former. Me I don't really care, but as I read it I was reminded of my daughter's question of a few years back.  How are we, (meaning her generation) going to handle things when you (meaning our generation) are gone ?
Her criticism of her generation centered on the inability to handle aspects of life that are in the realm of mechanical and financial .  How do you know about cars, how do you know about repairs.  That question  is the basis for the story of Ove.

There are those amongst us who unctuously state " I never read fiction", with  intonation which serves to remind those of us who do of our deprived intellectual state in the worlds scheme.  To those persons I have some pity, for they are missing   the Story of  a Man Called Ove.

This is a book of life, actually it is a story of life and it is wonderful in its twist and turns.  At times I found myself laughing out loud.  It becomes a love story to rival any.  But it is a story where you are drawn in. The happy ending does not hurt either.

I thought it a wonderful, little bit smaltzy story  that was pure entertainment, sure to remind you of an uncle, a grandfather , a father  , a co worker and probably at some point even of yourself.

I am glad I got the recommendation, made the purchase and yes even for having the temerity to read a work of fiction.

Do yourself a huge favor and read it, and celebrate Ove and become Ove.
You are not a complete idiot.

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