Anarchistic update news all over the world - 4 October 2016

Today's Topics:

1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - international,
Henri-Krasucki brigade answered the CGT bureaucracy (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Octobtre - Content +
Éditorial (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (
3. Anarchists Heraklion Notice yesterday's events in Rethymno
(gr) [machine translation] (
4. Greece, ese.espivblogs: Articles of ESE, Broad Sheet Workers
Bulletin Counter #129 (gr) [machine translation]
5. Open invitation letter to the Bilbao International
Conference, 26-27 November, 2016 for anarcho-syndicalist and
revolutionary syndicalist organisations (ca) (

Message: 1

It was not a hoax! Henri-Krasucki brigade does exist, and she replied with modesty but 
firmness in "denial" ridiculous confederation CGT. ---- "Henri Krasucki Brigade" is the 
name that will be given to a group of French CGT committed within the international 
release of Rojava Battalion , which hosts volunteers from abroad to participate in 
the revolutionary struggle in Kurdistan . The battalion is part of the Syrian Democratic 
Forces (SDS), Arab-Kurdish alliance fighting for the establishment of democratic 
confederalism Syria. ---- Henri Krasucki young ---- Upon his arrest in March 1943. al. 
Prefecture of Police in Paris ---- Then they published a photo in support of 16 trade 
unionists from Air France who went on trial on September 27, the confederation CGT had 
split a press release written "with shock and dismay" to dissociate themselves from these 
dangerous revolutionaries , taking offense they are claimed to Krasucki, former secretary 
general of the CGT.

The sad bureaucrat panicked that laid these lines no doubt feared for the "image" of the 
CGT. He certainly knew that Henri Krasucki - whatever one thinks of his later political 
head of the CGT - had also fought Fascism with weapons in hand. Resisting the Occupation, 
Member of the FTP-MOI, arrested by the Gestapo, tortured, deported to concentration camps, 
and a party of the uprising of Buchenwald on April 11, 1945, his memory is not dishonored 
by tribute paid to him by the militia group of SDS.

The picture that shook the CGT bureaucracy

Below is their response to the confederation CGT, published September 29, 2016 on the 
Facebook page International Battalion of Rojava release:

Comrades and friends,

We are surprised by the denial that it had to provide the leadership of the CGT following 
our message of support to the trade union of Air France in trial. The photo taken from the 
town of Manbij and our declaration were intended only comrades trial to ensure that, even 
at the other end of the world, they support, and no case lead the CGT in any polemic.

No this is absolutely not the union that has sent us to fight in Syria and it is not he 
who organized us. It is not the purpose of the CGT. This is our own that we visited Syria 
to fight the fascist organization Daech the side of the Kurdish people.

It was here that we realized we had to be more to the CGT union, which has strengthened 
our relationship, and it is simply comrades comrades avon we wanted to give our support to 
unionists on trial.

Even here we can follow the news of our country and we are proud of the work done by the
CGT, particularly during the last strikes against the Labour Law. However we have no right 
to speak out on behalf of the CGT. We apologize if our comrades dragged them into polemics.

However we wish to answer this to the leadership of the CGT:

First of all we can not be regarded as a "small group" because we are not a political 
Then we chose the name for our comrade Henri Krasucki Brigade (or takim here) because we 
believe our fight in the continuity of his. Internationalist he combated the Nazi 
occupation in France in the ranks of the FTP-MOI, and then continued his struggle within 
the Communist Party and the CGT leadership to defend the right of tavailleuses and 
workers. Its values of fraternity and peace, we bring them here against the fascist 
organization Daech and freedom of the Syrian people crushed by years of war.
During the Spanish Civil War are hundreds that we could count the CGT members left to 
fight Franco alongside the Spanish Republicans.

We continue their fight.

Henri Krasucki brigade


Message: 2

Racism State ; antiracist struggles; Contractual teachers; disability; The post office; 
struggle unionism; Monsanto / Bayer ; capitalism; Syria ; Migrants in Hungary; 
emancipatory pedagogy; Budapest 1956 ---- Editorial: Racist everywhere ---- Spotlight: 
Racism State ---- class solidarity against the racist system ---- Which anti-racist 
struggles in France? ---- Social ---- contractuel.les: A school of 
precariousness ---- Education: A supported disability discount ---- Post: "The case of 
Émeline is a breach in the wall of the postal silence" ---- Call: From the future struggle 
unionism. ---- Ecology ---- Redemption Monsanto Bayer: Towards a monopoly on life ---- 
Economy ---- Analysis: Understanding capitalism to better destroy the ---- International 
---- Syria: At the heart of the imperialist melee
A book: Me, Viyan, fighting against Daech
Migrants: In Hungary Refugees not welcome

Education: Towards a liberating critical pedagogy

Interview with Alain Guyard: "We are condemned to philosophize at the margin"
Documentary Film: The Philo wanders Yohan Laffort
Graphic novel: Kobanî Calling of Zerocalcare
test: Eye of the Needle. State violence and police militarization of Pierre 

It was 60 years ago, Budapest working class against authoritarian socialism

Editorial: Racist everywhere

In November elections were held in the US: Clinton against Trump. The politician morgue 
against the fascist farce. The political rise of billionaire is undoubtedly a sign of a 
terrible tidal wave in a country where hate crimes are increasing. That millions of people 
attracted by xenophobic discourse, authoritarian and misogynist Trump.

Many other countries also have their "Donald Trump." This figure of the politician who 
claims to be "outside the system" then so is the product. This figure who claims to fight 
the "politically correct" while stating that most other politicians dare not say openly 
but yet they run through their policies. This figure who claims to defend "the people" in 
the only goal of the exploit to gain power.

Gradually being put in place an international crime, the racist and authoritarian 
politicians. Hungary, Turkey, Russia, Poland, Austria soon, the extreme right is in power 
in a growing number of countries.

Faced with this, there is more room for the warmth of mollassonne parliamentarist circus: 
social democracy saw its last convulsions in guéguérresd'ego and adventurism of some 
daffodils. The show of clowns and magicians apprentice has lasted long enough, that the 
social war between the track!

Alternative Libertaire, 29 September 2016


Message: 3

Yesterday morning in view of the City Council on the issue of migrants installation in 
Rethymnon was called, from the ASE fascists and Bulk and members of Saori ( "Rethymnon 
debtors mutual association", a club with a clear right-wing orientation that has garnered 
around the emetic syferto from xenophobic householders, shopkeepers and entrepreneurs with 
clear economic interests, megaloagrotes pimps etc.) concentration outside the town Hall. - 
Fascists of ASE, the Bulk and "branches" them, have long been adopted as fixed regularly 
be presented to the local councils as "indignant citizens" and throw up their racist bile. 
---- But this time they were confronted with antifascists Rethymnon city that will not 
leave them unconcerned in an attempt to spread fear about the possible migrate immigrants 
with the familiar rhetoric for public order and health, the Islamization of society and 
terrorists hiding among them !! Arguments can find foothold in an already frightened 
society by government policies and impoverishment which is looking frantically for a 
'scapegoat' apopoiontas own responsibilities.

Reaching the point of the antifascists-twisted to also guest-fascist gathering, faced with 
all the above medley that was with him, and the necessary accompaniment of riot police.

On antekliseis and scuffle that followed were injuries on both sides, and four arrests 
antifascists of which 2 were converted to arrests.

Comrades and antifascists Rethymnon is not alone. They bring all of us to stand alongside 
the oppressed regardless of color, nationality and religion.




S-anarchists, antifascists-Ries


Occupation Annunciation.


Message: 4

Antifascist march in Oreokastro, a microphone, reading and sharing text residents, held by 
150 people of antiauthoritarian space, with the participation of the ERC Thessaloniki, in 
response to racist decision of Parents Associations not accept refugee children in 
schools. Here self al context the ERC text Thessaloniki shared: Our grandparents refugees, 
immigrant parents, we racists? ---- On Tuesday the 13th became known notice of the 
parents' association and school guardians of Oreokastro, which threatened with closure of 
the school in case of registration as students or use of the building by immigrant 
children. This decision follows the municipal contribution Oreokastrou and finds warm 
allies and supporters of both the mayor and other listeners and consultants in chorus 
proclaiming racist far right and their delusions. As a local authority can be competent to 
daktylodeiktei about who can and who can not go to school such moves are intended only to 
create enmity and conservative hysteria before taken any decision and action is taken. We 
live together, we work together.

Migration was a constant need of the oppressed, the workers / three claiming 
viosimoteris life. Depending on the military - economic conditions change on the sources 
and routes in that time many people forcibly uprooted communities of different 
nationalities are forced to stack standby camps around the urban area. Refugee children, 
migrant children do not live the first time. In Greece several years now children of 
second and third generation immigrants were and are classmates / behavior shows, our 
neighbors. Living together with people who have different ethnic, religious identity is a 
problem only for those who espouse fascist perceptions. "How to be saved from the" freedom 
"of our slavery and the" for homeland "traitors? And when the gods of atheists and 
cannibals? "
K. Varnalis.

The fascist and racist threats or fear either as brainless and mindless words 
politikantismou only nationalism reminiscent of where we are hostile and opposed class. We
will not let such announcements missed. We invite teachers, parents, students / only three 
inhabitants of Oreokastro condemn the racist statements. The text sharing and photos HERE .

For the "padlock" in Eleftheroudaki bookstore and the refusal of employers to compensate 
U stated inter alia: For us, the workers, the "padlock" in Eleftheroudaki adds another row 
to the long list of anti-worker abuses of many companies of the book and not only 
industry. the workers pay the bill of the crisis and become hostages of employers, in 
circumvention of all their labor rights, with unpaid work, pressures and blackmail, 
individual contracts, wage cuts, job rotation , bowing his head in front of the whirlwind 
of unemployment. the case was not closed. We will not stop. We will fight to the end for 
the full payment of salaries and allowances of our colleagues, revealing the unstable 
business operating area and the discharge of the obligations towards employees. We demand 
immediate payment and settlement of labor requirements and compliance in judicial 
decisions. With collegial solidarity, organization and resistance in every shop, every 
office and warehouse, we claim all together everything you owe us, to fight for our 
future. Together with our Association and the labor movement have greater power. None 
itself in crisis. At competitions and collectivity our response and solution! You can find 
the entire announcement SYVCHPSA, HERE .

The free movement of unemployed is nonnegotiable said in a statement the collectivity 
Active A ' are executed. We demand and expect answers by all responsible, and persons and
services on how to launch the issue of our free movement, says the announcement of 
collegiality and concludes: sometimes thinking about abolishing the free movement of the 
unemployed. No step back from what our rights! The entire announcement is here. See also
on HERE .

In a 48-hour nationwide strike went Thursday, September 22 and Friday, September 23, the 
seamen. The seafarers unions did strike as the shipping sector revels the "black", 
uninsured labor.

They remain unpaid workers who worked or are working in "STONE" business in Naousa to the 
time that had signed settlement of debts accrued unobserved by employers.

Vindictive dismissal against workers and trade unionist from the store «MAX PERRY» 
Galatsi. The woman reacted with the anti-labor measures of employers and discussing them
with her colleagues, which -as seems, did not like the bosses.

Criminalize the example of BICM. mentioned text of the Assembly of S.E.VIOME on the 
occasion of automatic (!) a preliminary investigation by the Prosecutor of Thessaloniki, m 
after reporting - termination of the insolvency administrator of Indu that he was not 
allowed entry to the factory.

The announcement (full text can be found HERE ) says in closing: The vindication of our 
struggle, we know very well that only by struggling and solidary society can come. All all 
all these years we walk together in strikes, demonstrations, occupations, against social 
desertification policies. From everyone who over the years building together relationships 
and structures of another economy, cooperative, self-managed by the workers themselves and 
geared to meeting social needs and not on profit individuals. All all all these years, in 
Greece and abroad, we weave a dense and warm solidarity network capable to ensure survival 
beyond the market and the state. Together we will face the new challenge, as with 
cancellation auctions together we defended and protected the self-management of the 
factory, together have ensured the availability of our products. And now the reason 
belongs again as from the beginning of this process, all / s us. Let's make once again 
clear to all authority, all racing and solidarity within our means, that INDU will stay in 
the hands of labor, that we will not abandon those who with great effort and struggle 
created and kept us in life creating a new life, that the law of resistance will find ways 
to eventually imposed on the institutionalized lawlessness and law domination. Besides, we 
have a whole world to defend anymore! Small and weak so far, but the seed of collective 
emancipation be incubating within.

Mobilization against the inclusion of the company in Superfund Privatization held Friday 
23/9 employees in the company "Building Infrastructures SA". In order to make the protest 
scene in the House, the workers went on the same day work stoppage.

Deadly labor "accident" quasi employer murder victim a 61chrono, made Wednesday, September 
21 at Livadia . Reportedly, the "accident" occurred during work on forest road in Koronia 
area. The driver of the vehicle, which carrying materials on behalf of the company that 
was responsible for the project, it was crushed by the vehicle, thus mortally wounded. 
Transferred by ambulance to the Hospital of Livadia, which found his death.

Serious accident -for us another near-employer crime - happened to the Monday, September 
20. Laborer who worked in the contractor company "STARFISH" and were making painting work 
on the ship "MINERVA VASO" in No.2 tank of Elefsis Shipyards, was seriously injured as a 
result amputate the fingers of his hand at the time of the work. The intensification of 
work and the impairment of health and safety measures at the altar of profit for employers 
was nearly cost the lives of a still working.

Concentration on request be taken behind the dismissal of trade unionist and worker from 
an employer of VEMEKEP, held on Friday 23 September in the Courts of Volos, where he was
to be the judge of the relevant case. At the rally attended by the sectoral metal union, 
unions, organizations and employees the region and the VEMEKEP labor union. e say the 
request of the employer VEMEKEP the hearing for interim relief of worker and trade 
unionist was postponed to 27 January 2017. as the dismissal was wrongful and vindictive 

Event on developments in the Book space organizes the Monday, September 26 at 8.00 pm in 
the self Navarino Park (Exarchia), the Initiative Colleagues in Book-Paper-Digital Media 
space. Subject: "The crisis and its impact on the area of the Book and Publications. " Th 
a talk - Anna Karakatsoulis (historian UOA) - Venus Tziatzi (journalist) - Chris Touliatos 

Call f or rupture in § d protest situation i let Wed d PTH 28/9, oh pg 4pm to share i 
istration of Wind Maroussi, Kifissias Av. I let 66 addresses the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF 
WORKERS WIND ( Passe-WIND). In the coda text the Passe-WIND stated: continue our 
demonstrations following the protests show that will take place on 28.09.2016, out of the 
building of Wind facilities in Maroussi (66 Kifissias). Because we believe that the fight 
that we do not begin and end in the Wind but overall terms the industry and beyond and is 
part of the overall struggle against the attack we receive from governments and employers, 
we invite our colleagues in Wind and associations and other collectives to contribute to 
the success of mobilizing their active participation. Read full call HERE .

Concentration solidarity redundant the "Cement Halkis' was Thursday, the 22nd September 
with BPH to Courts of Halkida where was discussed the lawsuit lodged by the workers to be 
declared invalid dismissals made by the multinational" Lafarge ", owner of the factory, 
from August 2014 until July 2015. it is worth recalling that on January 30, 2015, the 
Chalkida Court had pay allowances 118 workers laid off from April 2013 up to July 2014, 
declaring void the dismissal. However , the multinational appealed against the decision, 
which was determined to trial on April 5, 2017, and proceeded to new layoffs.

Until Sunday, September 25 extended their strike workers in "Sagittarius SA" (contractor 
works company DEDDHE Attica), which together with their colleagues from Corinth claiming
the payment of all accrued, fixed payment date each month, compliance measures health and 
safety. at the same time, they seek to be paid and their colleagues at the subcontractors 
'Sagittarius', where there the situation is even worse.

There will be sacrificed on the altar of the interests mentioned Initiative Communication 
Workers Bank of Attica , on the occasion of the imminent sale of the bank, while katange l 
func and the association's stance. The communication (ol as clergy the y i -matter HERE ) 
ended as follows: From our side, we were actively alongside each sacked, every employee in
the public or private sector, media, manufacturing, or wherever, who works unpaid for 
months or his salary reduced, any pensioner who sees his pension be replaced by 
"allowance" wonder. And will continue to do so. Channels are cut so lately on labor 
rights, they will remember to give battle to the Bank's employees not become Attica victim 
of the war of the bosses? Rhetorical question ...

Call for solidarity gathering in court on September 29 where it heard the claim, submitted 
by the employers «Forthnet - Nova», against Forthnet Workers Association, addressed the 
the club itself and employees in the business.

Call to court - Cadets, Wednesday, September 28 8:30, building 13, room 3 from SVEOD for 
the immediate vindication competitor unionist Andreas Giannakis against the bosses of ACS. 
Everybody / s in Solidarity concentration Fighter unionist of SVEOD. Text for the same 
case, which shared the 2010 nationwide outside ACS shops

Calling a meeting for joint advocacy actions indu .The Solidarity Initiative (Athens) 
in indu calls unions, collectives and activists \ only three social movements in 
information meeting on the latest developments and exploration of joint actions for the 
defense of self-managed indu and tackling criminalization effort and repression of the 
struggle of the workers. On Wednesday, September 28, 19:00, the haunt of the People's 
Assembly Exarchia, Themistocles and Valtetsiou in Exarchia Square.

T State decreased by 16 128 jobs in the private sector with simultaneous expansion of 
flexible forms of employment ¨ see ¨ system components ERGANI, a SYSTEMIC ordination ie
tools used al v governments. Specifically details ERGANI record the largest negative 
balance recruitment - layoffs for the month of August , in time by 2012. Moreover, the 
trend of domination of tires and temporary forms of employment. About recruitment balance 
- layoffs in August 2016 were 16 128 redundancies over recruitment. In August 2012 
redundancies were more in 2178, 2013 and 2014 recruitment was most at 10.969 and 1.311,
respectively, and 2015 dismissals They outnumbered by 441. also, recruitment to positions 
of partial and job rotation in August 2016 are 53.3% of total recruitment, as with the 
previous months. Since August 2013, part-time appointments have increased by 135% to 
rotating by 266% and total (partial and rotation) by 161%! Continuous upward trend show 
and fixed-point showing the precariousness of employment. This conclusion is implied in 
the information relating to the termination of such contracts. So, in August 2016 ended 53 
212 fixed-term contracts, up 170% compared to the 19 670 fixed-term contracts expired in 
August 2013. Finally, enormous is the growth of so-called 'voluntary' redundancies as from 
August 2012 until August 2016 has increased by 310%!


Message: 5

AIT/IWA Dear comrades: ---- CNT-E, FAU and USI are sections of the International Workers' 
Association (IWA), founded in 1922. ---- We consider essential and urgent the existence of 
an active and inclusive anarcho-syndicalist International, which participates in and 
promotes struggles of workers worldwide and facilitates social improvements for them 
through this. Unfortunately, we have to admit that despite our best efforts the IWA has 
deviated from its principles and practices. Instead of concentrating on union activity, it 
has become bureaucratic, dogmatic and isolationist with regard to the labor movement. 
Considering this, we need to rebuild our International. ---- We believe that our 
International should restrict itself to general principles that express the commonalities 
that the members sections have, despite their different histories, traditions and 
social-economic situations. For us these general principles include:

- being an anarcho-syndicalist or revolutionary syndicalist organization as well as a 
bottom-up organization;

- not receiving economic funding from the state due to being a union or carrying out union 

- not supporting as an organisation any electoral project, neither of a political party 
nor of individual candidates.

In addition, we believe that member sections should have at least 100 members nationally. 
We believe that smaller groups can carry out propaganda activities or local conflicts 
better and should concentrate on developing at the national level, before taking part in 
the complex decision-making process of an International. In order to support groups which 
have less than 100 members we will have the status "Friends". We wish to help such groups 
grow and would be pleased to have them take part in our international solidarity campaigns.

At the same time, we do not presume to know or be aware of every other initiative 
worldwide that might fulfil these requirements. Therefore, we are issuing this open 
invitation to the Intenational Conference, to be held in Bilbao (Spain) on November 26-27, 
2016 during which we will be able to work towards a congress to rebuild an IWA. At the 
conference you will have a chance to present your organisation and its work, get to meet 
other similar initiatives, assess the benefits of joining us in this endeavor, make 
contributions and proposals towards the congress agenda and the rebuilding of an IWA, and 
explore, in any case, the possibility of joint international actions and solidarity.

Even if your organization is not interested in joining this project on a more formal 
capacity, or ultimately decides not to, we still invite you to contact us to collaborate 
in international solidarity campaigns.

A proposal for the conference agenda and more practical info will be sent at a later date 
to those organizations that have expressed an interest in participating in it.

You can contact us on any of the following email addresses to express your interest, 
confirm your attedance, raise queries or concerns, etc.:





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