Today's Topics:
1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Montreuil - history,
Algeria: A tribute to the anarchist Saïl Mohamed (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (
2. Australia, Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation asf-iwa: Leading
fast food chain in Indonesia escalates repression against workers
demanding basic rights (
3. FREEDOM TO AGONIST Lebanese Georges Abdullah located
krtaoumenos to 32 years in prison by the French State By A.P.O.
(gr) [machine translation] (
4. schwarze Ruhr-Uni Reading Group - From Democracy to Freedom
5. Greece, Patra: Demonstration against the border war and the
modern totalitarianism By A.P.O. (gr) [machine translation]
6. Support prosecuted anarchists in Rijeka, Croatia
Message: 1
Relatively known character of the anarchist movement of the years 1930-1950, it was called
Saïl Mohamed. Under his real name of Saïl Mohand Ameziane, we just make it a public
tribute in Kabylia. ---- A few dozen inhabitants and residents of Tibane (Algeria),
political activists, trade unionists and associations, participated Friday, October 14,
2016, a commemorative day initiated by the youth of the village association Taddartiw
Taourirt tribute Mohand Ameziane Sail (Saïl Mohamed) 63 years after his death. ---- After
listening historians lectures, a visit was made to the birthplace of Mohamed Saïl, where a
commemorative plaque was affixed. His niece had made the trip to Algiers. ---- The
newspaper Liberté has a story of the day (below) and website Bejaia News , which ignites a
bit considering that Saïl had been "buried by the official Algerian history."
In reality, Saïl Mohamed was, until recently, known as historians of anarchism.
As anarchist - even libertarian communist, to be exact - it was to your fingertips. It was
even a "intransigent" of the movement, if we analyze his career and his writings[1]:
activist AU platformist, union the CGT-SR anarcho-syndicalist (minority choice among his
comrades) volunteer combatant in Spain, militant FA after 1945 in Fontenis trend in
1952-1953 ...
In Spain in 1936
Saïl Mohamed and Fernand Metant at Farlete (near Zaragoza), before the tomb where lie the
dead of the International Group of the Durruti column. Photo published in Spain
antifascist , November 18, 1936.
In the front row in the middle, with comrades of the International Group of the Durruti
column in 1936.
He certainly fought tirelessly against colonialism, since the Hexagon where he was now,
but died a few months before the insurrection of Toussaint in 1954, and could not
therefore take part in the struggle for independence.
No doubt he would have been at the forefront, with activists and militants of the
Communist Federation libertarian , or those of libertarian North African Movement .
Guillaume Davranche (AL Montreuil)
Read the article that had been devoted to Sail Mohamed by the journal Ballast
A photo report Arezki Saker, who also filmed the presentations at the conference.
Library Tibane hosted the conference.
A visit to the birthplace of Sail Mohamed, in Taourirt, to which was affixed a plaque.
Niece Sail Mohamed came Algiers.
Liberty, 14-15 October 2016
The Taddart-iw sociocultural village association Taourirt, in the town of Tibane, daïra
Shemini (wilaya of Bejaia) yesterday organized a commemorative day in honor Mohand
Ameziane Saïl, an anarchist and independence activist misunderstood, native this locality
tribe Waghlis Ath in 1894, died in April 1953 in Bobigny, near Paris.
As such, members of the organizing association, headed Ameziane Hadjab, developed a rich
program of activities, including a clipping exhibition of photos and documents depicting
the life and work of the anarchist from the region, held in the town library of Tibane.
In the afternoon of the same day, this structure hosted a roundtable on this former
driver-mechanic, attended by academics, elected officials, trade unionists, political
activists and ...
Invited to speak at the meeting-debate, Professor Djamal Aissani, president of the
Association learned Gehimab University of Bejaia, has paid tribute to the youth of the
village Taourirt for taking the initiative to light the deceased Mohand Ameziane Saïl and
resurrect his work and thought. "It was perhaps the first French-speaking intellectual of
the entire region, since published several articles in the early 1920s attended one of
five schools located in the colonial tribe Ath Waghlis since 1885, "says Professor Aissani.
Many activists claiming the left, the image of the former mayor of Barbacha Mohand Saddek
Akrour, took turns at the microphone to highlight the struggle of this anarchist
disappeared, but also to put forward their ideas which are very similar to those held by
the latter.
For Mr. Akrour, Berber activist and former prisoner of the 1980 events, the Amazigh people
is anarchist nature, by its social organization, its customs ... He believed that
anarchist ideas advocated by Mohand Ameziane Saïl begin to gain ground and eventually fail
by taking the above into this world in turmoil.
Note that the various speakers emphasized the need to continue this work of memory and
research to rehabilitate the valiant journey of this anti-colonialist militant.
Finally, it should be noted that this commemorative day ended with the inauguration of a
stele bearing the likeness of the late Mohand Ameziane Saïl, which now stands in the
middle of his native village Taourirt. This ceremony will be followed by a snack in honor
of the guests of the town of Tibane.
Kamal Ouhnia
[1]His biography is available on the website Maitron online.
Message: 2
Champ Resto Indonesia, one of Indonesia's leading fast food chains, is escalating its
aggression against workers and their union, who are demanding respect for basic rights.
Last November, a Champ Resto worker's new-born baby died when the child was refused
essential hospital care. Only then did workers become aware that they were not registered
in the government health insurance program for employees and their families. ---- The
father of the new-born child, who had worked at Champ Resto for fourteen years, was fired
for missing 5 days' work while the family mourned. When members of the national hotel and
restaurant workers' federation FSPM demonstrated in Bandung in July to demand that Champ
Resto register all employees for family medical coverage in accordance with government
regulations, 83 workers were immediately dismissed.
Management refuses reinstatement and has responded to union protests by further pressuring
union members. Fourteen workers active in the union were transferred from Bandung to
Jakarta - a distance of over 100 kilometers and 3 hours' travel. Without accommodation and
separated from their families, 12 of the 14 resigned.
The union continues to hold weekly demonstrations to demand reinstatement of the dismissed
workers, full respect for trade union rights and the inclusion of all company workers and
their families in the government health insurance scheme.
You can support their struggle - USE THE FORM BELOW TO SEND A MESSAGE TO CHAMP RESTO!
Your name:
Your email:
Your union/organization:
Here is the message you are sending:
To President Director PT. Champ Resto Indonesia Ali Gunawan Budiman
I have learned from the IUF that 83 workers were dismissed when members of the FSPM
demonstrated following the tragic death of long-serving Champ Resto employee Kemal Ahmad's
new-born child. Workers at your company had every right to protest when they learned that
employees and family members had not been enrolled in the government BPJS health insurance
program. I have also learned that union members have been summarily transferred from
Bandung to Jakarta and others threatened with transfer or lack of promotion simply for
exercising their human right to join a union. I call on your company to immediately
reinstate the 83 dismissed workers, take immediate action to ensure that all workers and
their families are properly registered in the government health insurance scheme and
ensure full respect for the rights of the FSPM and its members.
Yours sincerely
If you wish to send your own message and not use this text, please open your email client
and paste these addresses into the To field:
Message: 3
The Z. Abdullah was active politically in the early 1970s, even at a young age, in the
ranks of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and later participated in the
establishment of the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Fraction. Until his arrest he fought
against the Israeli state and the occupation regime imposed a large part of the
Palestinian territories and southern Lebanon. Already, after the Six-Day War in 1967 and
the Arab-Israeli war of 1973, Israel had extended its domination of the Palestinian land,
and the increasing expansionism led to the invasion of the south originally Lebanon and
march a few years later in 1982, until the capital Beirut and the massacre of thousands of
Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila. ---- Within this context and as in many European
countries taking place actions against American and isrilinon objectives in the fight
internationalization, the Z. Abdullah was arrested in 1984 in France on charges of
possession of false identities and sentenced to four years imprisonment. During his
detention, and under the pressure of US and Israeli authorities, retrial and sentenced to
life for the execution of an American military and an Israeli agent.
Throughout the course of several years of imprisonment will keep a consistent militant and
combative attitude, participating in hunger strikes in solidarity to prisoners in white
cells of Turkey, in Basque and Palestinian political prisoners and will continue to speak
and struggling for the liberation of Palestine from Israeli occupation.
Despite the fact that since 1999 is entitled to conditional release, all applications
rejected by the French State in line with the vengeful requirement of the US government
and Israel remain imprisoned because of his competitive attitude over the years.
On October 24 the Z. Abdullah completes 32 years in prison he threw with all his strength
in the just struggle of the Palestinian people, he stood against the Israeli occupation
and crimes committed by the Israeli state and its allies, he continues to battle against
exploitation and oppression.
We stand in solidarity alongside all the competitors in every part of the world, the
struggles of the oppressed for freedom, equality and dignity. And will not let anyone
agonist hostage in state hands!
"Freedom is the only human adventure which is worth fighting and living"
E. Goldman
Anarchist Collectivism "Circle of Fire"
Message: 4
"Democracy is the most universal political ideal of our day. George Bush invoked it to
justify invading Iraq; Obama congratulated the rebels of Tahrir Square for bringing it to
Egypt; Occupy Wall Street claimed to have distilled its pure form. From the Democratic
People's Republic of North Korea to the autonomous region of Rojava, practically every
government and popular movement calls itself democratic. ---- And what's the cure for the
problems with democracy? Everyone agrees: more democracy. Since the turn of the century,
we've seen a spate of new movements promising to deliver real democracy, in contrast to
ostensibly democratic institutions that they describe as exclusive, coercive, and
alienating." ---- Did you ever doubt that democracy real brings the freedom it promises?
In our reading group based on the text "From Democracy to Freedom" by Crimethinc we will
doubt this promise of freedom. Our discussion not only is planed to focus on the text, but
to include our own experiences with democracy and those of others around the world.
Also our idea is to develop strategies and acts helping to create real freedom and
opposing the pacification of our desires for self-determination
The reading group will be in English and German. When the German translation of "From
Democracy to Freedom" is published we will share it here. "From Democracy to Freedom" will
be also available as brochure for donations at first reading group meeting. The reading
group starts at 15.11.2017 at 18:00 in the cafeteria of GC and will be afterwards meet on
every Tuesday at the same time.
Message: 5
The devastating effects of these crusades and the capitalist periphery intensive looting
is the disintegration of all social life meaning and existence in the Middle East where
the war has swept local populations. It is these effects result in millions of uprooted
and desperate people to try in every way to escape and entry into Europe. ---- After the
war in Syria, a huge refugee and migratory wave moved from the wider war zone to the west,
to Europe - Fortress. ---- The new treaty is formed, resulting in a revision of previous
agreements -as Dublin 2 and the further enhancement of FRONTEX, creating hot spots and
many new camps, closure of borders to refugees and immigrants consistently trapping tens
of thousands at entry corridors of Fortress Europe.
The people of the state and capitalism is bankrupt. It can not give answers to real social
needs and not to promise nothing but more misery, poverty, oppression, cannibalism, war
and death.
We live in an age that must connect with their political partners and competitors
internationally, to tackle common assault which dechomaste.Apo Mexico to Turkey and to
Greece to the slums of France, shouting in our class brothers that nothing it is not over
and that nobody oppressed is not alone as there is resistance and struggle. For the
construction of a new emancipated society based on dignity, justice, freedom, solidarity
in the wreckage of the world powers, the state and capital.
Demonstrations: Thursday, October 20, 18:00 in pl. Georgiou
anarchist group "restive horse" / member of the Anarchist Political Organisation |
Related Posts:
Political call to Struggle Anarchist Encounter
Poster Anarchist Struggle Meeting
program of actions and events Anarchist Struggle Meet
Message: 6
Another trial of anarchists held on October 20 in Rijeka, Croatia. We express the symbolic
support. ---- Zoran and Eugen, friends of the Croatian organization MASA (Mreža
anarhosindikalista and anarhosindikalistkinja - Network of anarcho-syndicalists), a member
of the International of Anarchist Federations, faced state repression for their engagement
in the context of popular protests against the privatization of the private sector, which
took place in Croatia in 2013. It another case of criminalization of social protest and
the intimidation of those who had the courage to act. ---- The last court hearing of the
case will take place already on Thursday 20. 10. Rijeka. ---- We call for a symbolic
expression of solidarity: Take a photo (just like you see in the picture below) and send
it, if possible, even before the trial begins Thursday.
Against judicial and police repression against anarchists!
Information about the case here:
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» Anarchistic update news all over the world - 23 October 2016