3 top innovative articles on ecology.
These publications are the 3 first papers on the list of 36 Web of Science papers. Online full texts free, Web-pages, links, DOI. 36 top papers on environment, ecology, biology;
Indexed, with comments what is new, with links, web-pages of full texts online free. Environmental sciences, life sciences. Authored: Fulbright Award winner Dr. S.A. Ostroumov. Publications with DOI; citation of these publications.
These publications are the 3 first papers on the list of 36 Web of Science papers. Online full texts free, Web-pages, links, DOI. 36 top papers on environment, ecology, biology;
- the entire list of 36 papers is here:
- http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/09/36-web-of-science-papers-online-full.html
- http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/12/online-full-texts-free-web-pages-links.html
- previous drafts:
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/104689498/
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/103423829/
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/103423829/36-Innovative-Publications-With-Comments-on-What-is-New
Indexed, with comments what is new, with links, web-pages of full texts online free. Environmental sciences, life sciences. Authored: Fulbright Award winner Dr. S.A. Ostroumov. Publications with DOI; citation of these publications.
- In English:
- http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/12/online-full-texts-free-web-pages-links.html
- http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/indexed-with-abstracts-web-of-science.html
- **
- Content of this material: 4 sections [see: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/09/36-web-of-science-papers-online-full.html ]
- :
- Section 1. List of 36 publications, indexed at Web of Science;
- Section 2. About some of the journals that published these papers;
- Section 3. More about the author;
- Section 4. Citation of these publications.
- **
- Section 1:
- List of 36 publications, indexed at Web of Science:
- Publication 1.
- Abstract: Innovative conceptualization of ecosystem’s biomachinery (a new scientific term that was proposed by the author; it means ecological mechanisms that include biological communities and biodiversity) which improves water quality. The innovative experimental data analysis, concepts, and generalizations in this article provide the fundamental elements of the new qualitative theory of biocontrol of water quality in a systematized form. The theory covers water self-purification in freshwater and marine ecosystems. The theory is supported by the results of the author’s experimental studies of the effects exerted by some chemical pollutants including synthetic surfactants, detergents, and other xenobiotics on aquatic organisms. The new fundamental conceptualization provides a basis for remediation of polluted aquatic ecosystems including purification of water bodies and streams, and briefly present the qualitative theory of the self-purification mechanism of aquatic ecosystems, phytoremediation and other types of technologies.
- Title: Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification;
- Author(s): Ostroumov S. A.
- Source: RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY, 2010, Volume: 80, Issue: 13, Pages: 2754-2761,
- DOI: 10.1134/S1070363210130086,
- Published: DEC 2010; full text:
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227303635 ;
- http://www.scribd.com/ar55/d/49131150;
- http://www.econf.rae.ru/article/6960.
- http://moscowstate.academia.edu/SergeiOstroumov/Papers/1479000
- http://moscowstate.academia.edu/SergeiOstroumov/Papers/1479000/Ostroumov_S._A._Biocontrol_of_Water_Quality_Multifunctional_Role_of_Biota_in_Water_Self-Purification._-_Russian_Journal_of_General_Chemistry_2010_Vol._80_No._13_pp._2754-2761_49131150-S-A-Ostroumov-Biocontrol-of-Water-Quality-Multifunctional-Role-of-Biota-10Rus-J-gen-Chem-Fulltext
- The reference in a traditional form:
- Ostroumov S. A. Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification. - RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY, 2010, 80 (13): 2754-2761.
- Explanation of terminology: ‘Biocontrol’ here is the same as ‘biological regulation’, ‘influence of biological factors’.
- **
- Publication 2.
- Explanation of novelty: This paper is the first publication that reported the concentrations of a number of chemical elements (including rare earth elements) in biological detritus (biodetritus). The rare earth elements are a key component of modern hi-technology products and they are a new component in the modern solid wastes and waste waters. This paper is an innovative and significant contribution to the database for modern environmental monitoring.
- **
- Biodetritus that formed over a 7-month period in microcosms with aquatic mollusks Viviparus viviparus, Unio pictorum, and aquatic higher plant Ceratophyllum demersum contained a number of elements. This is the first study to determine concentrations of some elements in biodetritus. Neutron activation analysis showed that the elements concentrations decrease in the following order: Ca > Zn > Ba > Br > Ce > Se > Nd > La > U (uranium) > Hf > Sb > Th > Sm > S > Cs > Au (gold). The data contributed to understanding of the multifunctional (polyfunctional) role of aquatic organisms in aquatic ecosystems.
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/104719698
- Key words:
- Zn, viviparus, unio, U, Th, Sm, Se, Sb, rare, pictorum, Nd, La, Hf, elements, ecosystems, earth, detritus, demersum, Cs, ceratophyllum, Ce, Ca, Br, Ba, Au, aquatic, biogeochemistry,
- Title: The role of biodetritus in accumulation of elements in aquatic ecosystems;
- Authors: Ostroumov S. A.; Kolesov G. M.;
- Source: CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY, 2010; Volume: 3, Issue: 4, Pages: 369-373,
- DOI: 10.1134/S1995425510040016,
- Published: AUG 2010;
- full text free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225471572;
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/75098592/;
- http://moscowstate.academia.edu/SergeiOstroumov/Papers/1897024;
- http://moscowstate.academia.edu/SergeiOstroumov/Papers/1897024/The_role_of_biodetritus_in_accumulation_of_elements_in_aquatic_ecosystems;
- The reference in a traditional form:
- Ostroumov S. A., Kolesov G. M. The role of biodetritus in accumulation of elements in aquatic ecosystems. - CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY, 2010; 3 (4): 369-373.
- **
- Publication 3.
- Explanation of novelty: The paper explained the new scientific terminology (ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators), the scientific terms that were coined in 1986 in the book, S.A.Ostroumov ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’. Since 1986, the book and the new terminology became a part of educational content of a number of courses in universities of at least five countries.
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/201999918;
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/104721100
- Title:
- On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators.
- Author: Ostroumov S. A.
- Source: CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY, 2008, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, Pages: 238-244,
- DOI: 10.1134/S1995425508020100; Published: APR 2008;
- Full English text online free:
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/201999918;
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/41634664;
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/73795942;
- http://www.econf.rae.ru/article/6961;
- http://moscowstate.academia.edu/SergeiOstroumov/Papers/1897055/
- http://moscowstate.academia.edu/SergeiOstroumov/Papers/1897055/On_the_concepts_of_biochemical_ecology_and_hydrobiology_Ecological_chemomediators;
- Abstract, additional sites: http://www.scribd.com/doc/75100692;
- Links to more information on the book 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology':
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259800839;
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/63711272;
- The reference in a traditional form:
- Ostroumov S. A. On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators. - CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY, 2008, 1 (2): 238-244.
- **
- the continuation of this list of papers (36 papers in toto) is here:
- http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/09/36-web-of-science-papers-online-full.html
- About the author:
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/
- All About Scientific Results, Activities of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov. Ecology, Environmental science, water quality, biology, pollution control, conservation.1 AWARDS, HONORS; 2 DISCOVERIES; 3 PUBLICATIONS; 4 CITATION; 5 COMMENTS, EVALUATIONS, REVIEWS; 6 AVAILABILITY IN LIBRARIES; 7 EDUCATION http://www.scribd.com/doc/80074854/;