What's Coming Up In September

So usually you get to hear about where I have been, especially when I'm in a funk. But now, you are about to find out where I'm going! The rest of the month has a lot of potential for me. I hope you enjoy this look at the rest of my month.

My summer job is coming to a close. I have loved this summer for several reason. I have learned about myself in many different ways. I've relaxed like I have needed to do so. My health has become a priority like it should have a long time ago. Now though, it time to pack up everything that I have been moving from Alabama to Florida and back again and again. Everything has to go back to Alabama now. It's very bittersweet. This summer was unexpected but definitely worth risking things over like I did.

Upon on returning back to Alabama this week I'm going to spend some quality time with Vin. Now is the time for me to tell you that his health is starting to dwindle down and it is very scary for all of us. Lupus is going after his organs now. Right now the medicine is holding it at bay and it's mostly attacking his thyroid like it has been doing in the past. However, Vin has started taking the precautions of setting up his final arrangements in case something does happen to him. That's has been very hard on him and me as well. We are working out how we want things to go from here; wedding, honeymoon, babies, and my life without him. I'll discuss this in the future more, but now is not the time.

Since I'll be back in Alabama for a tiny bit, I need to get caught up on my desk job. I need to finish up things for the fiscal year and get all of that turned in before October. I can honestly say I'm dreading this week at my desk because it really seems like it will be a very dull week at work. Nothing exciting is happening at all.

What has me dreading this week the most is my follow up doctor's appointment. It is not the pelvic exam that is bothering me, though it doesn't make me jump for joy, but rather it's the blood taking part that sends me to my knees and makes my eyes roll back. The reason I'm not concerned about the pelvic exam is because I want to know what is going on with me. I just wish I could find out without them taking my blood or anything of that nature. If you want to pray for me on Friday at 11 A.M. central time, I would greatly appreciate it!

The day after brings more Alabama football, and a flight to London! I will be in London for three days before heading to Paris for the rest of next week! I have many fun and exciting things planned for the one traveling with me. Vin is not feeling well enough to travel to London and Paris right now otherwise, he would be coming with me.

Why will I be in Paris? Of course, it is something Disney related. It's the Disneyland Paris Half Marathon! Very exciting for those of us who have already ran a race in the US, we will get a special medal for that! There is going to be so much to do and see in Paris and Disneyland Paris! And I promise I am going to blog about London and Disneyland Paris!

After our trip to Europe when we get home it should be about time for the Southern Women show in Birmingham! Now I'm not guaranteeing that I will be attending this, but I would like to do so. I haven't been in a number of years now, and I used to go a lot. It's a big convention like where there are several different businesses with booths that are willing to show you their products or sell things to you. It's a great time forever one!

October 1st, is homecoming at Alabama. Being an alumni from there is a blessing and a huge achievement for me.  I'm very excited about this homecoming at Alabama, because this year I'll spending it with people I love and my family. In years past I have been away or was only there for a few hours. It was always fun in the past and I am looking forward to sharing these memories with my own children.

So that's what is coming up for me in September. I'm not sure of all the things that are packed into October yet, but just maybe it will be just as rewarding as September looks to be! What are your plans for September?

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