Facebook doesn't allow sending many friends at once, so if you want to make a 5k friends Id, you need to add 5k friends, but how? So here is the solution to your problem, first send Multiple friends request, remember not to send many friends request, otherwise action will be blocked. So after sending friends requests, wait for the users to accept your friends requests , when you see your sent friends requests are not being accepted, undo the sent friends request and send multiple friends requests to other people. Repeat this process again and again to make 5k friends Facebook id. Use puffin browser for this. Step (1) Open puffin browser And visit this link. m.facebook.com/friends/center/requests/outgoing/?fb_ref=jwl Step (2) now copy the script and paste it in the url box. And hit run. Your sent friends request will be canceled. javascript:var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('_54k8 _56bs _56bt'); for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) { inputs[i].click(); } Note : make sure first you accept all friends request and then run this script, otherwise all pending friends request will also be canceled.