Remember this in February

Of late I have experienced a lot of special summer scenes.  I do not know if I am becoming more observant  or they are just popping up with greater regularity.

I was riding my bicycle and I saw some flowers with many butterflies in amongst the blossoms.

Of course when I profiled the picture on my facebook page, someone responded invasives.

They of course were speaking of the Purple Loostrife.  And yes it is an invasive species, one not native to this land.  But given that it arrived here almost 200 years ago, I can't get all that worked up over it.  Our world has become so homogenized that invasives are the norm.

Heck have the refugees and more than half the immigrants arriving illegally carry some form of invasive medical condition.  I guess we will just have to learn to live with it.

So as I was delighting in the taking of the pictures, I must have consciously been shutting down the angst and worry about the invasive species.  Does taking joy in a few yellow butterflies feasting on an invasive species make me a bad person. 

For me, I am going to remember the little summer sight and come February  I will look at it again and revel in the blissful scene and not be so worried about invasives to any great degree.  That horse left the barn too long ago for loostrife to be controlled.  Somehow we will need to adapt to the presence.

Sometimes I just want to enjoy what I see without worrying about the long term consequences .

I refer to this as turning down the volume in my head.  I  will explain more about that at another time.

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