Hey friends,
Here in the Caribbean, living as an openly gay person can be incredibly tough. In places like Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, many local LGBT Caribbeans have to live in fear every single day.
But a small island in the Caribbean that I call home is about to break that trend in a HUGE way.
This Monday, Aruba will vote on civil unions for same-sex couples. The bill was introduced by Desiree de Sousa-Croes, an openly gay Senator who married her same sex-partner in the Netherlands.
But religious leaders like Daniel Szpila, a Polish Catholic Priest, are running a vicious counter-campaign. For instance, Szpila said children of gay parents are destined to be handicapped, mentally disturbed, and emotionally deprived.
We need to stop this hate from influencing the vote. Thousands of signatures from around the world in favor of love and equality could convince decision-makers in Aruba.
Aruba is a member of the Kingdom of the Netherlands – the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage back in 2001. And yet, our island’s local laws do not let gay couples get married.
This isn't just about Aruba. If equality wins here, it can set off a chain reaction and bring equality to other countries in the Caribbean.
Aruba is a small island with a population of only 120,000 people. If thousands of us speak up, it will make a huge impression on our parliament and show them that the world is watching.
Thanks for going All Out,
Doris Canwood, Esq.
Straight Alliance in Aruba
Straight Alliance in Aruba