English titles, with links: environmental, science, toxicology, water quality, water purification, self-purification, toxicity, detergents, nanomaterials, Sergei A. Ostroumov,
What is the main result of these publications:
These publications contain 3 main results:
(1) new facts of new types of environmental hazards from chemical pollution were discovered.
(2) on the basis of the new facts, a productive concept of biological mechanims for water purification was formulated. The author developed this productive concept into useful theory of water self-purification in ecosystems. This theory identified, explained and made more understandable a number of interacting natural processes, namely, the processes which work together towards improving water quality in lakes, rivers and seas.
(3) new facts were discovered which will be useful in developing new green technologies to purify water, to decontaminate polluted water.
Evidence of merit.
Many of these publications are In the top 25% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric; the publications were cited in many parts of the world as diverse as U.S., Russia, Australia, China, India, Argentina, U.K., France, Brazil, Sweden, South Africa, Netherlands, Egypt, Austria, Pakistan, Germany et al.
What is the main result of these publications:
These publications contain 3 main results:
(1) new facts of new types of environmental hazards from chemical pollution were discovered.
(2) on the basis of the new facts, a productive concept of biological mechanims for water purification was formulated. The author developed this productive concept into useful theory of water self-purification in ecosystems. This theory identified, explained and made more understandable a number of interacting natural processes, namely, the processes which work together towards improving water quality in lakes, rivers and seas.
(3) new facts were discovered which will be useful in developing new green technologies to purify water, to decontaminate polluted water.
Evidence of merit.
Many of these publications are In the top 25% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric; the publications were cited in many parts of the world as diverse as U.S., Russia, Australia, China, India, Argentina, U.K., France, Brazil, Sweden, South Africa, Netherlands, Egypt, Austria, Pakistan, Germany et al.
Who is the author:
Fulbright Award winning researcher at Moscow University, ex-Visiting Professor at U.S. universities;ResearchGate rating, percentile: Sergei's score is higher than 92.5% of ca. 10 million ResearchGate members'. According to ResearchGate rating, he is the most read author among the faculty of his university.
Book. Biological effects of surfactants [both the paper book and electronic resource]
By: Ostroumov, S. A.. Boca Raton : CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006. (279 p.); [among 100 bestsellers in Toxicology]
Book. Yablokov A.V. and Ostroumov S.A. Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, Prospects. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Barcelona, Budapest. Springer. (1991). XII. 272 p.:
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-75376-3;
ISBN: 978-3-642-75376-3 (eBook); Softcover ISBN 978-3-642-75378-7;
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-75376-3;
ISBN: 978-3-642-75376-3 (eBook); Softcover ISBN 978-3-642-75378-7;
Article: Immobilization of scandium and other chemical elements in systems with aquatic macrophyte. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292950214;
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 85(13):2929-2932 · December 2015,
DOI: 10.1134/S1070363215130083;
Tags: aquatic plants (Myriophyllum aquaticum), measurements, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), chemical elements (scandium, Ce, In, Se, Ru, Pd, U, and Zr),
Sergei A. Ostroumov: Aquatic ecosystem service: Improving water quality. Multifunctional role of the biota in water self-purification in marine and freshwater ecosystems;
Tags: Aquatic ecosystem, Improving water quality, role, aquatic organisms, biological community, water purification, marine ecosystems, freshwater ecosystems,
Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V. A new lecture course: biochemical and molecular ecology (in English).- Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2015. Vol. 20, p. 85-87; Tags: university education, environmental education, modernization of ecology, biochemical ecology, program of a new lecture course, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/287948700.
** Sergei A. Ostroumov, Internet: 2015 (January-August) 8-month Blog Archive. 1200+ posts on environmental science. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281862333.
Sergei A. Ostroumov: The theory of the hydrobiological mechanism of water self-purification in water bodies: from theory to practice; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237496625.
Sergei A. Ostroumov: Publications 2014-2013 (the titles were transliterated), environmental science, ecology, biology; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264197158.
Sergei A. Ostroumov, V. A. Poklonov, S. V. Kotelevtsev, S. N. Orlov: Toxicity of Gold Nanoparticles for Plants in Experimental Aquatic System; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265551300;
Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin 07/2014; 69(3):108–112.
Tags: new method for finding toxicity, aquatic higher plants, nanomaterials, gold, aquatic toxicology, environmental toxicology, discovery of toxicity of gold,
Sergei A. Ostroumov: 17 KEY DISCOVERIES, INNOVATIONS in ecology, environmental sciences, biology. Keywords in: German, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Polish, Czech, Turkish, Ukrainian, French, Slovak, Arabic, et al. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260297085.
S. A. Ostroumov, E. A. Solomonova: Phytotoxicity of a surfactant-containing product towards macrophytes;
[Mini-abstract: Detergent was found to be toxic to aquatic higher plants; tags: synthetic detergent, aquatic plants, elodea, toxicity, aquatic toxicology, environmental toxicology]
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 12/2013; 83(13).
[Mini-abstract: Detergent was found to be toxic to aquatic higher plants; tags: synthetic detergent, aquatic plants, elodea, toxicity, aquatic toxicology, environmental toxicology]
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 12/2013; 83(13).
Ostroumov S.A, co-authors: Papers-Ecology, Environment, Water, Ecotoxicology-available online free, with short comment on what is new. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220035304.
M. E. Johnson, S. A. Ostroumov, J. F. Tyson, B. Xing: Study of the interactions between Elodea canadensisand CuO nanoparticles;
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 12/2011; 81(13).
DOI:10.1134/S107036321113010X; Tags: environmental toxicology and chemistry, aquatic vegetation, aquatic higher plants, elodea, toxic effects, nanomaterials, copper oxide, new facts about toxicity of nanoparticles, sorption, biosorption, biogeochemistry;
Sergei A. Ostroumov, Kotelevtsev S. V: Toxicology of nanomaterials and environment; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265554014.
Ostroumov S.A.: Гидробиология. Экология. он-лайн. Ecology, Hydroecology, Hydrobiology, Biology: Annotated list of materials available online. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/216320815.
S. A. Ostroumov: Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification;
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 12/2010; 80(13):2754-2761.
Tags: role of aquatic organisms, water quality, water purification, aquatic ecosystems, aquatic plants, aquatic invertebrate animals, water filtration, Tags in Chinese: 水生生物,水质,水净化,水生生态系统,水生植物,水生无脊椎动物,水过滤的作用,S. A. Ostroumov, G. M. Kolesov: The Role of Biodetritus in Accumulation of Elements in Aquatic Ecosystems;
Contemporary Problems of Ecology 08/2010; 3(4):369-373.
Tags: aquatic ecosystems, chemical elements, organic matter, bottom sediments, detritus of biological origin, sorption of chemical elements, measurement of concentration of chemical elements, Ca , Zn, Ba,Br,Ce, Se, Nd, La, U, Hf, Sb, Th, Sm, S, Cs, Au, uranium, gold, rare earth elements, neutron activation analysis, aquatic mollusks (Viviparus viviparus, Unio pictorum), aquatic plants (Ceratophyllum demersum), freshwater mollusks, Tags in Chinese: 水生生态系统中,化学元素,有机物,底部沉积物,生物来源的碎屑,化学元素的吸附,化学元素,钙,锌,钡,溴,铈,硒,钕,镧,铀,铪,锑的浓度的测定,钍,Sm,S,铯,金,铀,金,稀土,中子活化分析,水生软体动物(胎生胎生,珠蚌pictorum),水草(金鱼藻),淡水软体动物,S.A. Ostroumov: New contributions to fundamental concepts. Item 2. EXPANDING THE CONCEPTUAL APPARATUS OF ECOLOGY: A NEW TYPOLOGY OF MIGRATION OF ELEMENTS AND MATTER IN THE ECOSYSTEM (BIOSPHERE). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200751556.
S A Ostroumov, G M Kolesov: The aquatic macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum immobilizes Au nanoparticles after their addition to water. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/44634488.
Doklady Biological Sciences 04/2010; 431:124-127. DOI:10.1134/S0012496610020158;
Tags: aquatic higher plants, Ceratophyllum demersum, sorption, biosorption, immobilization, gold, Au, nanoparticles, nanomaterials, nanoscience, water, neutron activation analysis, Tags in Chinese: 水生高等植物,金鱼藻,吸附,吸附,固定化,黄金,金,纳米颗粒,纳米材料,纳米,水,中子活化分析,Ostroumov S. A. et al: Review of five new publications. Sergei A. Ostroumov, Остроумов С.А: Водный МАКРОФИТ CERATOPHYLLUM DEMERSUM ИММОБИЛИЗУЕТ Au ПОСЛЕ ДОБАВЛЕНИЯ В ВОДУ НАНОЧАСТИЦ. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301693440.
Sergei A. Ostroumov, Biological factors in control of water quality. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268871749.
S.A.Ostroumov: Ecological concepts "ecosystem", "biogeocenosis", "ecosystem boundaries": search for new definitions;
S.A.Ostroumov : Biological effects of surfactants on organisms (book). Chapter 4. Biological activity of water which contains non-ionic surfactants.
S.A.Ostroumov : Biological effects of surfactants on organisms (book). Chapter 2. Organisms and methods. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/201202347.
S.A.Ostroumov: book ‘Biological effects of surfactants on organisms’.Chapter 1.Man-made effects and synthetic surfactants as chemicals that pollute aquatic ecosystems. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/201165759.
S A Ostroumov, T V Shestakova: Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: The phytoremediation potential. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/40481671. Doklady Biological Sciences 10/2009; 428(1):444-447. DOI:10.1134/S0012496609050159;
Sergei A. Ostroumov: Biological filters are an important part of the biosphere; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261554265.
Vorozhun I. M., Ostroumov S. A.: On studying the hazards of pollution of the biosphere: Effects of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) on planktonic filter-feeders;
[SDS slowed down the rate of water filtration by Daphnia magna]
Doklady Biological Sciences 04/2009; 425:133-134.
E. V. Lazareva, S. A. Ostroumov: Accelerated decrease in surfactant concentration in the water of a microcosm in the presence of plants: Innovations for phytotechnology; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225149600.
Doklady Biological Sciences 03/2009; 425(1):180-182.
Article. Ostroumov S.A. Towards the general theory of ecosystem-dependent control of water quality. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281403959.
E.V. Lazareva, S.A. Ostroumov: Accelerated Decrease in Surfactant Concentration in the Water of a Microcosm in the Presence of Plants: Innovations for Phytotechnology. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/216153292.
Doklady Biological Sciences ; 2009, Vol. 425, pp. 180–182.
Doklady Biological Sciences ; 2009, Vol. 425, pp. 180–182.
Ostroumov S.A., Shestakova T.V.: Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: The phytoremediation potential. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200502252.
Doklady Biological Sciences 01/2009; 428:444-447.
Doklady Biological Sciences 01/2009; 428:444-447.
S.A. Ostroumov: On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators;
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/201999918. Contemporary Problems of Ecology 04/2008; 1:238-244. DOI:10.1134/S1995425508020100
Ostroumov S. A.: Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200583098. Contemporary Problems of Ecology 02/2008; 1(1):147-152. DOI:10.1134/S1995425508010177
Sergei A. Ostroumov, Остроумов С.А: Elements of the theory of biocontrol of water quality: a factor in the ecological safety of the sources of water / Элементы теории биоконтроля качества воды: фактор экологической безопасности источников водоснабжения. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266735838.
Sergei A. Ostroumov, Solomonova E.A., Остроумов С.А, Соломонова Е.А: Investigation of the interaction of sodium dodecyl sulfate with water macrophytes under experimental conditions. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265594232;
E. A. Solomonova, S. A. Ostroumov: Tolerance of an aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton crispus L. to sodium dodecyl sulphate.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/247887711. Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin 12/2007; 62(4):176-179.
E. A. Solomonova, S. A. Ostroumov: Tolerance of an Aquatic Macrophyte Potamogeton crispus L.to Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215586939.
SA Ostroumov, J. Widdows: Inhibition of Mussel Suspension Feeding by Surfactants of Three Classes.
Hydrobiologia 02/2006; 556:381–386.
S A Ostroumov: Biomachinery for maintaining water quality and natural water self-purification in marine and estuarine systems: elements of a qualitative theory. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261344473;
International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography 01/2006; Volume 1(1):111-118.
International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography 01/2006; Volume 1(1):111-118.
Ostroumov S. A.: On Some Issues of Maintaining Water Quality and Self-Purification;
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215586879. Water Resources 05/2005; 32(3):305-313. DOI:10.1007/s11268-005-0039-7;
SA Ostroumov: On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems.
Russian Journal of Ecology 01/2005; 36(6):414-420.
S. A. Ostroumov: Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/226902807.
Hydrobiologia 01/2005; 542(1):275-286. DOI:10.1007/s10750-004-1875-1;
Hydrobiologia 01/2005; 542(1):275-286. DOI:10.1007/s10750-004-1875-1;
Sergei A. Ostroumov: On the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-purification of aquatic ecosystems. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269092595. Russian Journal of Ecology 01/2005; 36(6):414-420.
Ostroumov S. A: On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200567576.
Doklady Biological Sciences 11/2004; 396:206-211.
Doklady Biological Sciences 11/2004; 396:206-211.
S. A. Ostroumov: The Effect of Synthetic Surfactants on the Hydrobiological Mechanisms of Water Self-Purification: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227176754.
Water Resources 08/2004; 31(5):502-510.
Sergei A. Ostroumov, Остроумов С.А: The Geochemical Apparatus of Aqueous Ecosystems: The Biocos Regulation. ГЕОХИМИЧЕСКИЙ АППАРАТ ВОДНЫХ ЭКОСИСТЕМ: БИОКОСНАЯ РЕГУЛЯЦИЯ. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264039958; Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences 01/2004; 74(9):785-791.
Ostroumov S.A.: On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences, v.396, pp.206-211, 2004; http://www.scribd.com/doc/48099028/.
S.A.Ostroumov, J.Widdows: Effects of cationic surfactant on mussels: inhibition of water filtration.
Ostroumov S. A.: Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions. Rivista di Biologia; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200593682.
Sergei A Ostroumov: Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: Water purification and some other functions. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8083617. Rivista di biologia 01/2004; 97(1):67-78.
S. A. Ostroumov: On the Fourth International Conference “Water Ecosystems and Organisms-4”. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 07/2003; 29(4):262-263. DOI:10.1023/A:1025445212397
S. A. Ostroumov: Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves. Hydrobiologia 05/2003; 500(1):341-344. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/226127394.
Ostroumov S.A., SI Dodson, Hamilton D., SA Peterson, Wetzel R.G.: Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200594244.
Rivista di biologia 05/2003; 96:327-332.
Ostroumov S. A, Walz N, Rusche R: Effect of a cationic amphiphilic compound on rotifers.
Doklady Biological Sciences 05/2003; 390(1-6):252-255.
Sergei A Ostroumov, Stanley I Dodson, David Hamilton, Spencer A Peterson, Robert G Wetzel: Medium-Term and Long-Term Priorities in Ecological Studies. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/9027853. Rivista di biologia 05/2003; 96(2):327-32.
Sergei A Ostroumov: Anthropogenic effects on the biota: Towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10669691. Rivista di biologia 04/2003; 96(1):159-169.
S.A. Ostroumov: The functions of living substances in the biosphere. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences 03/2003; 73(3):232-239. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262184572.
Sergei A. Ostroumov, Остроумов С.А: Ecological concepts "ecosystem", "biogeocenosis", "ecosystem boundaries": search for new definitions (in Rus.) / Концепции экологии "экосистема", "биогеоценоз", "границы экосистем": поиск новых определений; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259431434 .
S. A. Ostroumov: Influence of Some Amphyphilic Substances and Mixtures on Marine Mollusks. Hydrobiological Journal 01/2003; 39(4):97-101. DOI:10.1615/HydrobJ.v39.i4.100
Ostroumov S.A., Rivista di biologia 01/2003; 96:159-169. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215639427.
Ostroumov SA, Dodson SI, Hamilton D, Peterson SA, Wetzel RG: Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies. - Riv. Biol. 2003; 96(2): 327-332. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215639413. Rivista di biologia 01/2003;
Ostroumov S. A.: Anthropogenic effects on the biota: Towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200581960. Rivista di biologia 01/2003; 96(1):159-170.
Ostroumov S. A.: System of principles for conservation of the biogeocenotic function and the biodiversity of filter-feeders. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200576716. Doklady Biological Sciences 11/2002; 383(5):147-150.
Ostroumov S. A: Identification of a New Type of Ecological Hazard of Chemicals: Inhibition of Processes of Ecological Remediation. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200568342. Doklady Biological Sciences 11/2002; 385:377–379.
Ostroumov S.A: New Definitions of the Concepts and Terms Ecosystem and Biogeocenosis.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200577836. Doklady Biological Sciences 03/2002; 383:141-143. DOI:10.1023/a:1015393924967
Ostroumov S. A: A new type of effect of potentially hazardous substances: uncouplers of pelagial–benthal coupling. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200576296. Doklady Biological Sciences 03/2002; 383(1):127-130. DOI:10.1023/A:1015385723150
S A Ostroumov: System of principles for conservation of the biogeocenotic function and the biodiversity of filter-feeders. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/11319346; [environmental protection; protection of ecosystem's service in improving water quality]. Doklady Biological Sciences 03/2002; 383(1):147-150.
Ostroumov S.A: Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: New keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200587396. Hydrobiologia 02/2002; 469:117-129. DOI:10.1023/A:1015559123646
Ostroumov S.A: Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: Current conceptualizations and concluding remarks. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200582742. Hydrobiologia 02/2002; 469(1-3):203-204. DOI:10.1023/A:1015555022737
S. A. Ostroumov: New type of action of potentially hazardous chemicals: Uncouplers of pelagial-benthal coupling. Doklady Akademii nauk / [Rossiĭskaia akademii nauk] 01/2002; 383(1):138-141.
S. A. Ostroumov: Biodiversity protection and water quality: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259497389. Doklady Akademii nauk / [Rossiĭskaia akademii nauk] 01/2002; 382:18-21.
S A Ostroumov: Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/11371556. Doklady Biological Sciences 01/2002; 382(1):18-21. DOI:10.1023/A:1014465220673
S A Ostroumov: The synecological approach to the problem of eutrophication. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10614405. Doklady Biological Sciences 11/2001; 381:559-562. DOI:10.1023/A:1013378505630
S A Ostroumov: The hazard of a two-level synergism of synecological summation of anthropogenic effects. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10614388;
S A Ostroumov: Responses of Unio tumidus to mixed chemical preparations and the hazard of synecological summation of anthropogenic effects. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10614386. Doklady Biological Sciences 09/2001; 380:492-495. DOI:10.1023/A:1012344026176
S A Ostroumov, M P Kolesnikov: Pellets of Some Mollusks in the Biogeochemical Flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10614352. Doklady Biological Sciences 07/2001; 379:378-81. DOI:10.1023/A:1011620817764;
S A Ostroumov: Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellular Plankton Populations Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10614342.
Doklady Biological Sciences 07/2001; 379:341-343. DOI:10.1023/a:1011600213221
Doklady Biological Sciences 07/2001; 379:341-343. DOI:10.1023/a:1011600213221
S A Ostroumov: Effect of amphiphilic chemicals on filter-feeding marine organisms. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10614314.
Doklady Biological Sciences 05/2001; 378(1-6):248-250.
Doklady Biological Sciences 05/2001; 378(1-6):248-250.
Ostroumov S.A: Inhibitory Analysis of Regulatory Interactions in Trophic Webs; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/216167167;
DOI 10.1023/A:1019218026198; Doklady Biological Sciences 03/2001; DOI:10.1023/A:1019218026198
DOI 10.1023/A:1019218026198; Doklady Biological Sciences 03/2001; DOI:10.1023/A:1019218026198
S. A. Ostroumov: An Amphiphilic Substance Inhibits the Mollusk Capacity to Filter out Phytoplankton Cells from Water. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/226287633. Biology Bulletin 12/2000; 28(1):95-102. DOI:10.1023/A:1026671024000
S A Ostroumov: An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12225361.
S A Ostroumov: Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12483844.
S A Ostroumov, M P Kolesnikov: Biocatalysis of matter transfer in a microcosm is inhibited by a contaminant: effects of a surfactant on Limnea stagnalis. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12309563. Doklady Biological Sciences 07/2000; 373(1):397-399.
S A Ostroumov: The concept of aquatic biota as a labile and vulnerable component of the water self-purification system. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12375514.
Sergei A. Ostroumov, M. P. Kolesnikov: Biocatalysis of Matter Transfer in a Microcosm Is Inhibited by a Contaminant: Effects of a Surfactant. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/271325576. Doklady Biological Sciences 01/2000; 373:397-399.
Ostroumov S.A.: The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification System. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/216166764.
Ostroumov S. A.: An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000. Vol. 374, P. 514-516. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215907363
Ostroumov S.A.: The concept of aquatic biota as a labile and vulnerable component of the water self-purification system. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215906004. Doklady Biological Sciences 01/2000; 372:286-289.
Ostroumov S.A.: Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215905990. Doklady Biological Sciences 01/2000;
Sergei A. Ostroumov, Donkin P., Staff F.: Filtration inhibition induced by two classes of synthetic surfactants in the bivalve mollusk Mytilus edulis. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264039568. Doklady Biological Sciences 06/1998; 362:454-456.
S A Ostroumov: Biological Filtering and Ecological Machinery for Self-Purification and Bioremediation in Aquatic Ecosystems: Towards a Holistic View:
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/13429633. Rivista di biologia 02/1998; 91(2):221-232.
S. A. Ostroumov, Donkin P., Staff F.: Filtration inhibition induced by two classes of synthetic surfactants in the bivalve mollusc. Doklady Akademii nauk / [Rossiĭskaia akademii nauk] 01/1998; 362:574-576.
Ostroumov SA: Biological filtering and ecological machinery for self-purification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: towards a holistic view. Rivista di Biologia. 1998;91(2): 221-232. PMID: 9857844; [first short paper on creation of theory of water self-purification by biological communities of ecosystems]
Sergei A. Ostroumov, Donkin P., Staff F., Inhibition by the anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate, of the ability of mussels Mytilus edulis to filter and purify the sea water [=Ингибирование анионным поверхностно-активным веществом способности мидий Mytilus edulis фильтровать и очищать морскую воду]; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266139308.
Fisher N., Maertz-Wernte M., Ostroumov S. A.: Effects of aquatic pollution by a non-ionogenic surfactant on the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264984288.
полный текст книги онлайн бесплатно:
Уровни охраны живой природы. Яблоков А.В., Остроумов С.А. / Levels of Nature Conservation. Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. [book in Russian, translit of the title: Urovni okhrany zhivoi prirody] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259894148
интерес и положительная оценка публикаций специалистами, использование публикаций другими учеными: цитирование в 40 странах:
цитирование публикаций этого автора CITATION:
Citation of publications, Ecology, biology, environment, water, toxicology, ecotoxicology, works of Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2197.6165; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279727566;
Citation, cited, Ostroumov S.A., environmental science, ecology, water, toxicology, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/01/citation-cited-ostroumov-sa.html http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/05/blog-post_6.html