Fashion oddity: Was Izzy really sporting a Star Trek look?
Soft spot award: Phelan isn't above bullying folk, but he seemed to stop short of actual violence where Vinny is more than happy to do it if he needs to.
Betrayal Award: Todd was the one that tipped off the Bishop about their living arrangements.
Musical ambiance: ELO's "Don't Bring Me Down" in the salon when Freddie was trying to apologize and explain to Audrey.
Secrets and Lies award: Guess what? Nigel isn't Alex's father, Cathy's late husband was. Just one more knife in the poor woman's heart!
Rock and a Hard Place: Alya knows the partial truth and now has to keep her grandfather's "mistake" from her grandmother.
Cow of the week: There were a few candidates for this one but I think Cathy has to take the crown. Rude to Roy, Shouting at Alex for no reason except she couldn't handle the truth and then, when Roy couldn't find the words to make her feel better, as if anyone could, she brushes him off.
Lines of the week: Todd "I'll get him all right. It's just a question of 'How?'"
Sean "I can hold a grudge about as well as I can hold a tune"
Vinny "I despise violence" (says the man with a bag full of spanners)
Audrey "You know there's no instruction manual for mourning"
Norris to Roy "Many happy returns. Though in my experience, each return is a little less happy than the previous"
Mary "People would flock from all corners of the cul-de-sac to see my Hanging Gardens of Babylon"
Audrey "I'm a hair dresser, I'm not a plastic surgeon"
Tracy "Mary, go easy on the foliage. It doesn't grow on trees" (and she wasn't even intentionally making a joke, I don't think)
Sally "I'm up to me ears in hashtags"
Rita to the paperboy statue "You know, for a minute there I thought that was Audrey Roberts in that sidecar"
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