Coronation Street apologises for 'Kunta Kinte' comment

Coronation Street has apologised after the show was accused of racism for a comment that Eva Price made about her hair this week.

The episode shown on Bank Holiday Monday saw Eva Price, played by Catherine Tyldesley, visit Audrey's hair salon, where she remarked: "I have more roots than Kunta Kinte. No idea who that is, by the way, just something my mum used to say."

Kunta Kinte was a character from the novel Roots: The Saga Of An American Family, which was adapted into a hit TV miniseries. Based on a real-life ancestor of author Alex Haley, it tells the story of a young man taken from Gambia and sold as a slave.

The show received almost 300 complaints, The Guardian reported.

A spokeswoman for the soap said: "We apologise if this dialogue has caused offence."

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