Sorry I didn't take pictures of all the tv watching that went on here. After Bob got home from work we opened presents. Then Quincey came over for pizza, cake and ice cream.
I let her pick any way for me to do her hair and she choose heart pigtails.
She has been talking about this flamingo purse ever since she saw it in the zoo gift shop.
She wanted me to take a picture of her with her birthday presents. You can't see them in this but she also got flamingo pajamas and a pink digital camera. Oh, and she got several small princess dolls from Quincey, which she loved.
We don't really have baking supplies right now so I took her to the grocery store and let her pick out her cake. We ordered it a week ahead and planned it out. When we went to pick it up it wasn't what we asked for and I was almost going to just get it anyway, but they ran out of the right size boxes to keep it in. We have absolutely nothing at our place to save the cake in (it was tall) so I had to tell them that we can't buy it. They understood and just put it for sale with their other cakes, I felt bad though. I let Penelope pick a different pre-made cake. She didn't seem to mind and was happy to pick out a different cake.
This birthday seemed very low key that is just fine with me. Penelope loved it and had a great time and that is what we were going for :)