Autumn Movies: Not Spooky, Just Cozy

Already in the fall mood, but not ready for Halloween just yet? I feel like that's my feelings at the moment. I like to get the most out of my autumn weather, and sometimes that requires me to put a halt on spooky Halloween things. Enjoying a good fall movie without Halloween is a treat.

It's not football season for me yet until I watch this film. I watched Remember the Titans on the plane heading to California two weeks ago before the first Alabama football game. There is just something about this film that makes me ready for football. I love the scene where they get pumped up for the first time as a team. The energy from that scene just makes you smile and pumped up yourself. You realize the struggles from back then watching this film.

The struggles back then are some of the same ones we face today even though so much has changed. It's really sad. Though, in the same instance you realize that
there are certain things that draw people together no matter what; sports, religion, love, and death. Remember the Titans makes the season for me, especially for the beginning!

An alternative movie for this is The Blind Side! Tim McGraw, Sandra Bullock, and Nick Saban; all in one film! I love this movie! It's another great football movie! Plus, the fact that both of these movies are based on true stories and have happy endings makes you feel really good.

My aunt introduced me to Baby Boom when I was young. I fell in love with how hilarious it was. It has a touch of romance, but trust me it is a feel good hilarious comedy. Diane Keeton became a favorite actress of mine because of this film! Just her dealing with a child when she never has, all she has ever known is her work.

When they move to the country side is gorgeous! She has a hard time dealing with life in the country, and has serious complications because of the change of life. She finds friends in the country. It is such a wonderful movie and the foilage is amazing in this film!

If you want something that doesn't feel like real life but you aren't ready for pumpkins and vampires, Bedknobs and Broomsticks is the movie for you to watch this fall! Angela Lansbury is a witch in training, in this Disney film set during the World War. She has a lot to learn and she is learning through the mail, a course taught by Emiliuse Browne (David Tomlinson.) She discovers that the school is closing, and it happens around the time that she has children from the city come into her country home because of the war.

There are three children that come to live with her so of course there are fun songs! I really love the last song, it reminds me of Mary Poppins a good bit. It does have a Mary Poppins feel to it in unique ways. So if you are wanting something to watch with the kiddos this is the film!

Another great film is Labyrinth, which again has magical feel but this one is slightly spooky. It used to be one that I wouldn't watch alone as a child. But as I grew up I learned to love it a lot. Who wouldn't love David Bowie and puppets? The songs in this one are great too. My kids love dancing to the music with the songs. And we even have a few costumes that look similar to the costumes found in the movie.

It's really up to the parents if they want to show this to the kids. Mine did and I was slightly scared of it. I did get over it and move on with life. It's my children's favorite for a good movie. They like watching this one in their forts that they build. They squeal and just love it. One my children even said it reminded her of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone movie. (Which feel free to go ahead and watch for a fall movie!)

Ever After really has nothing to do with fall, but it is such a good romantic movie with a cuddle aspect. It's a wonderful spin on the Cinderella story that we all know. It has Drew Barrymore as the main character and she does a tremendous job of portraying Danielle who is the Cinderella character.

She risks everything for what she loves and cherish. This is a wonderful story told in the most exquisite way possible. The costumes in this film will always blow me away. It isn't fluffy princess costume that you normally see. It's true costumes that look heavy like they are real period costumes. That is remarkable.

Honorable Mentions: 

Dead Poet Society

The Odd Life of Timothy Green

Kate & Leapod

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