Anarchistic update news all over the world - 8 September 2016

Today's Topics:

1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - international, Gabon:
France calls for calm after 50 years of support to the Bongo
regime (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - international, Kurdistan
and financial support libertarian: where are we? (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (
3. Remember September 3 1984: Grave Fees Must Fall Campaign:
Stop the Privatisation of Cemeteries - Asinamali! by Sifuna Zonke
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL n° special - Ukraine:
Between a rock and a hard place (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
5. maurokokkino1936: Call for the arrested in Thessaloniki
6. France, Alternative Libertaire AL n° special - Website:
Permanent Revolution (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
7. Anti-Fascist Network Southern regional
conference (


Message: 1

After an interminable false suspense, the verdict is: Ali Bongo wins at the polls. The 
people expressed their anger, the regime cracked down, up to encircle the premises of the 
rival candidate by the armed forces. The Survival Association decrypts the situation. ---- 
The vote in the presidential election in Gabon was held this Saturday, August 27th. While 
Ali Bongo seems to have lost the election, according to results produced by the opposition 
to the exit polls, it decided, as in 2009, to impose by force. ---- Since Wednesday 
evening, various events were violently suppressed by the military and police forces. If 
the number of death can not be determined at this time because of travel restrictions 
coupled to the Internet outage, it turned out that Ali Bongo is not limited to tear gas 
but did well to shoot his balls population real as well as heavy weapons and via helicopters.

The French government today called for an end to violence, and the publication of results 
by office desk, taking a supportive stance on democracy. Survival recall that France has 
yet that support, for 50 years and until today, the Bongo clan system. Already in 2009, 
Ali Bongo could never succeed in passing power without the zealous intervention by various

France continued to support the regime, granting it numerous diplomatic recognition marks
(receptions at the Elysee, the French ministers of travel). This support lies mainly via 
the military and security cooperation with the army and the Gabonese police, the very ones 
who currently Gabonese kill civilians. In 2014, the French Government boasted of having 
trained 4000 Loan Gabonese military, which include use of French equipment.

Read more on the Survival website .

Ali Bongo
He directs the Gabon since 2009. His father Omar Bongo ruled the country for forty-two.
Cc Foreign Office

[1]see in particular the report of Survival, " Elections in French Africa. Congo, 
Djibouti, Chad, Gabon . "P.50 April 2016.


Message: 2

The French libertarian movement has shipped 14,000 euros in the anarchist movement in 
Turkey, which helped relieve réfugié.es, the militia and militia during the Battle of Ayn 
al-Arab. The remainder should help fund self-management projects in the region, alas 
suspended because of the war in Turkish Kurdistan and the coup failed in July 2016. ---- 
From October 2014 to July 2015, the French anarchist movement has collected almost 14,000 
euros, which were shipped to the Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF) in Turkey. ---- 
Donors and donor are mainly from France, Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec. ---- Most of the 
funds were used by DAF in the Battle of Ayn al-Arab, which was completed in June 2015 by 
the rout of Daech; the rest was set aside to develop libertarian projects in Kurdistan.

During the Battle of Ayn al-Arab (September 2014-June 2015):
direct material aid

The siege has driven the mass population. Nearly 250 000 people are thus refugees on 
Turkish territory, where they have mainly benefited from humanitarian assistance Kurdish 
municipalities, and the volunteers - feminists, unionists, anarchists, revolutionaries ... 
- who had flocked from all over Turkey .

DAF team was present from the beginning of the battle, in the Kurdish villages along the 
Turkish-Syrian border. There, the organization participated in the vigilance committees 
that gave the mission both to deter abuses of the Turkish army to block the road to 
volunteers trying to reach Daech, and help réfugié.es and militia and wounded militiamen.

On site, the needs were assessed and communicated to another DAF team in Diyarbakir. She 
bought the food and medical supplies which were then conveyed to the border villages. This 
was made possible in part thanks to the financial support of the French libertarian 
movement. The anarchist movement has, through practice, earned recognition and 
indisputable legitimacy in the region.

End of 2014, DAF has opened a local in Diyarbakir, which still serves to coordinate 
anarchist action in the Kurdistan north and west. The organization is gaining audience. 
His newspaper Meydan, today sells 200 300 copies in the Bakur (Turkish Kurdistan), and a 
Turkish-Kurdish bilingual edition is under consideration.

After the battle of Ayn al-Arab (since summer 2015):
libertarians and reconstruction projects

Since the defeat of Daech, it is time to rebuild the city. The field is open to the most 
various projects and, in July 2015, DAF has decided to get involved. His ambition was to 
support self-management projects, while allowing anarchism from being an autonomous player 
in the solidarity movement.

DAF The project was planned in two stages:

Opening an anarchist coordination center in Suruç, including a media center, to relay to 
the anarchist action Kobanî and disseminating libertarian ideas in this region of Kurdistan;
participation in self-management projects in the framework of the reconstruction of the 
city, together with the autonomous administration of the Canton of Ayn al-Arab.
DAF informed the solidarity collective of anarchists Rojava this project in a message of 8 
July 2015. The events decided otherwise. July 20, 2015, in Suruç, with the probable 
complicity of Turkish military Daech committing an attack against a Turkish revolutionary 
socialist group (the SGDF) came to participate in the reconstruction of Ayn al-Arab. 
Result: 33 dead and 100 blessé.es. In the days that followed, bloody clashes have 
increased in Kurdistan between the Turkish army and the PKK. Since the war situation has 
not stopped. She was accompanied by repression increasingly fierce, the extreme left and 
the independent media are the most targeted.

Under these conditions, DAF had to suspend the projects provided for Suruç and Kobanî. 
They will resume once the political situation allows.

Anarchists collective solidarity of Rojava, May 31, 2016

Tee Support "Freedom Autogestion Revolution"

Furthermore, a support shirt was edited by AL. It is on sale for 14 euros.

Profits will be donated to a self-managed project in Kurdistan.


French anarchist financial solidarity was not in vain. the money enabled the anarchist 
movement in Turkey to relieve refugees, militiamen and militiawomen during the battle of 
Kobanê. The remainder should help to finance self-management projects in the region, alas 
suspended because of the war in Bakur (Turkish Kurdistan).

From October 2014 to July 2015, the French anarchist movement has collected almost 
14.000 euros, which were shipped to the Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF) in Turkey.

Donors are mainly from France, Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec.

Major part of the funds were used by DAF during the Battle of Kobanê, which was completed 
in June 2015 by the rout of Daech; the remainder has been provided to develop libertarian 
projects in Kurdistan.

During the battle of kobanê (september 2014-june 2015):
direct material aid

The siege has scared the population. Nearly 250.000 people took refuge on Turkish 
territory, where they received humanitarian assistance mainly from Kurdish municipalities, 
and from the volunteers - feminists, unionists, anarchists, revolutionaries ... - who had 
come from all over Turkey.

A DAF team was present from the beginning of the battle, in the Kurdish villages along the 
Turkish-Syrian border. There, the organization participated in the vigilance committees 
which tried both to dissuade abuses of the Turkish army, to block the volunteers trying to 
reach Daech, and to help refugees and wounded militiamen and militiawomen.

On the spot, the needs were assessed and communicated to another DAF team in Diyarbakir, 
Bakur (Turkish Kurdistan). It bought the food and medical supplies which were then 
conveyed to the border villages. This was in part possible thanks to the financial support 
of the French libertarian movement. The anarchist movement has, through practice, earned 
recognition and indisputable legitimacy in the region.

Late 2014, DAF opened a local in Diyarbakir which, nowadays, continues to coordinate 
anarchist activity in northern and western Kurdistan. The organization is becoming known 
locally. His diary, Meydan, now sells 200 to 300 copies in Bakur, and a Turkish-Kurdish 
bilingual edition is planned.

After the battle of kobanê (since summer 2015):
libertarian projects and reconstruction

Since the defeat of Daech, it is time to rebuild the city. The field is open to the most 
various projects and, in July 2015, DAF has decided to get involved. Its ambition was to 
support self-management projects while ensuring the anarchists to gain autonomy in the 
solidarity movement.

The DAF project was planned in two stages:

Opening an anarchist coordination center in Suruç, including a media center, to relay the 
anarchist action in Kobanê, and to disseminate libertarian ideas in this region of Kurdistan;
participating in self-management projects inside the reconstruction of the city, with the 
agreement of the autonomous administration of the Kobanê Canton.
DAF explained this project to the french collective "Anarchistes solidaires du Rojava" in 
a message dated July 8th 2015. The events decided otherwise. July 20th 2015, in Suruç, 
with the probable complicity of Turkish officers, Daech committed an attack against a 
Turkish revolutionary socialist group (SGDF), come to participate in the reconstruction of 
Kobanê. It caused 33 dead and 100 wounded people. The following days, bloody clashes 
increased in Kurdistan between Turkish army and PKK. Since, the war situation has not 
stopped. It was accompanied by increasing repression: extreme left and independent medias 
are the most targeted.

In this context, DAF had to suspend its projects provided for Suruç and Kobanî. They will 
resume once the political situation allows. For now, there ara also needs of 
reconstruction in the Bakur, where several cities were ravaged by the Turkish army.

Collectif Anarchistes solidaires du Rojava, le 31 mai 2016


We, concerned burial societies and community organisations of the Vaal area, invite 
everyone in the region to support our struggle against high fees and privatisation of 
cemeteries. Our people are already living in poverty and struggling to access basic 
services and a better life because of privatisation. Now they want to charge us high fees 
and profit from the death of our loved ones! We working class people of the Vaal can not 
afford the high fees they are charging for graves – fees that are so high and on top of it 
we still have to pay for tombstones, caskets and reopening if we want to bury another 
person on the site! Asinamali! Grave fees must fall! We demand free graves! --- Yesterday 
it was our electricity and water. Today it is our cemeteries and burial rights. Tomorrow 
it could be the air we breathe. We are saying no to privatisation! Help us build a 
movement to defend our human and constitutional rights and to roll back the privatisation 
and commercialisation of basic services.

Join us to commemorate the victims of the Vaal Uprising and to continue and build the 
struggle against the privatisation and commodification of basic services and human rights 
and for true liberation.

Date: Saturday 3 September 2016
Time: 09:00
Venue: Zone 7 Stadium, Sebokeng




We, concerned burial societies and community organisations of the Vaal area, invite 
everyone in the region to support our struggle against high fees and privatisation of 
cemetery’s. Our people are already living in poverty and struggling to access basic 
services and a better life because of privatisation. Now they want to charge us high fees 
and profit from the death of our loved ones! We working class people of the Vaal can not 
afford the high fees they are charging for graves – fees that are so high and on top of it 
we still have to pay for tombstones, caskets and reopening if we want to bury another 
person on the site! Asinamali! Grave fees must fall! We demand free graves!
We do not have land, but the ruling party and its government are selling our land to 
private individuals (some of whom are believed to be government officials) to profit from 
by opening private cemeteries. They know that everybody must die and that if they are not 
cremated they must be buried and cemeteries are already getting overcrowded. They also 
know how seriously we Africans take funerals and the burial of our loved ones and for them 
this is a market to corner; another area of our lives for them to privatise and profit 
from. Asinamali! We will not pay to bury our dead in their own land!

Under the ANC’s neoliberal GEAR policies every aspect of our lives is privatised, 
commercialised or commodified. This means that every aspect of our lives, all our rights 
and services, is turned into a profit-making project that makes the ruling class (private 
capitalists and state managers) rich at the expense of the poor working class majority. 
Asinamali! We will not pay to make the rich richer while we get poorer!


• Better security at cemeteries
• Free public toilets at cemeteries
• Free tombstones Permit
• Free reopening
• Free municipal grave sites
• Free basic services for the poor
• An end to privatisation of basic services and human rights
• No to Profiting from the Death of our Loved Ones!
• Stop the Privatisation of Basic Services!

Yesterday it was our electricity and water. Today it is our cemeteries and burial rights. 
Tomorrow it could be the air we breathe. We are saying no to privatisation! Help us build 
a movement to defend our human and constitutional rights and to roll back the 
privatisation and commercialisation of basic services.

Date: Saturday 3 September 2016
Time: 09:00
Venue: Zone 7 Stadium, Sebokeng

Organise, Unite and Fight!

[For more info contact 083 285 5901/ 078 618 6532]
Related Link:


Message: 4

In recent years Ukraine is often represented in the media in France and internationally as 
a counterpoint to Russia. The radiant face of his winning Eurovision representative could 
reinforce this image. The reality of the political and social situation of this country is 
yet a little more complex. ---- Russia is a dictatorship. And deteriorating economic 
situation (declining oil and gas revenues, economic sanctions Western powers recession two
years of economic activity) plays an important role in strengthening this tyrannical 
regime. It is also an imperialist power seeking to rise again as a great power. We have 
seen both in Syria and in Ukraine. However, this aggressive policy, which is linked to the 
defense of its interests as a major economic player in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, 
does not exempt analyze the policy choices of the Ukrainian regime born of the protest 
movement that emerged in late 2013 square Maidan in Kiev.

The ruling coalition relies on two parties: the Poroshenko bloc and the Popular Front for 
Yatsenyuk, two libertarian right-wing parties that are working to destroy what remains of 
the welfare state in Ukraine. It is the majority in parliament, provided the current 
political balances are closely linked to the struggle for power between the capitalists at 
the head of the largest fortunes in the country. Alliances are made ​​and broken. But what 
is constant is to see that the internal political recomposition of the ruling class are 
based on fractions of ultraliberal pro-Western parties and ultranationalists and fascist 
parties. When the crisis was fatal to the previous government, dominated until early 2014 
by Yanukovych and the Party of Regions (pro-Russian) is an alliance between the 
libertarian and fascist parties Svoboda (Freedom, to 4.7% parliamentary elections in 2014) 
and Pravy Sektor (right Sector, 3%) which helped overthrow him. Similarly, since 2014, 
some oligarchs partly finance the battalions of fighters who wage war in the East against 
the pro-Russian separatists and many are linked to the extreme right, like battalions Azov 
and Aidar [ 1 ].

Power belongs to the same ruling classes mafia those who made their fortune in the 1990s 
under the presidency of Leonid Kuchma, former hierarch of the CPSU (Communist Party of the 
Soviet Union) recycled in capitalism after the fall of the USSR . It is this mafia power 
that the European Union political and financial support. EU Manna is actually essential 
for the survival of Ukraine. This is the rest with the renunciation of the agreement of 
"Eastern Partnership" with the EU that the political crisis was packed late 2013. The 
agreement involves EU financial assistance in exchange for a privatization program public 
services, falling wages and pensions. And it is the same agreement that the Netherlands 
have just rejected in a referendum in April.

The EU thrives on Ukrainian debt

EU and Russia have therefore shared responsibility in the current crisis in Ukraine, which 
is characterized by a state of virtual bankruptcy and put on a drip by the EU. For the 
latter, the stakes are not only geopolitical (assert its political influence and contain 
the Russian sphere of influence), they are also economical. The EU thrives on Ukrainian 
debt, but also its assets. Last year the government pushed Yatsenyuk sale of ports, power 
plants but also food and distribution companies to European investors. This split sales of 
the country continues for years. It is particularly sensitive in the field of land, since 
the phenomenon of land grabbing is important. It is the fact of large Ukrainian and 
European companies (German, British, Swedish and especially French). Charles Beigbeder, a 
former candidate for president of Medef face Gattaz and elected UMP before approaching the 
FN, is one of the French capitalists have invested in recent years in Ukraine. After the 
collapse of the USSR, the peasants were able to recover lands that were returned to them, 
but many of them did not have the financial resources to invest and develop. As they and 
they began to gradually sell them, sometimes to a ridiculous price, to large groups keen 
to invest to provide large retailers, including organic food.

To this must be added the repeated violation of human rights and the increase in political 
violence. Note that they come both from the far right and pro-Russian organizations and 
government. The results of the war of Donbass amounts to about 10 000 are killed, the vast 
majority civilians. Sporadic fighting continued on the front line despite the Minsk 
agreements that resulted in particular to a ceasefire. The pro-Russian propaganda is 
intense and blames those fighting the government of Kiev. However, the Western media do 
not take this into account and are silent about the far-right activism as they are silent 
corruption and oppressive power of the conservative-liberal government and mafia Kiev.

What has been won both Russian and Ukrainian authorities, this is the installation of an 
irreducible hatred between the two peoples. The pro-Russian have an overwhelming 
responsibility for the secession of the Crimea and the Donbass, but refusing a federalist 
organization and taking actions adverse to the large Russian minority (including 
language), the Kiev government has helped to push the pro-Russian Putin in the arm. And in 
this context, progressive voices struggle to be heard. If the left is laminated, there 
remains a strong union resistance. This is particularly the case of UPF, with nearly 7 
million member-es and holds increasingly critical discourse doubling from one side toward 
Russia for its annexation of the Crimea, and the the other to the Ukrainian anti-social 
policies. Note also that the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVTU), 
which defended the nationalist positions before the crisis of November 2013, has been 
gradually adopted more favorable positions in social struggles and opposing austerity 
policies and the destruction of public services.

Russia is probably the country that has most used the strong state, but Ukraine and the EU 
are far from being perfect democratic antithesis that wants to sell us. The policy of 
these moves increasingly into a gray area, more draconian qu'émancipatrice.

Laurent Esquerre (AL Paris-Nord-Est) and Nestor Koutz (friend of AL)

[ 1 ] Savchenko, Ukrainian pilot held prisoner in Russia and sentenced to 22 years in 
prison for the murder of two Russian journalists (murder she accepts responsibility), was 
released in late May as part of prisoner exchanges in Russia and Ukraine. She was part of 
the battalion Aidar and it is celebrated as the Joan of Arc Ukrainian as by the extreme 
right as by the government.

To read this article in full:


Message: 5

On 27/7 after undertaking Hellenic Police evacuated three squats in Thessaloniki, the two 
of them squats immigrant housing (orphanage, hurriya and Victory Avenue). Solidarity and 
immigrants brought to GADTH, after which migrants are driven (without charge) in camps and 
75 solidarity accused of arbitrary occupation of public property and some for of property 
damage. The ECC compounds of three squatting enorchistrothikan by the state, the church, 
the police, but also from the very rector of Aristotle and owner of Charles Diehl, the 
pillars of the system. As if this were not enough in the coming hours the metropolis gives 
permission to tear down the orphanage (and a good) .The Boutari prompts evacuation of 
Ifanet and the school and the Kaminis lodge a complaint report for the occupations of 
municipal buildings in Athens. In the delirium that of orderly repression against the 
occupation will join the statements of Tosca (citizen protection minister) who said that 
immigrant housing occupations dangerous to themselves because of that it is doubtful 
whether they provide food and medicine, but also dangerous because of the conditions 
prevailing in them. He however explains the citizen's protection minister that the very 
same day, an immigrant in camp Softex loses her life because the ambulance he called late 
more than an hour to receive it.

What we have to say is that repression does not our frightened and we are ready any time 
to collide with state capital. We know very well that these discharges are intended to 
lead immigrants back to invisibility in which the state intends them to their easier 
control, to mitigate the Association locals and migrants and therefore their common 
struggle for life and dignity, the criminalization of movements solidarity and structures.

on 30/07 intervention performed with text deal for evacuations three squats in the 
Cathedral during operation, resulting in arrested 25 comrades and a passer and attributed 
the category of disturbing religious assembly, after a lawsuit Metropolis once more.
Let it be understood that it will not stop us, they will not scare us. Our solidarity is 
given and non-negotiable, as is common fight natives and immigrants (ri) values for life 
and dignity.

FIGHT FOR libertarian communism and anarchy

-Second 11.00 courts (for the comrades accused of sharing texts in the metropolis)
fourthly 11:30 Courts for trial Orphanage
-Friday 11.30 Courts for its Hurriya

Collegiality for social anarchism Black and Red



Message: 6

For some time we see flourish on social networks items Site Permanent Revolution, which 
proclaims' new site information extreme left. " But is it really relevant? ---- This site 
powered by the JRC (Revolutionary Communist Current) of the NPA, a current strongly linked 
to the Partido de los trabajadores Socialistas (PTS) Argentine, and whose website also 
serves as a model for Permanent Revolution[1]. PTS is one of many divisions of the 
Movimiento al Socialismo, created by the father figure of the Argentine Trotskyist Nahuel 
Moreno, who spent his life oscillating between Lambertism as opportunities, and Peronism 
Sandinistas left. ---- The site permanent revolution is especially CCR showcase. He 
demonstrated a relentless activism, a struggle to the other, sometimes making a news story 
a political fact, not backward nor before the enticing titles and images, or suspicious 
sources. Lately, he has not hesitated to take criticism without the release of the police 
headquarters in Paris, which insinuated an agreement of trade unions for CRS surround the 
square head, press that led to the attack of services 'union order during the 
demonstration of 17 May in Paris.

In fact, the break with the union leaders is a central political axis, a leitmotif for 
this current, even relay the police disinformation. For the CCR and for other common 
Leninist dogma, unions are only the first stage of class consciousness, unable to 
politicize the struggle. Only the party can do so by organizing the masses through 
struggle committees created for the occasion.

A distorted analysis of movement on the labor law

It is clear that this speech is disconnected from the realities of the current 
mobilization, where the main problem is not so much obstruction of union leaderships that 
lack of combative union teams and resignation of wage earners. Therefore create struggle 
committees would not solve anything, they are useful in the context of widespread strike, 
but can not be the cause.

For its part syndicalism, like any tool to control non-revolutionary period, is crossed by 
a contradiction between desire to break and tendency to compromise social and 
bureaucratization. However, the vast majority of combative workers are organized es there 
and be as close to the proletariat is campaigning actively.

Rejecting the division of inherited social democracy between union (confined to the 
company) and political party, we advocate instead a revolutionary syndicalism, where wage 
earners are immediate demands and a policy of social transformation project, double task 
described in the Charter of Amiens in 1906. in this sense, unions must achieve class unity 
across political affiliations of one or the other.

We therefore decline the trade union operating trends, which retranslated oppositions 
between political currents instead of putting the center union orientations.

Martial (G St Denis) and Gregory (AL Orléans)

[1]See the website Diario Izquierdo


Message: 7

The Anti-Fascist Network will be hosting a Southern Regional Conference in Reading on the 
10th September. There will be workshops, talks, films, stalls with merch and books, a 
creche and a benefit gig/after party. More information, including a full workshop 
timetable, to be announced - check the AFN website for updates. ---- The conference will 
be in central Reading (location to be announced nearer the time), and doors will be at 
midday. There will also be an antifascist benefit gig in the evening. If you need help 
with travel advice and accessability please contact your closest AFN group or 
berksantifa[AT]riseup[DOT]net. ---- Let's work together and continue to build a grassroots 
movement which tackles fascism head on. The Anti-Fascist Network is non-hierarchical, will 
never work with the police and is not affiliated to any political party.

The Anti-Fascist Network is a network of independent and grassroots groups working 
together against the rise of racism and fascism in our communities.

Anti-fascists have opposed the EDL and similar groups wherever they go. The aim of the 
network is to support these local actions and to join together to counter regional and 
national far right events, ensuring maximum numbers on the streets as well as sharing 
resources and providing legal support.

The Anti-Fascist Network is not about telling people how to campaign in their areas, what 
type of anti-fascist activity they should undertake or what political analysis they should 
adopt. We simply want to cooperate to defeat fascism.


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