Anarchistic update news all over the world - Part 2 - 25 september 2016

Today's Topics:

1. Greece, Gathering at Oraiokastro Thessaloniki By A.P.O. (gr)
[machine translation] (
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Septembre - Orleans: The
party in struggle (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
3. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - antifascist
demonstration, Against the Nazis in the tavern of Thor, October 8
in Verdun (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Septembre - compulsory
civic service: regimentation and exploitation (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (
5. Dublin protest to force the government to
back down and scrap water charges sees 1000s on streets by Brian
- WSM (


Message: 1

were born and Oreokastro in Damascus and in Campania and in Touba and somewhere in the 
Crimea or in the Athens and in the western mitropoleis.Megalosame and went to school with 
John, Mary, Mohammed, in Lorient, Yuri and Hassan. ---- the border and the different 
places p p provenance of never scared us and we stood out to us. What put the dividing 
line was the aversion of some intolerant, mindedness weaklings who feared children coexist 
with us, who feared the different color, different language. Snobby as is decided here and 
not to allow their own children to study together with children of refugees and immigrants 
(ri) s. Apologies that if this happens, will occupy the school. There, then, fascism, 
racism source was already knocking on the door of that community. There was created the 
assumption that there are lucky and unlucky children, senior and junior, children can be 
educated in schools and children for a life in huts, Greek children children and children 
who do not care what you do, children of refugees and immigrants.

Those who never spoke, those who now suited their bodies to a couple of houses and 
cottages were enemy, "rose" to "reclaim". Which enemy felt? Found "indigenous" to proclaim 
that this small piece of land themselves; others -the most in need of refugee children.

But none of these proud descendants loathsome misanthropismou did not think that their 
threats and their exclusions will put them in front of them touting. They mocked saying 
"get your homes," but fools could not understand how many and how many unfortunate we host 
in our homes thinking once had to find someone to host our grandparents, "tourkosporous". 
When children excluded from education, from social life, health, care, then you put a 
solid foundation in the ghetto. You who proclaim that there chorame others in this 
country, in cities, in villages, in business, in schools and hospitals, then you know that 
you do not find space in the human species since the hate deeply not find space in olakeri 
the an earth and every inch of a put is so different and differently. Found space only in 
hatred, fear, fascism ...

Fascism is not merely a political movement that aims to seize power and to serve the 
interests of the bosses, in everyday aspect is the internal civil war unleashed by man 
against in himself, it is that apechthestero can be expressed either as thought or as an 
act against him each time being targeted because of the diversity (religion, color, race) 
and deviate from the average social norm. It is a series of small felony thoughts and 
actions developed and expressed in fear conditions and insecurity that have flooded our 
lives and always carry the burden of responsibility to the next, our colleague at work, to 
our neighbor, our classmate, the classmate our ... all such fault not afford real 
responsibility to those that govern the evolution of the daily routine. To those who have 
made the misery everyday reality. The social daily expression of fascism extends the 
murder of antifascist Pavlos Fyssas, immigrant Loukman up shots against laborers in 
Manolada by henchmen foremen of local landowners. From torture of the Michanionas of 
fishermen seeking their accrued until the fascist pogrom in central Athens. From targeted 
attacks of the fascists in camouflage uniforms against militants workers in Perama until 
the attacks of government raid guilds in squats refugee housing and hosting and 
immigrants. All these "well and good but," to be able to happen need that piece of social 
legitimacy that will be a "cushion" for the state, but also for para circles that come to 
do the dirty work where the state does not he wants to dirty his hands. This rhetoric of 
hate is grafted from their rulers in the heart of the down, in neighborhoods, in the 
workplace, in schools. It is necessary to complete their attack to create conditions of 
social cannibalism, turning one against the other, pawns in a witch hunt which ends up 
destroying every trace of hope, every trace of struggle for the assertion of our lives.

But we also stand against the horror and hope and strive. And because we are fighting love 
man and choose which side is the side of the powerful, but always by the side of a 
targeted, weak. And we will not tolerate mess our neighborhoods no aspiring bounty hunter, 
let alone when you have targeted children. Preceded by the ideals of solidarity so we 
chose side, which is why we take a position not pretending to be indifferent. We became an 
anarchist and left our grandparents no longer exists, was from that a stamp from the 
well-worn chair of "public official" and an affirmation of the compromise. We were not 
anarchists because we love to hunt us, but remember to never become hunters. Neither 
hunters nor game, nor masters nor slaves ...


Preselection Tuesday 20/9 at 17.00 Ag. Venizelos Concentration Square against Hall 
Oreokastrou 18.00

Collegiality for Social Anarchism "Black & Red"
Anarchist Political Organisation | Federation collectivity


Message: 2

The first edition of the Festival of resistances and alternatives took place on Sunday 3 
July in Semoy, in agglomeration of Orleans. With over 300 participants, this is a first 
success styling suites. ---- Nearly thirty organizations were stakeholders of the Feast of 
resistances and alternatives; they brought together associations (BDS, Cimade, Family 
planning, RESF, Sortir du nucléaire ...), political organizations (AL, PC, PG Postal code 
...) and the Solidarity trade union was one of the kingpins of this event. Kurdish 
comrades were also there in numbers. Six "workshops" an hour (actually debates) were 
scheduled on the day. The activists of AL have participated in one of Solidarity entitled 
"Work Act: the struggle is class" and an animated on "How to break with capitalism? "Which
brought together fifty participants.

A "Gro-debate" (concept of popular education) took place in the late afternoon, after the 
workshops and concerts before. His organization - which remains probably improve - was: 
the party to the participants are invited es throughout the day and they indicate a theme 
they wish to see addressed; workshops then meet on themes selected by a dedicated team, 
and on the basis of applications collected; or a rapporteur-e then made the report of the 
workshops to the audience ... but without subsequent exchanges, which has been a bit 

Of course, it was also a celebration and so there was not as debates: one could wander 
around and exchange booths in stands, live music, play games, happenings - BDS had set up 
a fake check point), attend theatrical interventions - the revolutionary theater group 
Blank Slate played Karl Marx, the return of Howard Zinn and RESF and foreigners and 
foreign isolated young-es had also prepared a room.

For nearly two years, Alternative Libertaire has actively contributed to this event such a 
unit was created. Initially, we thought we could resurrect the Johannine Counter-parties 
who in the 1990s and 2000s, had more or less fulfilled the same function while being a 
popular protest of Jeanne of Arc celebrations organized by the municipality with the 
support of the army and the bishop (in 2016, the guest of honor was Macron is to say ...). 
This project was not unanimous among potentially interested organizations who preferred 
not to appear too "against" another event. The formula used and tested this year it seems 
to suit everyone.

Convergence and solidarity

Anyway, this is clearly a promising initiative of convergence and solidarity, which is far 
from negligible in the period of capitalist offensive, of growing racism and state 
repression we are experiencing. In addition, during the exchanges during the festival, the 
idea to repeat the event next year was imposed, some even suggesting actions and / or 
intermediate events, perhaps more "street". A meeting is already scheduled for this September.

In our case, it is very encouraging ... The challenge is to transform convergences and 
solidarity in very concrete struggles and resistance, which materialize a social and 
political front convinced of the need to act together.

Alternative Libertaire Orleans

Call for Day of resistances and alternatives

The world in which we live is completely upside down ... or rather it is those who run the 
walking on ours heads! Increasingly unequal, increasingly turned in on itself, he 
announced a bleak future in which we do not recognize ourselves. Racism, exclusion, 
insecurity, poverty, discrimination of all kinds, environmental disasters: this is not 
what we want!

We are the citizens, activists and activists committed es field resistors, alternatives, 
social struggles. We will not resign ourselves injustices of the capitalist system. We 
will not resign ourselves to the domination of those who profit from the crisis or 
advanced of those who thrive on social despair. We do not want to continue the devastation 
of the planet and the productivist frenzy.

What we want is to come together to share our hopes, share our battles, draw all the 
alternatives. For this we propose to organize a unifying event, festive and friendly, a 
celebration of resistance and alternatives.

The call is initiated, its future will be what we will build together!


Message: 3

The semblance fashion be the multiplication of the most ridiculous racist, the famous 
"white race" Morano to irrational delusions on the "replacement" of the Christian 
population by Muslims, some Nazi splinter groups feel comforted and take the opportunity 
to reappear in broad daylight. This is particularly true of "Hammerskins" which just 
installed their local, picturesquely called "Tavern Thor" in the village of 
Combres-sous-les-Côtes in the Meuse, who did not ask as. ---- This neo-Nazi group, whose 
name "Hammerskins" (skin - hammer) is a program, not content just to march in uniform 
worthy of another time in which young men bare skull can proudly show off their tattoos 
where swastikas and references to the Führer cross mingle. ---- To implement their hate 
speech on the supremacy of the "white race", the Nazis practiced a training firearm and 
have made themselves noticed for many attacks. When previously possessed a local of the 
same name in Toul, they organized concerts bringing to 2,000 Nazis from across Europe.

Saturday, October 8, 2016,
Parking May 8, 15 H

the group page on social networks !

The leaflet collective Alternative Libertaire Grand Est (Moselle, Nancy, Marne, Alsace)

The opening of this kind of local corresponds to a fairly standard strategy in these 
radical nationalist circles, as has already been observed, for example, in Chauny in the 
Aisne. By creating a home that concentrates the activities of racist militants in a small 
town, the militants quickly get a strong position locally. Tensions then appear with the 
original residents who do not like (people of foreign origin, sex couples, activist 
opposing political associations or organizations), so that the attacks are increasing and 
that, little by little, s' installs a climate of terror that allows neo-Nazis to impose 
their order.

This is dangerous for many people, including those who do not first feel themselves 
concerned by the presence of these militants. Faced with violent and totalitarian groups, 
the choice of neutrality no longer exists.

What to do?

The far right stirred freedom of expression as a standard, but racism is not a trivial 
opinion is expressed. His main vehicle is violence: verbal and physical threats against 
those who do not share their ideas, racist attacks (as mixed couple assaulted baseball bat 
blows in Villeurbanne in 2011: 60 days of ITT, or Brahim Bouarram murdered by boneheads, 
or Clement Meric). While the scientific consensus is full to deny the concept of race for 
Humanity, we can not allow to settle and take root a group that claims the superiority of 
a so-called white race.

For this, we should not expect everything from the authorities. It's our number and our 
unity will be the most effective levers. Solidarity and public pressure will prevent these 
neo Nazis claimed to impose their law. They will prevent their excesses, and force them to 
close a place of racist and anti-Semitic propaganda.

Therefore we invite all of you to engage you on October 8 in Verdun!

Alternative Libertaire Moselle, Nancy, Marne, Alsace


Message: 4

An amendment to the bill "equality and citizenship" passed by the National Assembly could 
increase the vulnerability of young people. It plans to introduce a compulsory civic 
service of nine months, between 18 and 25, which would consist of three-month government 
propaganda followed by a compulsory period of work paid below the poverty line. ---- 
Neither vacation or summer job, but three months forced into "Days defense and 
citizenship." It is expected that the first phase of compulsory civic service is going 
from 1 July to 1 October of the year of 18. Now this is a crucial period, between the end 
of school and the beginning of the upper and / or wage labor studies. ---- During the 
three months of "republican classes" during which the "symbols of the nation" and the 
"fundamentals of the Republic" will be praised, going one speak of the bombing by France 
in Syria? Will we speak of the state of emergency that eliminates judicial supervision to 
strengthen the power of government to better suppress and stifle social protest? Will we 
talk about police violence against demonstrators and protesters opposed es to work law or 
committed against his people and inhabitants of neighborhoods, including the racist murder 
of Adama Traoré in July in Beaumont-sur- Oise is a terrible illustration? Will we talk 
about the sexism of the political class? No, it will be a speech about "commitment" and 
"inclusion" while all this rhymes with indoctrination and exploitation.

24 to 48 hours per week paid 470 euros per month

Then we do the studies, whether one is unemployed or work, six months will be taxed 
precarious youth. This period will be a time of "national interest missions" in 
associations, utilities, enterprises of the social economy. This means having to work 
without salary protection (unemployment, retirement ...), 24 to 48 hours a week and paid 
470 euros per month, or about half the poverty line in France. During these six months, 
the interruption of studies or employment will be imposed. The poorest will find in even 
more precarious es. This compulsory civic service serves the interests of employers in 
forming and providing a docile and disposable labor.

Moreover, the bill "equality and citizenship" also provides a "citizens' reserve" in 
sectors such as the army, the police, local authorities or national education. This 
reserve can be used by the government in an emergency. With no doubt, it will be 
requisitioned to break strikes. This "citizens' reserve" under the pretext of national 
interest is a tool against the social movement.

As early as March last youth had worked intensively against the labor law, the fight must 
be intensified against all this legislative arsenal fostering exploitation and 
precariousness. In early July, a petition was launched against compulsory civic service, 
collecting thousands of signatures. General meetings will allow us to continue to decide 
together to protest, to block, to hold and to strike against the labor law and the 
compulsory civic service!

Quentin (AL Rennes)


Message: 5

The Irish government's attempt to introduce domestic water charges in Ireland is not going 
well. In fact, for them it's been a disaster because it's sparked off a huge upsurge in 
working class self organisation and direct action. Saturday saw thousands of anti-water 
charges campaigners flooding the streets of Dublin o to again voice their opposition to 
Irish Water & water charges and as a show of strength for the movement. ---- It has been 
fully understood since the very beginning of this campaign that Irish Water was simply a 
vehicle to be used for the privatisation of water services and infrastructure in Ireland. 
The right wing, neo-liberal political establishment wished to gift the most vital of all 
resources to capitalist interests who would squeeze as much profit out of commodified 
water as possible, while cutting off the water supply to anyone who couldn't pay their 
extortionate charges. However, due to a huge effort on the part of working class 
organisers, the water charges appear on course to be abolished. The significance of this 
campaign in laying down a milestone for working class self organisation will be felt for 

WSM had initated an anachist meet up for the march at 70 Sir John Rogerson Quay where 
Apple (evading €13Bn tax) is registered in a filing cabinet along with about 700 other 
companies. As it set off we reported "We are matching toward Capel St. bridge, where 
we'll meet contingents from Stephen's Green, Heuston Station, & Connolly Station. Massive,
consistent direct action & mobilisation has left Irish Water clinging on by the tips of 
its fingers, suspended, waiting to fall. But 'suspension' of water charges is just a dirty 
trick designed to make us go home and forget, stop organising, only to find our water 
privatised and double charged in the near future. But we're not falling for this sleight 
of hand, and are pushing to deliver the finishing blow to the Irish Water heist. We 
haven't gone home and are still working to defend our very basic right to clean publicly 
funded water."

From the stage at the end point of the rally at St. Stephen's green, assembled 
campaigners heard from a number of speakers and it was notable that most were not the 
usual faces from political parties that normally bore people quite quickly by telling them 
what they already know. Instead, the end of the march proved to be quite interesting with 
input from mental health and tax justice campaigners, along with some great music.

A man described the difficulty he and his family face as hidden homeless, having to move 
back in with his mother, with his wife and 3 kids (she having to bear the brunt of the 
situation while he's at work), but noting that 'this is a movement of hope'.

A letter was read out on behalf of one of the young people who are in court today relating 
to charges of 'false imprisonment' relating to the Jobstown protest earlier in the 
campaign, the speaker encouraged attendance at the court today to show solidarity and support.

From the large screen beside the platform a video was played giving a brief account of 
the Standing Rock pipeline protests that are ongoing in North Dakota in the US.

Apple's thirteen billion euro tax evasion was of course to the forefront of the 
discussion, as was the fact that Ireland has paid 42% of the cost of the banking crisis 
even through we are less than 1% of the EU population.

Vicki Donnelly, a speaker touching on these topics, ended her speech by echoing the North 
Dakota indigenous anti-pipeline campaigners in saying that "We are not water protesters, 
we are water defenders".

There are now active and highly experienced local anti-water charge campaign groups all 
over the country who have built a 73% boycott of the water charges and are on course to 
defeat the government on this issue.

While most of these groups row in behind the national Right2Water campaign (which is 
composed of left wing political parties and trade unions) when they announce a national 
demonstration, the week-to-week organisation of the campaign is handled autonomously at a 
local level.

The Right2Water umbrella group does not direct local organising, though it can support it 
by providing large scale leaflet production for national demonstrations. The most recent 
Right2Water organised demonstration in Dublin gave an indication of the vitality and 
confidence of the national campaign as it presses forward, determined to force the 
government to back down and scrap water charges.

Black ballon highlights 13 billion in tax EU has ruled Apple owes Ireland but which 
government refuses to collect

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