5 Things To Know If You are Going to MNSSHP

Not into walking dead zombies, scary real like killers on the loose, or crazy walk through haunted houses? Come on down to Disney World for a "not so scary" Halloween Party! Guaranteed to bring on more giggles than screams, but there may be a few ghosts!

First things first, you have heard it doesn't rain at Disney, those people are mistaken! It can even rain on the party, literally. The party that you paid extra money for can infact be rained on. And I will tell you that while Disney World can still be fun in the rain there are some things that are party related that go away. So be prepaarrrrrred: (A nice Lion King touch don't you think?)

  • Take ponchos or be ready to spend $8 on a Disney poncho. I know you are thinking that is outrageous but Disney will replace it for free no matter what trip you bought it on. As long as it is a Disney parks poncho they replace it for free if it rips!
  • Check the weather and by that I mean the radar. Sure that 7 day forecast may show partly cloudy with 40% chain of rain, but I can assure you that those showers make just come during your party.
  • Have two costumes... A elaborate costume, since this is when adults get to dress up. And have a lighter costume or just fun tshirts. Elaborate costumes can get hot fast, and this is Florida. Check out Pinterest for Disbounding ideas where it's regular (cooler) clothing that looks like characters. And that way if it does rain, wear the lighter costume. But hey if you want to wear the elaborate one and be sweating (possibly smelling), be our guest.

Next, CANDY! Disney does Trick or Treating like nobody's business! I have walked away from a party with literally, 20lbs of candy. Just keep going back into the line. Cast members reach into their barrels of candy with two hands and deposit that candy into your bag. Disney gives you a treat bag upon entering the party. However they are a little flimsy and may not withstand your candy treasure finding skills.

That's why I recommend bringing your own bag. Hey it's a lot of fun to make your bag or find a really fun one, online or in a store. Plus you can get characters to sign your bag as a treasured souvenir! And you can get the candy changed into sugar free treats or allergy friendly candy. Simply take your treats to City Hall, and they’ll exchange it. A few healthy treats can also be found at select candy stops.

Speaking of characters, Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party means limited Edition characters. Characters that you cannot meet all year throughout the park. And even some of the ones that you can are dressed in their Halloween outfits.

Haunted Mansion even adds extra ghosts and lots of fog as you enter the line for the doombuggy guided tour. There is songs geared to smaller children playing in Fantasyland. And the Boo To You parade features amazing dancers, rare characters, and the Headless Horseman!

While you spend a lot of money on the tickets, be prepared to spend more. The limited edition merchandise is always promising! Some of the things only come out during the party while others are accessible during the day and other places with a Halloween/Fall feeling.

Even the food and food places decorate for Halloween and fall. I promise it is something that you do not want to miss out on if you are going! Nothing is more fun to eat than a Mickey shaped pumpkin candy apple!

No firework show comes close to how Disney does fireworks or just shows in general. And HallOWishes is the Halloween Party fireworks display! There are all sorts of villains and their songs. Large fireworks are exploding to music and displaying how Disney can make wishes come true and they are larger than life.

The shows are fantastic during the party as well. Different stage show takes over throughout the night with a good fun spooky theming. They are easy to follow along and sing if you know your Disney music.

Personally, I really recommend the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. It's a lot of fun for the whole family. It creates a lot of memories. Have you ever been to the MNSSHP? Have you been to the MVMCP? Let me know!

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