U.S. Delta 4 Rocket Launches Two Air Force Space Surveillance Satellites

IBTimes: Delta IV Launch: 2 Military Space Surveillance Satellites Put In Orbit

The United Launch Alliance’s (ULA) Delta IV rocket successfully launched two military space surveillance satellites into orbit early Friday. The rocket came to life at 12:52 a.m. EDT lifting off from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

The two satellites are part of the military’s Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program (GSSAP). The satellites will monitor objects in the geosynchronous orbit keeping an eye out for any object that might threaten the American satellites in the belt. A total of four such satellites, including the two that took off Friday, have been launched so far.

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More News On A U.S. Delta 4 Rocket Launching Two Air Force Space Surveillance Satellites

Delta 4 rocket launches space surveillance satellites -- CBS News
'Neighborhood watch' satellites headed to space -- USA Today
Delta IV thunders off the pad with AFSPC-6 payload -- Space Flight Insider
US Delta IV Rocket With Two Space Awareness Satellites Takes Off in Florida -- Sputnik
Delta 4 lifts off carrying two Air Force space surveillance satellites -- Space News
Delta IV blasts off with threat-detecting military satellites -- Florida Today

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