The Rights Weekender

Social Media Slant 4 Good

Using social media to raise awareness of important issues!

New daily edition at 9 a.m.

Published by
Cendrine Marrouat
27 August 2016
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World Business TechnologyHealth Politics Environment #awareness #ptsd
The Rights Weekender
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Human Rights Watch
thumbnailwww­.hrw­.org - Catching up with Weekender: Bans on Muslim women wearing burkinis on French beaches are not only absurd, they are dangerous. A response to recent horrific terror attacks in France, these humiliatin...
Climate Change and the 1,000-year Flood in Baton Rouge: When Will We Learn?
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Democracy Now!
thumbnailwww­.democracynow­.org - The floodwaters are receding in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and the scale of the damage is revealing itself. It has been described as a 1,000-year flood, leaving at least 13 people dead and close to 60...
If Britain sells weapons to Saudi Arabia, it is complicit in the slaughter of civilians
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Human Rights Watch
thumbnailwww­.ibtimes­.co­.uk - The airstrike on Abs Rural Hospital in Yemen's Hajjah governorate on 15 August was the fourth attack on a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital in 10 months. That didn't lessen the shock. Sixteen...
Combating impunity and strengthening accountability
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United Nations
thumbnailwww­.ohchr­.org - Recent events around the world have provided stark reminders of how an absence of the rule of law leads to violations of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, as well as to oppres...
Refugee and migrant children stuck in Greece face double crisis | Press centre
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www­.unicef­.org - ATHENS/GENEVA 26 August 2016 – With the sudden increase of arrivals, hundreds more refugee and migrant children are becoming stranded in Greece with critical needs such as education and protection,...
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Democracy Now!
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Fight for #EducationForRefugees
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United Nations: Gender equality and women's empowerment
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Global Goals
Lake Chad’s Unseen Crisis
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Oxfam International
Ending violence against women
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UN Women
Yemen & Palestine: Vijay Prashad on the Two "Ruthless" Bombing Campaigns
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Democracy Now!
Education under fire: Schools in Aleppo damaged in renewed fighting | At a glance: Syrian Arab Republic
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Meet the young people using data to hold their leaders accountable
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Tackling sex discrimination through pay equity
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United Nations
A powerful and corrupt elite is robbing Africa of its riches
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Oxfam International
Digital India, One India - Saudi Gazette
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Work With Us to Achieve Zero Hunger | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide
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United Nations
Why has Africa failed to industrialize?
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United Nations
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This Viral Post Reveals the Hidden Way Women Keep Each Other Safe in Public
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11 tech innovations changing global education
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3 Awesome Twitter Tactics That'll Help You Report Better Stories
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Angelina Simms
Speed of Sound, Sound of Mind.: A remarkable story of mind power, metal and making dreams come true. eBook: Roger Cruickshank, Don MacNaughton: Kindle Store
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Stephen Dixon
Are speed awareness courses worth it? - Covered mag, presented by
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White-hat Hackers: Cybersecurity Specialists - Science Buddies Blog
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Science Buddies
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“Be a team player, be creative and be honest with other people and yourself.”
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Rev Run at Minn. State Fair, spreads diabetes awareness
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Read Sarah's story
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Wear Silver for International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31!
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aHUS Awareness Day 2016 Global Visual Arts Project
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“The UN must lead by example in appointing its next Secretary-General: make this moment count for gender equality”
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UN Women
“We will take the case forward till we reach justice”.
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Oxfam International
An End to France’s Shameful Burkini Ban?
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Human Rights Watch
Together we can #MakeNaijaStronger
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Meet the Woman Behind Women’s Equality Day
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UN Women
Federal Judge Orders UNC Not To Enforce "Bathroom Bill" Provision Of Anti-LGBT Law
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Trans Equality
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Let's make sure Scotland can't be used to dodge tax
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Oxfam International
Fart-Collecting Backpacks For Cows Look Silly, But They May Have A Serious Impact
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Brazil’s Highest Mountain Is Reopening for Shaman-Guided Ecotourism · Global Voices
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Global Voices
How better forecasts can prevent climate-induced disasters | Climate Home - climate change news
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Global Goals
4 Things You Didn’t Know About Climate Change and Girls
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"Cataclysmic Carousel of Greed": Oscar-Winning Actress Emma Thompson on Oil Drilling in Arctic
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Democracy Now!
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This 64-year-old man walked from Arunachal Pradesh to Gujarat to spread the message of peace
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Shiv Kumar
Who are the hackers who cracked the iPhone? - BBC News
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Hatem (Tim) Hatu
Human Rights and the Youth Community: We Can, or Rather, We Will
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Madison Mondell
Arrests made in connection with human trafficking that saw "pop-up" brothels operated in Dorset
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Madison Mondell
Commissioner Time Echols Hosting Unholy Tour on Sept. 20 - Carriage Trade PR
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Madison Mondell
National Campaign against Drugs & Alcohol Abuse in SHS Launched - MEDICAID Ghana
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CTV Northern Ontario: The push-up challenge
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CTV Northern Ontario
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