Open Access Journal: Iris: The Newsletter of the Lambda Classical Caucus

[First posted in AWOL 1 January 2011, updated  28 August 2016]

Iris: The Newsletter of the Lambda Classical Caucus
The Lambda Classical Caucus is a coalition of queer Classicists--including, but not limited to, lesbians, bisexuals, gay men, and transgendered people--and their friends and supporters. It was founded in 1989 as the Lesbian and Gay Classical Caucus. Although Lambda is a group affiliated with the Society for Classical Studies (previously the American Philological Association), LCC members need not belong to the SCS. Anyone who wishes to participate, and who is sympathetic to our mission, is welcome to join the LCC.
The purpose of the Caucus is twofold: scholarly and political. Our scholarly purpose is to promote research that reflects the personal and intellectual interests of queer scholars, and provide a bridge between Classics and the interdisciplinary fields of LGBT/Queer Studies, the history of sexuality, cultural studies, and gender theory. Our main activities are hosting academic panels and co-hosting the opening-night reception at the annual APA meeting. We also sponsor an email discussion list and the annual Rehak Award and also a new Graduate Student Paper Award.

Below you can find indexed issues of our newsletter IRIS. For current LCC news, please see announcements on our Facebook page.

Past Issues of Iris: 2013-2014 blog
  August 2012
  February 2012
  August 2011
  February 2011
  August 2010
  February 2010
  August 2009

February 2009

August 2008

February 2008

July 2007

September 2005

December 2002

December 1998

August 1998

May 1998