The “go-to” source for news from emerging creators in entertainment.
* * * { 2016 BLAST CHALLENGE } Share us with five (5) friends who could use Free PR! -----------------Join our community Facebook Group. -----------------Follow our development bloghere. ----------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #CROWDFUNDMONDAY Are You Crowdfunding New Entertainment? - With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options — not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves — we’ve taken it upon ourselves to highlight the titles that have recently hit th... - Since its launch in September 2011, Snapchat has come a long way. In an acquisition bid in 2013, Facebook offered Snapchat $3 billion, and after that the graph of Snapchat’s popularity has risen ex... - Created and hosted by Natasha Younge of THE YOUNGE HOLLYWOOD BLAST, #CrowdfundMonday provides weekly, community-based, social media support for emerging creators seeking funding online for entertai... - Andrew Ford via Andrew D. Ford Aug 12 3 Facebook Twitter Google Tumblr 3 notes via Andrew D. Ford theyoungehollywoodblast reblogged this from actorjackblack2 inbetweentimes reblogged this from acto...