My wife is the face of the change in fashion-Kanye West on Kim Kardashian

Kanye and Kim have gushed over each others love for fashion in new excerpts from an interview with Harper's Bazaar ..He said 
"My wife is the face of the change [in] fashion, where designers who literally wouldn't let her sit in shows are now making entire collections based off of her shape.It's funny, for Kim to be photographed so much, [she] represents our modern day Marie Antoinette. She gets hair and makeup every day, not just for a photo shoot. Why? Because every day is a photo shoot."
Crediting him with her fashion transformation, Kim said

"Kanye is a big part of my fashion story and my fashion transformation. He's my best stylist. Every look I love is definitely something that he's had a hand in helping to style or put together."
My friends and my sisters will say, "I've never met anyone like you two who will just sit in a closet for hours and try on clothes and cut things up and redesign them.
"We just love it, and we spend a lot of time on it. We do put a lot of effort into the looks and trying to stay ahead of the game."

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