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» Last week in the CTM!
Last week in the CTM!
It's crazy to see my spiritual and language growth in just 6 weeks:)
1. Proselyting
We got to go hand out Book of Mormons in public again! We handed out 11 in less than an hour, it was amazing! We got people's addresses to give the local missionaries for them to teach, and it was amazing to testify of Christ in 60 seconds and convince these people that this is the true church! Got me so hyped for the field. Also gave a Book to a dude in a Spiderman costume performing, I gave his agent my email so we may have pictures of that encounter coming soon!
2. The Blessing
Sister Smith in our district has had this nagging stomach pain that flares up from time to time, and the doctor didn't really know what was up, but she asked me to give her a blessing! I was nervous and was stumbling over my words a bit like an 18 year old does: then I had the prompting to tell her she would be healed. That was 5 days ago and she hasn't felt a thing since! I'm so grateful for the Priesthood and that I could be a worthy instrument in the Lord's hands.
3. Cultural Fun Fact
I was pretty bummed when I learned that I couldn't drive on the mission, but after seeing people drive around here I'm SO glad I don't have to drive in this chaos. The police don't enforce much, so people literally just drive 60 down residentials and pass people when they definitely shouldn´t! Bikers weave through traffic and drive on sidewalks! The road rage is unreal.
4. CTM conclusion
Gotta say all in all that I loved the CTM! Missionary work is a roller coaster of emotions but I had a great time and learned so much! And Brazil is the greatest so I´m truly blessed!
My P-days will be mondays, so till then!
Love, Elder Rawson