Sunday, 28th August 2016.
Twenty Second Week of Ordinary Time
Sir 3:19-21, 30-31;
Ps 67: 4-7, 10-11;
Heb 12: 18-19, 22-24;
Lk 14: 1, 7-14.
In all the four Gospels, Jesus is portrayed as a very social man attending many of the social events like marriages, meals etc. He even goes to the houses of tax-collectors who were hated by the Jews and to the houses of the Pharisees who often try to trap Him, condemn Him and those who finally even planned His death.
In today’s gospel we see that Jesus was invited for meals on an occasion by a leader of the Pharisees and as usual Jesus accepted the invitation. The Gospel says that the Pharisees were watching him closely, and it being the Sabbath day points out that this meal was a trap for Jesus doing something against the law. But Jesus also watches them. Jesus thus tells them a parable.
The first part of the parable comes as a result of Jesus’ observation that many of the invited guests were seeking places of honour. For Jews the places of honour in a social event was that to the right and left of the host or that which was closest to the host or to dine seated at the table occupied by the host. Therefore, Jesus begins the parable in the context of the wedding banquet which was a very common social event. Pharisees being the most honoured among the Jews always expected to occupy the places of honour. Jesus therefore warns them that do not seek these places of honour since it will not be the same in the Kingdom of God. The Pharisees always believed that they will be the first ones to be saved but Jesus here shatters their hope. Jesus brings out a new yardstick that of ‘humility’, more the humility more the honour.
The Pharisees must have found this new teaching difficult. Likewise, we too many a times are inclined towards seeking honour. Remember the words of Jesus, “those who are honoured will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be honoured.” Let us then change our attitudes seeking not the temporal honour rather the eternal one which is obtained by humility.
In the second part of the parable Jesus tells the host regarding the invited guests. Jesus here speaks with clear logic saying that if one invites a friend, relative, dignitaries; one is sure to get something in return. When a friend offers a birthday present for us on our birthday, surely we feel obliged to offer a present for that friend’s birthday. On the other hand, Jesus tells us to call the poor, lame, lepers etc. for the banquet expecting nothing in return. Jesus assures us that such an act would not go without reward rather it will surely be repaid in heaven. What we learn here is that if we do acts in order to gain honour in return surely the reward in heaven is lost rather let us do acts being humble and for the humble in the society, the reward of which will be granted to us in heaven.
In our life there is a constant tussle between pride and humility. If we let the pride grow we will start seeking honour and if we let the humility grow, then we will start being humble. Jesus has only advised us today to be humble, it is for us to accept it or neglect it and carry on and end up like those Pharisees who later went on to kill Jesus.
Prayer: Lord, Make me meek and humble like you. Amen.