Ch-ching…that’s money taking precedence over human rights‏

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Ch-ching…that’s money taking precedence over human rights
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The al-Shaymeh Education Complex for Girls after it was struck by missiles fired by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition
Why does the United States turn a blind eye to Saudi Arabia's terrible human rights record?

Donate and support our work pressuring the U.S. government to stop prioritizing arms deals over human rights.
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Dear friends,

Ch-ching... That's the sound of money taking precedence over human rights.

During President Obama's tenure, the United States has sold nearly $50 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia.

The United States' so-called ally has then used some of these weapons to lead a devastating campaign of unlawful airstrikes against civilians in the next-door country of Yemen.

This unfettered weapons pipeline must stop.

Support Amnesty's work to hold the U.S. accountable for arming Saudi Arabia's government, which is committing war crimes in Yemen.

Adding further insult to injury, Saudi Arabia sits on the world's top human rights body - the UN Human Rights Council - and has used this position to shield itself from human rights investigations.

Your donation will support Amnesty's efforts to ensure that Saudi Arabia is suspended from the Human Rights Council and to stop the U.S. from prioritizing arms deals over human rights.

We live in an unstable world. I hope you'll be part of our efforts.


Sunjeev Bery
Advocacy Director, Middle East North Africa
Amnesty International USA

Amnesty International USA
© 2016 Amnesty International USA | 5 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10001 | 212.807.8400 

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