Edited by Azizi Powell
This is Part II of two pancocojams series that showcaseS a 2008 video of members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. performing a march (a stepping routine).
In addition to that video, Part II also includes selected comments from that video's discussion thread that refer to the customs of branding and the custom of mean mugging in Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and in some other historically Black Greek letter organizations. Part II also includes some commentary about the Que marching that is shown in the video which is featured in this post.Part II provides some information about the custom of branding that occurs in some historically Black Greek fraternities and sororities.
Click http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2016/08/critical-comments-rebuttals-about-black.html for Part I of this series. In addition to that video, Part I includes selected comments from that video's discussion thread that documents critical comments and rebuttals about Black people joining Greek letter fraternities and sororities.
The content of this post is presented for folkloric, and cultural purposes.
DISCLAIMER: This post is not meant to imply that members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. or members of other historically Black Greek letter organizations are the only fraternities or sororities to have brands. Members of PWI (predominately White institutions i.e. fraternities and sororities) may also have organizational brands. However, that custom has always been much more common in certain BGLOs. It has always been very rare for members of some BGLOs (particularly some sororities) to have brands. But Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is particularly known for many of its members having one or more brands. One brand is usually on their chest near their heart, and/or on their forearm.
One of my take away from reading these comments (and noting the photographs of some of the commenters) is that a number of Black commenters (as well as non-Black commenters) don't know about the custom in some BGLOs (especially the fraternities) of branding. And those who do know about this custom, don't appear to be aware of the reasons people who are branded have given for getting a brand.
In the interest of full disclosure, I'm a member of a historically Black Greek letter sorority (Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc), although I've been inactive in that organization for decades. I don't think that branding has ever been a custom in that sorority, and if it had been a custom when I was active with that organization (in the late 1960s-a loooong time ago), I probably would have opted out of that choice.
That said, to each his or her own (especially if it is done outside of hazing-which has been illegal for some time in Divine 9 organizations. And especially if branding is done by someone who knows what he or she is doing, and the person branded follows takes care after his or her branding to prevent infection and other post-branding consequences.)
All copyrights remain with their owners.
Thanks to all those who are featured in this video and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the producer and publisher of this video on YouTube.
From http://www.dailytarheel.com/article/2015/02/national-pan-hellenic-fraternities-branding-ritual-is-rooted-in-history Quoted from The Daily Tar Heel
..."Although, historically, there have been students at UNC [Universities of North Carolina] that have been branded, it is not something Bachenheimer, director of Fraternity & Sorority Life and Community Involvement at UNC, and his department encounter often. “In that instance there was nothing to handle,” he said. “Typically branding doesn’t happen until one is initiated, but historically it is not a part of hazing.” He said the administration is aware of branding in UNC Greek life, but because it is a voluntary practice, there are no official policies against it. “While we may have concerns about branding, particularly the process which can lead to other problems, we can only educate people about branding,” Bachenheimer said... Though there is no official UNC policy, if branding is a part of hazing, it is dealt with in a different capacity... “If the brand itself is incurred through another act of violence, then we have an assault policy but not a branding policy,” Bachenheimer said.
A voluntary practice Lyles said the tradition [or branding] started in National Pan-Hellenic Council fraternities around the 1960s, though it developed at different fraternities across the country parallel to one another. Eddie Francis, who studies historically black colleges and universities and the National Pan-Hellenic Council, said there is no way to know exactly the beginning of branding in NPHC organizations because there is not much documentation on the subject. Sandra Posey, a women’s studies associate professor at the Metropolitan State University of Denver who has studied the Omega Psi Phi fraternity, said she has heard various stories that trace it back to black soldiers in World War I, the branding of slaves, African practices or even a freemason tradition. “So much is veiled in secrecy and legend,” she said. “It’s really hard to say what the actual origin of branding in fraternities is.” Even now the organizations practice discretion among other organizations in the Divine Nine — the nine historically black Greek letter organizations in NPHC — so it is hard to know what happens in the fraternities and sororities. “Discretion is something that is not only a requirement but is respected,” Francis said. Lyles said that along with Omega Psi Phi, chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. have their own branding traditions. “For us it was ceremonial, but it is certainly not sanctioned by the fraternal organizations,” he said.
Bachenheimer said NPHC fraternities usually have a policy that explicitly states the national organization’s official stance on branding. Members say practice is a voluntary decision and not part of any hazing or initiation rituals. Georgia State University alumnus Anthony Kadri is a member of Omega Psi Phi and serves in the national organization’s Grand Council...Beckett said its important to get branded by someone who knows what they are doing, both to ensure it looks correct after and to reduce the risk of complications. “It is like a tattoo in the way that you’re not just going to let anybody do it,” Beckett said. “You ask around and see who can do it well, and those people become pretty popular within the fraternity.” Kadri said because it is not a sanctioned activity, members need to use common sense when they get branded. “It’s a burn,” he said. “You’re assuming your own risk. You’re not forced to have one.” Branding is mostly about expressing love for the organization, according to Francis. “Emotional attachment, if you look outside of branding, is no different from how other people show attachment,” he said."
This excerpt was reformatted for this post.
SHOWCASE VIDEO: Omega Psi Phi Que Doggs
Where thinkin' aint illegal yet, Uploaded on Jul 18, 2008
Gamma Sig Ques Settin' It Out 75th Conclave 2008
Pancocojams editor's notes:
Gamma Sig chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is located at Alabama State University. "Ques" and "Que Dogs" are positive referents for members of that historically Black Greek letter organization. However, "Que dog" is only an in-group referent (i.e. it shouldn't be used by non-members as a referent for a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.)
A "conclave" is "a private or secret meeting or group": "a gathering of a group or association" http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conclave
One reason why I'm showcasing this video is because it probably has the most views and comments than any other Black Greek letter organization (BGLO) video on YouTube. As of August 4, 2016 (at 9:41 AM) that video had 1,389,745 views and 1,060 comments.
Click the "Black fraternities and sororities" tag and "Black fraternity and sorority stepping" tag below for more pancocojams post about historically Black Greek letter organizations (BGLOs).
This compilation contains selected comments from the discussion thread of the 2008 video that is showcased above.
These comments are given in relative chronological order, with the oldest dated comments by year given first, except for responses. However, these comments may not be in consecutive order. I've assigned numbers for referencing purposes only.
WARNING: Many comments in this video's discussion thread contain profanity, homophobic language, racist references, and sexually explicit references.
Although many comments in this video's discussion thread contain homophobic references, for the folkloric record, I've only included a few of those comments in this compilation. And although a number of comments in that discussion thread contain racist referents, for the folkloric record, I've only included a few of those comments in this compilation.
I've not included any examples of the numerous comments in that video's discussion thread that contain explicit sexual language.
With the exception of the words "damn" and "hell", I've used amended spelling for words that are considered profanity. Words with amended spelling are indicated by this symbol ^
1. marcusmalone046
"that's Alabama State Ques marching."
2. mcbridsr
"I can't see how the dude in the front did the splits that long my legs would hurt but the ques always be OWT"
3. C.KHiD
"went hard!"
4. truBob91
"omg Split-Boy was sexy as hell tho
My daddy is a que :)"
5. keebroomer1, 2012
"what's the name of the song that plays in the beginning of the video?"
6. getonthefloor92
"Atomic Dog by George Clinton
... its a Q thang :)"
7. mrchangeurlife. 2012
"@keebroomer1 "Atomic Dog" - George Clinton"
8. Lady18bugg, 2012
"Them Atomic dogs you gotta love em' lol"
George Clinton's record "Atomic Dog" is like the Ques' unofficial theme song.
Since members of Omega Psi Phi, Inc. are called "Que dogs", you'll not find another Black Greek letter fraternity dancing to that record.
9. mrchangeurlife
"I like the enthusiasm stay focused on Omega"
10. mzyorkie
11. xdeeshaax
"whats that mark on their chests? :O"
12. tsufi11
"@xdeeshaax its not a mark, its an omega brand"
13. DragonSpikeXIII
"are they REALLY branded? like for life?
Because if they accepted being branded just for some sort of brotherhood, then they're so incredibly retarded"
14. Tiffany Campbell
"did they burn the omega psi phi symbol into their chest or is that a tatoo ???"
15. brittneysoule
"@BOBEAUX5 my husband is a que...hes not branded but he does have the omega tat!"
tat = tattoo
[This comment was written in response to one that indicated that only Omegas (Ques) brand."
16. jay new
"Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a historically Black Greek letter sorority that is also a member of the Divine 9. Information about the Divine 9 is found in Part I of this series.
The Deltas are often considered the (unofficial) sister organization of the Ques (members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Inc. Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity Inc. is also one of the "Divine 9 historically Black Greek letter organizations. -snip-
"OOOOO-OOOP" is the signature call of members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
I disagree with the commenter that all Greek organizations practice branding or even that all historically Black Greek letter organizations engage in the custom of branding.
17. celestielsigh
"The branding is a lil scary but I love Ques!"
18. mariawhat757
"yes they may look and act wild but I knnow some Omega men and Ques who have hearts of gold and are soo smart! dont judge a book they HOLDDOWN THEIR Bros forreal! I see it on the yard all the timeand all around from Florida State Grambling TExas southern SCu Clark ATL NCAT HAMPTON NSU HOWARD! to Del state they r a unit foreal! give them love where its do.. they show lov I without doubt! men shud def loook in to omega stats n not just their owt call"
19. TheMainMan318
"gold f&&king boots with purple laces, only the ques gotta love it"
The Ques' colors are purple and gold. They are known for wearing army boots and army fatigue pants, harping back to the World War I army roots.
20. hypurple99
"that Ace WORKED them splits!!!!!!!!!! whoooo!"
"Ace" is the person at the front of the (vertical) line. The person at the end of the line is the "tail".
21. highnine9
"I'm british, can someone tell me what this is all about ?"
22. Alicia Conley4
"@highnine9 Its somewhat hard to explain...This is what is called a fraternity...a brotherhood of men who come together as one...They were doing a stroll or step...you may want to google it to get a better understanding"
A number of commenters used the term "march" (instead of stroll or step to refer to the movements the men in this video made. I've heard and read Ques' characteristic "step" movements called "hopping" or "bopping".
23. Melaney Scott
24. davecalifingers
"wow they look ridiculous"
25. kwillzmz
"why do q-dogs always make that face when they are doing that stuff?"
26. ValenciaRegina Shelton
[This comment is written in response to a comment that was critical of the custom of "mean mugging" (also known as "grittin'"- putting on a mean expression to show how determined and hard you are. Ques aren't the only BGLO which does "mean mugging".]
27. a48034
"@Osiyor seems like your scared just because they mean muggin....right because lookin mean in a group means your a gang..........dumass"
Here's a related link: http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2013/06/what-grittin-on-someone-means-in.html
28. Osiyor
"@a48034 when you can tell me what benefits come from mean mugging, you may actually make a pint of a sense in what you say, acting like a goon doesn't set you any different from those in jails, but if you find this cool, it's all you... ignorant fool
29. a48034
"@Osiyor your so f&&king^ dumb, READ, Omegas are some of the forefathers of modern medicine,art,entertainment,politics,and definitely sports. Benjamin E. Mays mentor of Dr. MLK and president of Morehouse. Langston Hughes innovator of literary arts. Dr.Ronald E. McNair astronaut,Dr. Charles Drew(first blood transfussion) Douglas Wilder, Bill Cosby,Jesse Jackso and so many more. This fraternity is full of african american men who exemplified Christian morals and uplifting mankind with knowledge."
30. leelee1947
"the ace don't got no grit tho"
This comment means that the first man in line doesn't have a grittin' expression on his face.
31. Zebadee Rankin
"My older brother, Leroy Rankin is the Ace Dog and the boy in the front is Eric, 100% real Que Dogs!"
32. Ernesto Ernesto
"The Dude at the front meant bussiness dough."
33. MangOPlatinum
"why are they mean mugging the way they are..u can look serious without looking extra mean. because by you doing that looks fake. like u trying too hard to be mean. smh"
34. chocolatatee33
35. PanamaNano
"ok, much props to that dude in the front with the splits!"
36. briana jackson
"lawdy ohhh lawdy dat one in the front....whooooolawdy!!!!...dem splits..... :0)"
37. crit1227
"@Johnsonfam22 Hahahaha girl you aint neva lied lawd how mercy"
38. Jahjah305dancer
"OMG They're branded on dey chest, WOW !"
39. kenny814
"This frat is mad crazy but idk bout the brand ... gotta rain check on that"
"Mad (very)crazy" is probably a compliment.
40. lilmacklilredevil21
"The que in the front goes hard"
41. GuyaneseHooper
"This Ni&&a Start Doing The Splits . Lol , Hell Nawl .!!!!"
A number of commenters were critical of a man doing splits, implying or actually writing something that meant that "real men" don't do splits. However, I believe that doing splits -and some movements that are lifted from gymnastics are core features of most step shows since at least the 1990s.
The splits remind me of modified "death drops". However, many BGLO fraternity members may not want to acknowledge this since death drops originated in Gay ballroom scenes and (it appears to me) that a lot of BGLO members are homophobic.
42. Marmalade000000
"Wow, they're all branded"
43. Biggestassholealive
"Blacks do the weirdest sh&t.^
44. coporal4
"yea like Animal House and walking around in White Robes hanging ppl isn't weird. Amazing that Blacks do all the wierd sh*t^ and whites do nothing but make hypocritic remarks"
"Animal House" is an American movie about a dysfunctional White Greek letter organization (PWI- predominately White institution).
"can someone please explain to me why their scars are in the shape of omega?? did they do that to themselves or some sh&t?^"
46. sam jones
"My teacher has one on his leg lol"
47. dothedeed
"If anyone from this organization is reading, please phase out that ridiculous practice of branding your brothers like animals. The scars are ugly and permanent. Think about a small inconspicuous tattoo or better yet just hand out a ring or other object with your symbol."
48. dothedeed
"IKR - Such an ugly ass brand on his chest for life SMH. Messed up his beautiful skin."
49. Sarah Rogers
"damn.. they brand you! that's extreme"
50. kayy buy
"i could never be dedicated enough to be branded"
51. st1ckyf1ngerz15
"You do not have to get branded....it's a choice. A choice that you will never understand. It is their love for the fraternity. Until you are in it, you will not understand."
52. Miya Partee
"It's their choice to get branded"
53. Sarah Rogers
"I know! my ex is in a fraternity and they never did anything like that to him...
54. Selena Brown
"Man the guy in front stepped out his pants...lol. Much love...I cried when my daddy came home with those brands on his arms."
55. xoxjessiica
"wow this was so amazing. the look in their eyes and face... you can see how dedicated they are. i have nothing but respect for them."
56. ULoveMySugaLumps
"I don't care how many other groups or races of people start stepping, can't none of them ever do it better than black people. period. we go hard with our shit everytime, cuz we got SOUL.... we are the originators of rythym and soul... but the first one on the line did go hard on this one lol"
57. whitley coco
"The first dude, Is that a tattoo??"
The photo with this comment is of a young teenager or a young Black woman.
58. ~Jezzi~
"nah that's a scar"
This commenter has art work for his or her icon.
59. whitley coco
"but how?? (never saw anything like that before)"
60. whitley coco
"+gypsychik1 how did they do it?"
61. ~Jezzi~
"it's called scarification it's basically cutting a design into your skin so when it heals you have a scar in the shape you want."
62. whitley coco
"oh wow. Thanks"
63. ~Jezzi~
"no problem"
64. Lars Johnson
"+whitley coco that's not what that is. he's branded. that was done with hot metal hitting the flesh."
This commenter has a photograph of a White baby as his icon.
65. Lars Johnson
"+gypsychik1 that's a brand. it was burned in, not cut in."
66. whitley coco2
"omgsh +Lars Johnson i couldnt do that. thanks!"
67. Ayanna Marshall
"Did they really burn the symbol on their chest"
68. pinkafroninja24
"Naw it's a sticker... Lmao hell yeah they did. Crazy huh? It looks disgusting when it's healing"
69. Vince Lok
"Wow, that's dedication for you!"
70. BeautyGirl570
"It's branding."
71. artsygirlify, 2015
"+pinkafroninja24 LMAO@ Naw it;s a sticker! branding for Q's is old tradition...where have these people been under a rock? Comedian Jpe Torry has one...he's a Q from Lincoln Univ in Missouri...Ced the Entertainer a Q...have yet to see a brand,,,"
72. Q Savaqe, 2015
"+artsygirlify sorry you wont see a brand on Ced the Entertainer he is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi"
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. is a historically Black Greek letter fraternity and a member of the Divine 9.
[This comment is in response to commenter who said this was copying the “Maori Haka dance”]
73. artsygirlify
"actually the dance is african inspired...the chants too...know your history of dance"
74. Rebecca Kirby
"being branded is never right! I was in a sorority but no level of dedication or brotherhood should ever require you to cut or maim yourself"
75. Brother Gnosis, 2016
"This is your opinion that doesn't matter"
76. Reply
iayyam, 2016
"No one requires you to do anything like branding. That's voluntary."
77. DoITAll 1911
"I can't fathom , how people will blatantly criticize, what they don't understand. If your not a Que, or even part of a GLO, your opinion stands for little...and your criticism for nothing."
78. Michelle Johnson, 2016
"What is a GLO, please?"
79. DoITAll 1911, 2016
"Greek Letter Organization"
80. Solomon Grundy
"branded like slaves"
81. Ajaruldoss
"RE To Everyone Who Thinks They Were Forced To Be Branded: One Can Only Choose To Be Branded. No Frat Forces It."
82. King Tarrius
"Can someone please explain what is happening, what language they're speaking and why they've been branded?"
83. Shi Di
"College Fraternity
I'm positive that they are speaking mainly English mixed with their Frat Name which is from the greek language, also mixed with just "random" grunts and yelps (like a chant)
The brand is a symbol of their pledge to the Frat and their Brotherhood"
84. leah rockie
"are you white? because you wont get this if you're a white greek."
I think that "You won't get this" means "You don't have to worry about getting branded". But it might mean "You won;t understand this."
85. shae Daddi
"Bruh they branded them like slaves"
86. iayyam
"No one branded them. That's voluntary."
87. Cassie Green
"they sure did. f&&k^ that. I won't let anyone brand me.:
88. iayyam
"not true"
89. Crystal McKinley
"They did it voluntarily, it wasn't forced."
90. DoITAll 1911
"Do some research on Branding. It was/is also done for body representation. Some times slaves were also tatood. So does having a tatoo make you ignorant of slavery? No."
91. DoITAll 1911
"+Cassie Green Its not a requirment. For Bruhs it has a meaning. Not all slaves were branded. Slaves were branded on their faces. Your not going to see that."
92. Mlledeja rawrr
"+DoITAll 1911 those were done as ceremonial scars to identify each other in war. this is not the same thing, however they chose to have it done so I don't see the problem. Furthermore, in African traditional sociétés they have stopped almost altogether doin (scarification) it for it holds no longer the same significance because they have clothes to identify each other in war and tribes aren't as segregated."
93. DoITAll 1911
"+Mlledeja rawrr Scarification still goes on today, as you stated. I can't speak for other BGLO's but branding for Omega has significance."
94. Mlledeja rawrr
"+DoITAll 1911 It goes on, yes, the scarification does, however it's not widely done anymore in Africa specifically in the west where its presence was prevalent. I did say they chose to have it done (Omega Psi) so I see no issue, however to throw in African tradition to back this choice is erroneous and inaccurate."
95. Robin Lee
"This reminds me of maori warrior HAKA. Just as powerful. Thanks for sharing."
This concludes Part II of this series.
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» Branding & Mean Mugging (Grittin) In Omega Psi Phi, Inc. & In Some Other Historically Black Greek Letter Organizations