Around Here: week 32

Enjoying... watching people see Josh and our three boys together.  The look on some people's faces is priceless.  Just the twins can catch people's attention, but the four of them together look so exactly the same, people are flabbergasted when they see them.  It never fails to make me laugh.

Feeling grateful... for both a smooth trip to our new hometown, and for the help we had in getting our house ready for us while we were still in Vancouver packing.  (more on the move to come!)

Accomplishing... the huge job of unpacking.

Celebrating... our thirteen year wedding anniversary on Monday.  It's sure been a crazy ride!

Spending money... by the bucketload at Lowe's this week as we work on, tweak and fix up our new house.  Hello new toilet & sink faucet!

Breathing... for at least a few minutes each morning at the bar in our kitchen.  That sweet little counterspace makes me smile every morning.

Working on... getting Carly on a good routine.  We went back to swaddling (it just works for us) and are hoping if we focus on better daytime sleep, her night time sleep will follow suit.

Tearing up... when Wyatt said the best part of his day was right then, at the dinner table, where we were all together as a family.  It's been a long year, and we are all so thankful to be together in one place with all our belongings and each other.

Loving... the backyard.  The boys wake up and the first thing they want to do is go outside.  It's pretty much my favorite!

Relishing... how much this place already feels like home.

Looking forward... to getting more settled and establishing a good routine once school starts.  So many good things in our future.


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