Anarchistic update news all over the world - Part 2 - 22 August 2016

Today's Topics:

1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL n° special - Night stand:
Ups and debates (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL n° special -
Universities: Like a missed opportunity (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
3. Rupture Collective (RC): Fotogalería, Resistance and
Liberation of Mother Earth in Corinto, Cauca (ca) [machine
translation] (


Message: 1

democratic reappropriation of public space for some dreamy idealism or outright threat to
the Republic for others, the movement citizenist Night standing did not actually weighed 
in the movement against the Labour Law. But locally, it could hold some surprises. ---- 
The call for a "night stand" in Paris on March 31, was launched by the Journal of François 
Ruffin, Fakir: after the demonstration, it is not going home, and the street is occupied. 
A few days later, the idea had spread - very unevenly - in France, the occupation of 
places showing real potential for opening up of components of the social movement. ---- 
The refusal of political union or labeling has opened the door to people with little or no 
activists and unaffiliated, who came there to share their anger. In addition, the general 
spirit horizontalist the unanimous rejection of the spokesmen and elected officials, have 
fueled some interesting critical discussion on parliamentarism and state. This has locally 
led to spectacular actions, collectively decided and implemented in stride: "We'll take a 
drink in Valls? Let's go! Let's go ! "

String of monologues

But standing Night is not everything. First, the continuing occupation, including at 
night, remains out of reach for most wage earners and demand a lot of energy for others, 
besides police harassment, including Paris, was expensive and tiring.

A lot of people went to stand Night Paris came away pretty disappointed with the 
impression of having witnessed an endless succession of monologues, a statutory 
declaration, rants, poems ... It was far concrete discussions can born in assemblies of 
companies or facs in struggle, where participants share an environment and common 
interests. In short, where there are issues.

We say that this was the consequence of character "ground out" Night Paris standing with 
curious from all over, but without real cement. It is generally in the thematic committees 
(general strike, action, social work ...) and interesting things have happened.

In terms of opportunities, sorrowful souls regretted that after so much discussion, no 
platform specific demands emerges; but that was trying to turn Night standing with a 
current political program, that by definition it could not be.

However, in a rather pragmatic, a number of associations, unions, political groups (or 
somewhat esoteric ...) saw standing in Night unprecedented agora to present and 
disseminate ideas.

Include wants? Uh ...

Outside these limits, this form also showed ambivalence. In some cities, the principle of 
inclusiveness was such that, for example, masculinist, conspiracy, soraliens and other 
nationalists have relied on their right to speak, just as feminists, LGBTQ or undocumented.

Night Stand has actually highlighted and brought the voice of a movement that is defined 
only by its single "citizenship" - empty, abstract form - and is reluctant to recognize 
that society is riven by class divisions and inequalities structural between men and women 
and between "White hes" and racialized es. Hence the tendency to get lost in the 
democratic formalism, to thoroughly detail the optimal rules of the discussion, comparing 
the virtues of the draw and those of the agora, seeking to prioritize the principles of a 
new project Constitution - that the government would be expected to adopt willingly!

With few exceptions - especially when night-deboutistes contingents have provided support 
to union members on blocking actions - the wave of Nights standing has not played a big 
role in the opposition to Labour Law. It will however have the merit of offering a space 
of plural discussions that attests to a real appetite for change, and that will have 
enabled people hitherto non-activists to approach the collective struggle.

Marco (U 92)


Message: 2

The student mobilization against the Labour Law is fast and hard part since March 9. 
Although blown quickly fell, the key is there: apathy is broken, the alarm is possible. 
---- On March 9, at the initiative of Trade Unions ( and UNEF), 
general meetings were held in fifty institution of higher education. For the first general 
assemblies, they were exciting with investments away from the ridiculous (400 in Nantes, 
600 at Paris-VIII, 120 in Poitiers ...). ---- The national action days on 17 and 24 March 
led to a generalization of the AG in the universities ... but without quantitative scale 
change. Outside of Paris-VIII and Rennes II, no massification. Most facs have rarely 
exceeded 400 people AG, and the movement has not expanded beyond the core initiator.

Of course, school holidays have not helped to maintain a national dynamic and the exams 
have caught us-es in mid-May, when the blocking actions began to multiply. Yet it would be 
too easy to see the reasons for this failure to expand. It will discuss the balance sheets 
collectively to advance and interrogate activists practices once the final movement.

Administrative closures and CRS

In most facs, the AG quickly became the place of organization of the fight. As well as 
mobilization committees involving students, union members or not. The first coordination 
francilienne, March 17, has been the scene of tension with the UNEF, who tried to sabotage 
the self-organization. Nevertheless, on March 19 universities throughout France were able 
to meet in Paris-VIII for a first National Student Coordination, which has set up a 
Spokesperson's Office, in order not to let the door be Unef Floor-proclaimed movement.

Soon, at Tolbiac, Bordeaux, Rennes and Lyon, among others, university presidents have 
responded with their new favorite weapon: the administrative closure of sites, to deter 
blockades and occupations. These closures are emptying the facs, preventing students and
students consolidate it. Sometimes under the guise of emergency rule, the university 
authorities have involved the police, as in Lyon-II, Strasbourg or Tolbiac, where she was 
particularly violent.

Hot this fall?

Once again, the need for struggle and self-managed unionism obvious. To promote the fight, 
to provide students and students tools to keep control of their movement to converge with 
other sectors. But also to organize those who are determined to continue fighting every day!

After years of apathy, the facs finally stirred, thousands of people participated in 
street demonstrations. Even if it was only a flash in the pan, it demonstrates a 
willingness to dissent. And if the fall was warmer than expected?

Of Students AL


Message: 3

On 16 December 2014 the Nasa nation began making and direct release of 2000 hectares of 
land in the municipality of Corinto, located in the northern department of Cauca. These 
lands were monopolized by the sugar mill Incauca, owned by Ardila Lule who, in addition to 
controlling cane production for biofuels in two departments of the south-western Colombia, 
has a strong monopoly on the production of soda, sugar, banking and RCN channel media that 
is recognized by a constant defense of the action of paramilitary groups in Colombia. ---- 
The end of this process of land release is to overcome the food crisis of indigenous 
communities refolded in high and infertile land, replacing cane production for biofuels 
from crops of beans, corn and pumpkin, expand and strengthen safeguards, exercising their 
ancestral land rights, a right that has been taken away in more than 500 years of 
despoiling. Nasa indigenous communities for land is the material support of an independent 
and dignified life, in which harmonious relations between people and nature are practiced 
under their own forms of government.

Direct struggle for land that has been done in five indigenous reserves of Northern Cauca 
has not been without repression: paid by the landowner Alvaro Za, known in the region as 
"monkey" in complicity with the forces paramilitary groups armed institutional, receive 
mingas direct release of land with gusts as bullet against men, women and children, who 
have no other weapon than rocks and hoes, as was presented in the last minga release on 
August 8 2016. According to reports from the community, for two months these armed groups 
have begun patrolling the area late at night, sowing terror and anxiety in the community 
and thereby announcing the possibility of future violent actions against commoners.

Death threats against dirt and liberators are now a daily occurrence, with no community 
the permanent presence of human rights organizations. Furthermore, in the hard days to 
release the anti-riot police attacked the homes and sacred community centers, setting fire 
to structures built in bamboo and straw, firing gases against children, using 
unconventional weapons like slingshots, recalzadas with explosive material segmentation 
and excrement, stun bombs and conventional firearms.

The atmosphere of terror and intimidation is permanent, according to information provided 
by the fabric Communications Nasa people, only 14 to July 18 this year, were killed 
savagely four Nasa community members in the municipality of Caloto, while the Coordinator 
of the Indigenous Guard guard delight was baliado at home on July 16. Despite these facts
the indigenous community does not back down in its fight for the direct release of land, 
it is urgent that communities are not left isolated, generated and networks of solidarity 
between the indigenous community and the organizations and individuals that support be
strengthened direct struggle for land, the siege of terror that has wanted to isolate 
communities break, because only in this way it is possible to stop the repression against 
the communities living in the north of Cauca, to advance this process of struggle the earth.

The State has ignored the just demands of indigenous sectors of Cauca, constantly 
discriminated against and forced to live in the mountains empinosas away from arable land. 
The former haciendas that served as administrative centers, warehouses gathering and 
housing for laborers, are now the headquarters of the police, army and paramilitary 
groups, from which coordinates with the large landowners and under the approval of the 
local political class, the strongest repression of Nasa, their crops and their culture.

Indeed, the strategy of psychological warfare the Colombian State (which curiously has 
increased amid peace talks) to weaken solidarity and Nasa rear. Corn crops are destroyed 
by machinery of the sugar mills and tanks of ESMAD missing a few weeks for harvest, sacred 
places are burned and targeted assassinations are increasingly ghoulish, from pistols with 
silencers to pique bodies .

Despite the dead, repression and constant black propaganda of the mainstream media, the 
resistance continues and more and more strongly, as recorded in the previous agrarian 
national minga that paralyzed much of the country. However, we must walk the floor ever 
further, converting the Minga release in a process of anti-systemic resistance worldwide, 
who refuses to live under a system of accumulation by death and destruction.

We make a call to all those rebellious hearts to join this feeling that is from the upper 
basin of the Cauca River and mountains nasa nation to support this process, sending 
medicines, non-perishable food and items for camping in cases where possible, or failing 
that, to support spreading the humanitarian crisis that exists in these lands, showing the 
various and abundant audiovisual materials, and for those who live outside the Colombian 
territory, solidarity with social mobilization boycotting and denouncing the header 
narco-state by neo-liberal allied with the extreme right paramilitary national policies.

Let's liberate the land to recover all!

Libertarian Struggle - Rebeldía Contrainformativa

International revolution

Cultural Centre "Ricardo Flores Magon"
