Forrest loooooves his grampa.
It was another hot, dry day last week when we took our grand-dog for a hike.
But our grand-dog, Forrest, doesn't care about the heat.
He just wants to head out on an adventure.
So we keep him on trails in the bush out of the sun.
Other than yanking my arm out of it's socket...
he's a good dog.
Around the garden this week...
there were many visitors in the sumacs.
First off, a very odd looking bird came by for seed bright and early this morning.
Notice the beak.
It's always nice to get a different bird from our regulars to drop by.
He hung around in the wood-lot for the morning.
I watched that he could eat seed, which he did, as I was concerned about that.
After showing his photo to a birder friend, I was told that he may be a Starling with a deformed beak.
Has anyone ever seen a bird like this?
And this is the first of our Downies this summer. I have not seen one since the heat hit.
He had some fun on the sumac.
We've had some steady wind and rain this week.
That could be why a Pine Siskin hit our window and fell to the ground yesterday.
I ran out and picked it up; caressing it's head to see if it's neck was ok.
It looked around, obviously stunned.
I left it on the ground, lifting it onto a towel away from the rain. Then I waited an hour... checking on it's condition every few minutes.
I was prepared to take it to our Wild Bird Sanctuary if there was no improvement.
But the last time I was gone. :)
I didn't have the heart to take a photo of the stunned bird.
I love happy endings.
btw...we have sun-catchers and ribbons hanging on our windows but I guess the rain confused the bird.
the sun is out,
(She doesn't care)
the sky is blue
and I have some veggies to deliver. :)
Have a good day,
hugs, Deb