YouTube Enhances Shopping Experience With New Ads: This Week in Social Media : Social Media Examiner

The Social Media News Daily

your dose of the best social news of the day
Publié par
Ekaterina Walter
17 juillet 2016
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YouTube Enhances Shopping Experience With New Ads: This Week in Social Media : Social Media Examiner
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SocialMedia Examiner
thumbnailwww­.socialmediaexaminer­.com - Welcome to our weekly edition of what’s hot in social media news. To help you stay up to date with social media, here are some of the news items that caught our attention. Google Improves YouTube A...
Live Video: Creative Ways to Do a Live Show on Facebook : Social Media Examiner
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SocialMedia Examiner
thumbnailwww­.socialmediaexaminer­.com - Have you considered hosting a regular show on Facebook Live? To discover creative ways to use Facebook Live, I interview Lou Mongello. The Social Media Marketing podcast is an on-demand talk radio ...
10 Snapchat Hacks to Make Your Snaps Stand Out : Social Media Examiner
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SocialMedia Examiner
thumbnailwww­.socialmediaexaminer­.com - Do you want to take your Snapchat marketing up a notch? Have you explored all of Snapchat’s features? Learning to use all of the features Snapchat offers is a big part of telling stories people wil...
6 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Ads : Social Media Examiner
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SocialMedia Examiner
thumbnailwww­.socialmediaexaminer­.com - Using key insights from Facebook to see how users respond to and engage with your ads can help you optimize your campaigns. In this article, you’ll discover six ways Facebook ad metrics can help yo...
How to Easily Create Your Own Video Show : Social Media Examiner
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SocialMedia Examiner
thumbnailwww­.socialmediaexaminer­.com - Looking for ways to position yourself as an industry expert? Have you considered using video to increase your visibility? Using video to give your own take on news and stories that are relevant to ...
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Scott Gerber
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Gary Vaynerchuk
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3 Tips to Use Affiliate Links on Pinterest : Social Media Examiner
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SocialMedia Examiner
7 can't-miss apps: Vevo, Polaroid Swing, Darby and more
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Bursting the chatbot bubble
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Facebook lifts the veil on its mobile device testing lab
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Uber for 911 transport is a horrible idea
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These Are The Most Important People In Your Network At Each Stage Of Your Career
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Fast Company
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Alice Walker on What Her Father Taught Her About Lying and the Love-Expanding Capacity of Telling the Truth
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Maria Popova
John Cena harnesses his WWE fury to help you become a better worker
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The changing face of a Harlem storefront over nearly 40 years
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82-year-old 'America's Got Talent' star rocks out with Drowning Pool
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The Power of Solidarity in the Conquest of Justice: How Sixteen White Poets Banded Against Police Brutality and Stood Up for Amiri Baraka in 1968
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Maria Popova
'Star Wars: Battlefront' to add 'Rogue One' heroes and locations
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Why Jet Lag Can Feel Worse When You Travel West to East
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Chip Conley
‘Amazing’: Scientists crack mystery of Venus’s vanished water
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Maria Popova
Spectacular hand-colored postcards of 19th-century Venice
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The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected: Astrophysicist Marcelo Gleiser on the Transcendence of Nature and Fishing as a Metaphor for the Pursuit of Knowledge
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Maria Popova
Marie Curie on Curiosity, Wonder, and the Spirit of Adventure in Science
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Maria Popova
The Hummingbird Effect: How Galileo Invented Timekeeping and Forever Changed Modern Life
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Maria Popova
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How Drake can help you understand your business
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XYZprinting releases a $50 3D printing pen
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Well, that was fast: Trump/Pence campaign appears to have nixed phallic logo
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TV Continues to Top Time with Media - eMarketer
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LinkedIn's Top Three Secrets To Getting Hired In 2016
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Fast Company
AM/FM Radio Still Leads Music Discovery in Canada - eMarketer
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Violence Haunts South Sudan as Civil War Flares
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Nicholas Kristof
The everyday app that helped Erdogan beat the coup
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We’re Helping Deport Kids to Die -
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Nicholas Kristof
Facebook reportedly blocked in Armenia during unrest in the capital
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Qandeel Baloch: Pakistan social media celebrity 'killed by brother' - BBC News
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Nicholas Kristof
People are being arrested for writing negative things about the police
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Fast Company
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Simversity’s Neeraj Bansal talks about the future of education
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littleBits at a crossroads: educational tool or toy?
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Fast Company
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