Driving in North Africa: Egypt vs Morocco (vs America)

Some of the most vivid memories I have of Egypt is the streets. The traffic, trying to cross the streets, and the insane driving. These things were all a bigger threat to my safety than any extremists, protestors, or whatever.

Before coming to Morocco, I had about three days of orientation. Then we flew to Casablanca. Then we had yet another orientation. One of the guys that did our orientation in Morocco said he loves everything about this country except the traffic. He even compared crossing the street to frogger. Having been to Egypt, I was so ready. I knew what to expect; I was prepared. 

One thing I've noticed in the past couple weeks is this: Driving in Morocco is a walk in the park compared to Egypt. Oh my goodness, these people have it so well.

Traffic Lights

Morocco actually has traffic lights. It's so wonderful. The traffic lights aren't as well organized, and people tend to slam on their brakes in the last second every. single. time, but at least there is some sort of rule following. 

There was no such thing in Cairo. I lived there for a little under a year. I explored most parts of the city, but I can only recall about 2 traffic lights. TWO!! Morocco has at least 8 times that amount and Rabat is much smaller than Cairo.


Lanes are more of a suggestion than anything else in Morocco. They tend to stick to them on highways, but city streets, it's like they aren't even there. Especially at stop lights. Moroccans think that the closer they get to the intersection the sooner the light will be green. So if there are two lanes, there will be three cars at the edge of the intersection, and if you think that fourth car isn't going to try sneaking in, you better think again.

While people tend to ignore lanes in Morocco, everyone ignores lanes in Egypt. Lanes? Eh da? (What's that?) If there is a two lane street, five cars will manage to fit across. It is actually insane. Patience is a virtue Egyptian Drivers do not have.

Traffic/Horn Usage

Morocco is more low-key about using their horn. Partly it's because there is less traffic. It is currently Ramadan, so not a lot of people are out in the first place. But even before Iftar, the Rush Hour traffic isn't bad compared to Cairo. 

Moroccans use their horns to make people go, make sure that guy on his cell phone isn't gonna hit them, and to make the girls on the side of the road look at them. Basically all the normal reasons. But, something that Moroccans do at night instead of honking, is flash their lights at cars instead of honking. Fascinating.

Egypt, however, oh la la. If traffic is completely stopped for miles, cars will honk. Like, there is no possible way the car in front of you can move because the car in front of them is stopped and the one in front of them and so on and so forth. But does that stop them front holding down the horn for 10 minutes? Nope.

 Crossing the Street

MOROCCO HAS CROSSWALKS!! You heard me. This country has beautiful, marked crosswalk signs marked with (wait for it) PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SIGNS THAT LIGHT UP. Oh my goodness. It's a wonderful life. Crosswalks, however, do not mean cars let you cross. It's still a game of frogger, but it's like the beginner version.

There was not a single crosswalk in Egypt. I am lucky to be alive.

(vs America)

Since October, I have been a licensed driver in the state of California. I miss my car and the ability to go anywhere anytime (within reason), but I would literally die driving here in Morocco. 

Americans honk, change lanes without signalling, and slowly inch forward while the light is still red. But it's still pretty easy to drive in the US.

Hope you enjoyed this exposé on driving around the world. 

Drive safe and learn something today.



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