Shock and Grief

If you were along for the ride of our first journey to Togo and kept up with our story, you would know that we mentioned a particular doctor that was a huge part of the treatment of our kids and became a huge part of our hearts and lives.

Todd Dekryger.

His picture can be found here and there throughout my posts of 2012 and 2013.  He was an amazing doctor and an amazing friend.  I think when someone prays over your kids and then plays a massive part in their healing and restoration, you come to think pretty highly of that person.  We LOVED Todd.

You'll notice I'm speaking about Todd in the past tense.  For some reason, on February 26th, 2016 (one year TO THE DAY that the Hospital of Hope opened), God saw fit to take to heaven our dear friend, amazing doctor, loving husband to Jennifer and fantastic father to Will, Grant, Luke and Drew.

It's rough.  It was a series of unimaginable circumstances for the Togo North Team and Todd's family as Todd became very ill, his condition worsened, was medically evacuated to Germany (and that's a crazy story in itself), worsened in his condition and passed to glory in a hospital in Cologne, Germany with only Jennifer there by his side.

It rocked the missionary team and it rocked all of those gazillions of people who were crying out to God to spare Todd.

The shock and grief of the loss of Todd was unreal.  We weren't even in Togo at the time but we were floored by this.  How?  Why?

Our hearts ached for Jennifer and the boys.  We ached for our team-mates who struggled to deal with the grief and pain of this kind of loss.

And yesterday, my friends, it happened again.

A lovely woman named Cheryl, who was serving in the pharmacy for a 18 month term at the Hospital of Hope in Mango, passed away.  She was supposed to go home on Monday.

I don't even know Cheryl.  But you can tell just by this photo (I snagged it from Facebook)that she was a joy-filled woman who loved Jesus and gave up 18 months to live in the hottest place on earth as service to others and to her Saviour.

And it's another massive loss for the Northern team. 

My heart aches for them as they walk, again, still, continuously, the path of shock, grief and pain.

Why, Lord? Why again, so soon? Why, at all?

I have no answers.  I have new fears. They don't even know why Cheryl died yet. And we're going there.  And we're taking our children.

But I will simply trust.  I will simply trust. I will simply trust.  God is still good and He is still faithful and His promises are still true and I will simply trust.

Please be in prayer for the Togo missionaries and Cheryl's family.

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