That's all about to change with Eventbrite. Eventbrite is pretty simple to understand. They are the largest self-service ticketing platform in the world that helps people find and plan events. Things like restaurants, fun runs (YES!) and concerts will be shown to you for your area.
While concerts, races, and new restaurants are awesome, I like the fact that I can find conferences, conventions, and classes available to the public. I am a nerd like that though and find learning an adventure. While I could just binge watching Frankie and Grace, I would rather be bettering myself.
As for things to do with my kids or as a family, that's simple. I have learned of Family Movie night all around my area! So many that I actually get to choose which one we want to go to this weekend! Also some Vacation Bible School are on the website allowing me to see which ones are available that week and the week after!
The website lets you register for an event directly from the Eventbrite. One the feature that I really like is that it allows you to add it to your digital calendar. Yes, I rave about having a paper calendar, but my digital ones I share with family members which makes sharing events and turning family down when we have something already planned a breeze.
What else do they make easy for you? Sharing the event! So many website limit you to sharing with everyone on your Facebook or simple email. This website has Facebook messenger which allows you to directly send to your significant other or best friend the event you want to attend together without everyone knowing! That is a huge plus for me!
FOMO is the fear of missing out and Eventbrite is really changing that in our family to GOMO. That's the phrase of getting out more often! And I really think this will help our family get moving.
And last but not least Eventbrite allows you to do something else that other websites, don't... Create your own event and sell tickets to it for a low fee.
Eventbrite has a section specifically for you to create the events that you have in your life. The Event Planning Online is very easy to use. And if your event is free, so is the service for you to share your event! If you are teaching a class or if you are hosting a public party the ability to create an event is very easy!
It's create for local businesses the more I learn and read about it. Special sales and special events would be perfect for this website for just about any company. This is a forward thinking website making it so easy on everyone. It helps the host and the attendee with everything! Getting out more often is a thing for me and my family now!
Eventbrite is pretty easy to maneuver and remember with Search, Select, Share, and Set up!