White Dog was curled up next to me when Steve called to say he was delaying his return trip home. "How come?" I asked and was surprised at his description of the hail and intense storm that was engulfing them at school. "I don't think I have ever seen it pour so heavily," he told me. I agreed he should wait out the intensity, especially the falling chunks of ice and impossible visibility.
White Dog chuckled with relief. "At least WE are being spared," she said and a nanosecond later the house shook with the force of the thunder.
Immediately the office was filled with every single member of the White Dog Army except Puff (our nearly deaf old lady who was unfazed by the fury about to be unleashed).
Most of the WDA is OK with storms; WD, YoYoMa, and Bella all seek my comfort. But something told all of the pack to come together in the deepest most protected room of the house. The office is small but no pup seemed to mind being shoulder-to-shoulder crowded as we tried to ignore the obviously approaching storm.
I stroked necks and gently engaged each by name to focus on me and the sound of my voice as I shut down my computer for safety.
Steve called about halfway home to tell us that things had quieted up his way but now he was coming into the bad weather approaching us. The WDA mustered their courage to go to the watching windows to await his arrival and to hope he beat the downpour.
It had just begun to rain when he dashed in, grabbed Puff and made a beeline for the yard. The storm was talking loud and the wind was coming up fast but he DID manage to attend to our girl's need before the skies opened...fortunately the others took his cue and quickly did the same with Zsofia being the last in the dog door and by then her furs pretty wet.
We closed the blinds to the torrent and flashes. Enya helped mask the grumbles and groans. Dinner provided a brief distraction...long enough for us to hit a lull.