I CAN DRIVE! it's like turning 16 all over again!

Highlight: ;) (kinda) We saw our investigator who is leaving for Italy soon!  He was the one who kissed us on our cheeks! and yeah he kissed us some more. Nice guy!

Also I am still in Elbasan, I had a exchange for 24 hours in Fier!

I watched the video about driving this week and then I asked what else I have to do, and guess what? I can drive now!!!!!!!!! It is super fun! Only a little scary because not everyone follows the rules! I love it though! Everyone seems to know what they are doing!

Something cool that happened this week was that we were tracting, for one of the first times, and we meet this one family and they are super nice! We taught the Restoration and it was great! But the dad, who wasn't in the lesson, didn't like us... so we can't go back... but we planted a seed of truth into their hearts that someone will harvest later!

We also have this friend, Besnik(which means loyal), who was taught by other missionaries but stopped because someone from his family died. We found him again and we are hoping he will be ready to be baptized soon!

Spiritual Though:
One of my new favorite scriptures is Mosiah 24:15 "and now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord"

I know that God will not take away all of our trials, but he can lighten them if we are willing to be obedient to Him will.  If we submit to the will of the Lord cheerfully and with patience, our burdens will be made light and we will be strengthened! Now that's a promise! 

Love Elder Michael Ueston

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