Happy June

Happy June everyone, technically belated by 11 seconds.  These two photos are part of my very short “Productive Insomniac” series.  

The galactic center is visible overhead in the southern hemisphere for the next few months.  You are looking at a wide angle (23˚ 20’ to be precise), 15 second exposure at f / 4.0 and ISO 6400.

The orange star located in the lower center is Antares in the constellation Scorpius.  The bright cluster of stars just to the left of the middle is M6 the Butterfly cluster.  The orange glow is caused by the large concentration of stars at the center of our spiral galaxy.  The purple / magenta clouds are gaseous nebulas, which are illuminated by nearby stars.  The black streaks are caused by cosmic dust that blocks out star light.  

I look up at the sky quite often.  As most of you know I like clouds a lot.  I have seen exactly 5 jet trails in the 8 months I’ve been here.  This was the fifth and I just had to capture it.  

It’s getting cold around here.  It’s in the mid 20’s when I wake up.  Not that that is extremely cold but the inside of buildings is not much warmer than the outside.  Most structures are made out of some sort of rock product and all of the windows are single pane.  So it’s not that it’s extremely cold it’s that you can’t seem to escape it. 

I washed clothes before school the other morning.  After rinsing them in warm water, I hung them up on the line to dry at 7 am.  By the time I left for school at 7:30 am they were all frozen to the clothes line.  Good grief.


- Joel

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