Even it up with Oxfam

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Social Media Slant 4 Good

Using social media to raise awareness of important issues!

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Published by
Cendrine Marrouat
01 June 2016
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Even it up with Oxfam
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Oxfam International
thumbnailact­.oxfam­.org - Inequality is out of control. The wealth of the richest 1% is more than the rest of the world combined. How is it fair that a select few have more money than they could spend in several lifetimes, ...
UN’s Vienna International Centre goes climate neutral
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United Nations
thumbnailwww­.unido­.org - After implementing comprehensive ‘greening’ measures, including energy efficiency upgrades, and switching to 100 per cent renewable electricity, the Vienna International Centre (VIC), one of the la...
Underpaid and undervalued
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Oxfam International
www­.oxfam­.org - Rising economic inequality across Asia is threatening poverty reduction and slowing down the fight against gender inequality. For women across Asia, access to decent work and a living wage represen...
Sweatshop wages and unpaid care work: the double burden on Asia’s women as its economy booms
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Oxfam International
www­.oxfam­.org - Asia’s economic success has been paid for by poor women, who work long hours for poverty pay and do the majority of unpaid care work, according to a new report released by Oxfam today.  Oxfam is ca...
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Statements
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United Nations
www­.un­.org - The Secretary-General takes note of the delivery yesterday by the Extraordinary African Chambers in the Senegalese Courts of the trial judgment in the case against Mr. Hissène Habré. Hissène Habré,...
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United Nations
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UN Women
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Girl Effect
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Mediterranean death toll soars in first 5 months of 2016
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United Nations
Fear for civilians as IS halts Iraqi army at gates of Falluja
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Oxfam International
Feature: Ban Ki-moon delivers major speech in London
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Global Goals
India unveils first-ever comprehensive draft law on human trafficking
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UN Women
World Humanitarian Summit attacks 'broken' system - AJE News
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Oxfam International
FACTBOX -From sex trafficking to forced labour, what is modern slavery?
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UN Women
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#YouthStats: Education - Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth
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United Nations
Kiva - Loans that change lives
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Financing Health and Education for All
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Global Goals
Why we need to talk about girls’ rights in East Asia
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Oxfam International
“Sustainable development is not possible if feminization of poverty continues” — Lakshmi Puri
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UN Women
The Economic Power of Gender Equality
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Texas Motorist Sticks It To ‘The Man’ By Paying Traffic Ticket The Most Insane Way Possible
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Girls code in India to tackle challenges of slum living
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UN Women
The 2016 Games for Change Festival
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Breakthrough U.S.
BMW South Africa Unveils Solar Carport to Charge Electric Vehicles
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'Get More Page Likes' Is Not A Social Media Strategy
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Angelina Simms
#RunChatHunt is back with (mostly) new items
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Angelina Simms
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Why coordination in a crisis matters
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United Nations
Cascade Recruitment
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Oxfam International
China Tells Its Citizens What The U.S. Won’t: “Eat Less Meat”
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Conference | NGO Relations
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UN Women
Radical Concept: Ask Women What They Want
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The Hunger Project
Uproar, Victim-Blaming on Brazilian Social Media After Gang Rape Video Shared on Twitter · Global Voices
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Global Voices
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Meeting the needs of Ecuador’s women and girls in the aftermath of three earthquakes
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United Nations
Global Day of Parents, 1 June
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United Nations
Menstrual Hygiene Gaps Continue to Keep Girls from School
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UN Women
Gender inequality ‘an insurmountable obstacle for many women’
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UN Women
Miss World and Miss Russia 2015 get tested for HIV in Moscow in support of the 90–90–90 treatment target
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UN Women
“Smart decisions are based on good information.”
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Nigeria: Deaths reported at pro-Biafra rallies - AJE News
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Human Rights Watch
Communications Procedure
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UN Women
Trump Ordered to Release Internal Trump University Documents
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Democracy Now!
Transgender bathroom debate gears up in Austin
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Trans Equality
Netizen Report: Chilean Copyright Bill Could Eliminate Public Domain for Video, Music
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Global Voices
President Obama Issues 2016 LGBT Pride Month Proclamation - Towleroad
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NOH8 Campaign
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UK firms failing on cyber security | ITProPortal.com
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The Hacker BOT
Equipping churches to respond to Human Trafficking
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Madison Mondell
World No Tobacco Day
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Visual Cyber-Security: See Attacks On Real Time
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Knol Infos
May 2016 News - Human Trafficking > News and Events
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Madison Mondell
About Hunger in Canada | Food Banks Canada
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