This is Part I of a four part series on "Starrkeisha" videos.
Part I showcases a November 2011 "Starrkeisha" video "Child Support Rap Battle - Starrkeisha VS Cameron J".
Click for Part II of this series. Part II showcases two videos of "The Starrkeisha Cheer Squad" (The "Petty" Cheer).
Click for Part III of this series. Part III of this series showcases the Starrkeisha video "Imma Independent" and includes my analysis of writing styles of selected comments that are found in discussion threads of eight Starrkeisha videos.
Click for Part IV of this series. Part IV focuses on what I call "Facebooking YouTube Comment Threads: Kids Commenting On Starrkeisha Videos' Discussion Threads." Examples of those "Facebook type" comments from Starrkeisha discussion threads are featured in that post.
The content of this post is presented for folkloric, cultural, and entertainment purposes.
All copyrights remain with their owners.
Thanks to Cameron J, the developer of the "Starrkeisha" character and the producer of this video. Thanks also to others associated with this video and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.
"Starrkeisha" is a fictional character that was created by and performed by Cameron J for YouTube channel RandomStructureTV. Here's information about Cameron J is found on his Facebook page
"Cameron J: musician/Band
Members: Cameron J. Henderson
Genre: RNB, Jazz, Rock, Blues, Techno
Hometown: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma"
"Cameron J" is an African American male R&B, Jazz, Rock, Blues, Techno vocalist who writes and performs original music, and who also acts as a character based as himself and as a female impersonator in comedic skits that are aired on his YouTube channel, Cameron J is from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. [The source for most of the information given above is from that RandomStructureTV website.]
UPDATE: June 26, 2016
The first Starrkeisha video is "I Need My Child Support Money!- StarrKeisha/Cameron J" ,Uploaded on Jan 15, 2011. Here's the description of that video written by its publisher:
"The newest edition to RSTV is not only ghetto, but quite trashy and uneducated. I wanted to create a character that can bring some ghetto fabulous flavor to my channel, StarrKeisha definitely does that! Lol!"
-snip- End of update
The comedic character Starrkeisha was conceptualized and is performed by African American male Cameron J as a a relatively young, "ratchet" (ghetto, trashy, unkept) Black woman who is sassy, street smart, and creative- She raps, sings, and dances (especially twerking). In keeping with the exaggerated image of "ratchet" Black women, Starrkeisha wears a short blue wig or weave, a blue jacket that is too short for her, and other "dumpster dump" clothes. In spite of her attire, Starrkeisha brags about how many brand name clothes and accessories she has.
In contrast with almost all characters that have been created by female impersonators, "Starrkeisha" has a mustache and a short beard. Since mustaches and beards aren't part of the description of "ratchet" women, I wonder if Starrkeisha is portrayed that way to add more comedic elements to those skits, and to emphasize that this character isn't real-although the situations she finds herself in and her responses to those situations could be real. That said, a lot of people who comment on discussion threads for Starrkeisha videos interact with and react to Starrkeisha and Cameron J as though they are both real. And as a result of Starrkeisha's mustache and beard, a lot of children who comment on those discussion threads don't understand that Cameron J is portraying Starrkeisha (and, sometimes, also himself) and are confused about whether "Starrkeisha" is male or female. Questions such as "Is she a boy? and statements like "She can't be pregnant 'cause she's a man" are found numerous times in the discussion threads that I read for these videos.
Starkeisha (also known as "Star" and "KiKi"), has at least two children. These children may have different fathers, although she claims that Cameron J is the father of one-or is it two- of them. The contentious relationship between Starrkeisha and Cameron J is the focus of many of the videos, including videos of Starrkeisha suing Cameron J for child support. In later videos, Cameron J doesn't appear in the skits as Starrkeisha's "baby daddy" and/or love interest. Instead, those comedy skits focus on some aspect of Black culture and features multiple "Starrkeisha" characters who look alike and are dressed alike but might have different motions. An example of this type of "Starrkeisha" comedy skit is 2016 "The Starrkeisha Cheer Squad (The "Pettty" Cheer) which is the focus of this post.
Many "Starrkeisha" videos have one million plus views. Commenters regularly praise these videos as being hilarious and having original songs and raps that have great beats and are as good or better than records that can be heard on the radio. I've only watched five "Starkeisha" videos to date and came across very few commenters who indicated that they disliked those videos because of their portrayal of a Black woman or Black women, or for any other reasons. (Note: As per my direct experience and as per a comment from one of those video's discussion threads), these videos don't contain profanity, violence, or sexually explicit content.)
Given the length of time that "Starrkeisha" videos have been published on YouTube, and given the large number of viewers for many of these videos, I'm surprised that I haven't found any online articles about Cameron J, or RandomStructureTV, or about Starrkeisha.* For instance, neither Cameron J, nor RandomStructureTV, or Starrkeisha have a Wikipedia page. Also, to date, I've not come across any interviews with Cameron J or information about when and why he created the "Starrkeisha" character, and when the first "Starrkeisha" video was published on YouTube.
UPDATE: Click for an interview of Cameron Henderson by a representative of Legit Life Magazine (January 21, 2016). Cameron indicated that he found the blue wig and the itty bitty blue jacket that the character Starrkeisha wears at a thrift shop years ago and took them with him when he went away to college. He also said that he started doing comedy skits featuring the Starrkeisha character because he was bored.
End of update.
It seems to me that in addition to these videos' comedic value, and the fact that these videos provide opportunities for Cameron J to showcase his writing, acting, and composing skills & talents, the Starrkeisha videos provide opportunities to subtly and not so subtly illustrate problematic facets of African American culture as a means of encouraging a re-examination and rectification of those elements. In particular, I think that some Starrkeisha videos and the discussions that people engage in about those videos highlight the dysfunctional nature of values and interactions in some female/male relationships, especially within lower class and working class Black communities.
The values and interactions that are reflected in those relationships and their resulting problems won't be decreased or corrected by laughing, but presenting examples of those relationships albeit in comedy skits and the discussions that might occur as a result of those videos could be significant elements of the process of working through and working away from those dysfunctional relationships.
Additions and corrections to this analysis would be greatly appreciated.
*"Ratchet" is an African American Vernacular English word that means the same as "ghetto" (a person from a low income neighborhood who looks and acts "trashy".
Here another definition of "ratchet"
"A ghetto girl who is loud and obnoxious and constantly causing drama and usually trashy.
A ratchet girl would wear a sweat suit and talk like this: " o hell naw i know that bi&ch was not talking to my man I finna beat her ass, ooo she is so fake."
#scrappy #ghetto #trashy #poorly spoken #hood
by real things April 09, 2012
Finna = a (mostly Southern originated) African American form of the term "fixing to" ("fixin' to), meaning "getting ready to"
"Starrkeisha" is an contemporary (1960s on) African American originated female name that is a combination of the name "Star" and the name "Keisha" (pronounced KEY shah; KEE Shah).
"Star" is a rather familiar "status" female name. Since the 1970s, "Keisha" and its numerous spelling forms -with or without a prefix such as "LaKeisha"- have been relatively familiar names that have been given mostly but not exclusively to African American females. I believe that "Keisha" and its various similarly spelled forms are an Africanized form of the Hebrew female name "Kezia[h)". The earliest record that I could find for celebrities born with the name "Keisha" is from the the early 1960s.
In my admittedly informal study of "non-standard" (according to mainstream American culture) African American names from the 1980s to date, I've never come across any reference to a person (besides the fictional character) having the name "Starrkeisha" until I read this comment in the discussion thread for the November 2011 "Starrkeisha" video that's featured in this post:
Kimberley Trimble, 2012
"there's a lil girl et mii school name starkeashia" "Child Support Rap Battle - Starrkeisha VS Cameron J". That video is showcased in Part I of this series.
Click for Part I of a two part series on the name "Keisha".
The fictional female character "Starrkeisha" shouldn't be confused with the real African American woman named Sharkeisha Boss Ass (later known as "Queen Sharkeisha") whose fame or notoriety started with a 2013 video of a profanity laced fight with another African American woman went viral on instagram and was later removed from that online site. That said, it's possible that the fictional character's name may have inspired the screen name "Sharkeisha".
SHOWCASE VIDEO: Child Support Rap Battle - Starrkeisha VS Cameron J
RandomStructureTV, Uploaded on Nov 9, 2011
Share this video! Sharing is caring!
Twitter: @TheKingOfWeird
Number of views as of June 21, 2016 at P:35 PM - 1,114,671; Number of comments - 1,479
UPDATE: June 24, 2016. When I published this post, "Child Support Rap Battle" was the earliest Starrkeisha video that I had found. I have since found an earlier video Starrkeisha Fights!, RandomStructureTV Uploaded on Mar 12, 2011
Selected comments from that video's discussion thread are included in Part III of this series.
These comments are given in relative chronological order, with the oldest dated comments given first, except for responses. However, these comments may not be in consecutive order. The comments that are followed by [^] are quotes from the video. I'm particularly interested in those quotes, examples of African American Vernacular English, and comments about child support.
I've assigned numbers for referencing purposes only. I've added a few brief explanatory comments and other editorial comments after some of these quotes.
WARNING: As is the case with a number of YouTube video discussion threads, the Starrkeisha video discussion threads that I have read contain profanity, the n word, and sexually explicit language. None of those examples are found below.
1. Omar Afuni
"LMAO! I love Starrkeisha! So glad she's back, but home gurl still won't shave. She's asked for that child support MONTHS ago and there's still no baby bump LOL. We need to see her in labor soon!"
2. sexylove92102
""I'd slap the taste out cha mouth..BLAM!
But I need food in my house....HAM!" [^]
iHeart Starrkeisha and her head pat @ 1:08. lol
3. kikisyrup
"HAHA at 1:52 she pats her wig ^o^"
Several people commented in this discussion thread about Starrkeisha patting her head while she talked. That kind of detail about African American culture is what authenticates this and other Starrkeisha videos. People who wear weaves (usually fake hair sewn, braided, or glued to their hair) often pat their head because their hair itches and patting helps to alleviate the itching. Read the comment below for more about head patting.
4. sweet1hospitality
"Maybe if you gave Starkeisha her child support she got get a jacket that fits and a good hair wash b/c her weave is itching waaaaay too much!!! <3 this though!!"
5. Krissy Tran"how come no one will make him famous and make him a record deal?!like justin beiber
posted videos so why not cameron j?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? I NEED TO KNOW"
6. Maraya Anae
"Lol. Why Every WEDNESDAY Is KeKe Talkin About Them Goin To Court!?! They Still Aint Go Yet. -_- I Did KeKe To Get Her ChildSUpport Money Soon Hunni Boo Boo Child! :)"
The video publisher indicated that he would post new videos of Starrkeisha every Wednesday. "Keke" (pronounced Key Key) and "Star" are nicknames that the commenters use for Starrkeisha.
7. Angel Celise
"This is the truth. There is some crazy baby mommas out there !!! LIKE IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN !!!"
9. JaLisa Hollingshed
"everybody hates chris but every loves and i mean LOVES cameron j
i do 2!!!!"
"Everyone Hates Chris" is an African American television series.
10. liljayp38
"STARRKEISHAshe got swagg!"
"Swagg" means "a high degree of self-confidence"
11. fizzy pop
"off the chain"
This is another AAVE term that means "something which is done or (someone who does something) very very well". Another way of saying this is "off the hook".
12. Joe R.
"Very original...nice job."
13. nor'nor britton
"starrkeisha my girl s to the h to the a to the rr to the k to the e to the I to the s to the h to the a
Read my editorian comment below comment #30.
Also, notice that the commenter spelled Starrkeisha's name wrong in her or his rap.
14. twanmiller13
"You better pay yo child suppot or kiki gone get you no matter where ypu go she will always be with you"
15. Stephanie McClendon
"I love this video I swear it's on repeat!!!!!!!!!! xD"
"On repeat" = the person repeatedly plays the video when it's over
16. iSwerveDomo
"Why Won't The Baby Come On And The Boys Keisha Been With..!!!Plus Every Time They Make A Vid Their Dishes Is In The Sink....CLEAN YUR DISHES DUDE"!"
17. MusicMistress79
"you think u so cute with your dumb truck swagg [^], Cameron J. said this to Sying Starrkeisha in the video."
18. iAm MiYaH
"- Fendi , Prada , Couch , Gucci , Louie...Half Of Your Pay-Check, Will Be Mine. Owie !!" [^]
Starrkeisha names expensive product brands, bragging about what she will do with the money she hopes to get from Cameron J for child support.
19. Kimberley Trimble
"there's a lil girl et mii school name starkeashia"
20. Daejah Mccarter
"dat was fuuny yall b killing it"
"killin it" means to do something extremely well.
Notice the "be __" grammatical format which is a characteristic of some forms of African American English.
21. msklove6
"Hoodrat! Ratchet"
A "hoodrat" is a ratchet (ghetto) person. That word has nothing to do with actual "rats", except that rats are dirty, despised rodents who are often found around trash, and this is supposedly also descriptions for "ratchet" people. "Hood" is a clip of the word "neighborhood".
22. Ajah Nicole
"This the song for those men who dont pay child support"
23. Temeka Howard
"This video is so funny n yal other videos starkisha why do u want to get with him any way he dnt like u n everyone know u is a boy ooo i got a cold ha ha"
24. ray long
"Both of u were beast"
The AAVE (African American Vernacular English) term "beast" means "someone who does something very well".
25. Trinyte Woodard
"starrkeshia beat him but cameron was wrong when he said she always be looking ratchet"
"Beat him" here refers to the commenter's opinion that Starrkeisha won that "rap battle".
26. Arionna Collick
"You go girl get your money"
"Yo go girl" is an AAVE statement or an exclamation of support.
27. akkinduh
"ima slap the taster out ya mouth, bam
i need some food in my house, ham lol" [^}, except for the lol- laugh out loud abbreviation]
28. honesty barnett
"i swear i was finna say that lol..."
"Finna" - AAVE form of "fixing to" which means "getting ready to" (do something or say something)
29. cece Charles
"Thx for making ghetto starrkeshia"
30. Megan Jelks
"This is soo funny!!!
Starrkeisha:You know who this is
And you know what I need
C to the h to the ild
Cameron J:Omg..." [^]
This rap format is very much like the one which was popularized by Jay Z in his 2001 hit Hip Hop record "Izzo/H.O.V.A." often referred to as "H to the Izzo"). "The song's lyrics "H to the izz-O, V to the izz-A" use the -izzle language code to spell out HOVA, which refers to a pseudonym given to himself ("Jayhova") for his self-proclaimed status as the god of MCs, a reference to Jehovah." Source:
31. Shawnna Holly
"She need to understand that baby is nott hiss lawd keep callin dat man for child support money cuz she is using it for her instead of them chilren"
"Child support" is a court ordered amount of money that a parent (usually the father) is supposed to give to his or her child's parent or guardian.
32. lanya griffin
"Girl bye starrkeisha all you gotta do is go to court with him and be sad that you did not get yo child support."
33. Lakesexy Pager
"that was dope hun"
"Dope" means "very very good". Another way of saying dope that is also found on this and other Starrkeisha discussion threads is "sick". "Ill" is another way of giving the same compliment.
34. Talia Lawton
"Wow this video was funny it has me laughing"
35. Dashaun Williams
"She is a boy"
36. Jada Paige
"This is funny why starrkish need her moeny she is a man starrkshise is a man starrkshise cannot have no baby"
37. Jayla Dancy1 year ago
She need to shave her face she look like a man
38. Pika TheSage
"u realize that's the same person right??
39. Pika TheSage
its sad cuz he talking like its a real person
40. Anitra Issac
"You are so right girl"
41. Anitra Issac
42. Pika TheSage
"im a guy"
43. Anitra Issac
"Oh I'm sorry"
44. Pika TheSage
"We good"
45. Elaysia Moore
"She not gonna get dat money like StarrKeisha it ain't his baby and u need to act like a man"
"You need to act like a man" was probably directed to Starrkeisha.
46. Desheila Latham
"You'll just hatten"
47. Darius Tate
" they need to stop hating on you"
You are a hatter or you are hating are familiar saying from African American Vernacular English. "A hater" is a person who "hates on" (talks bad about, criticizes, "puts down") someone out of spite or jealousy.
48. ashanti hawkins
"Bye Falaecia"
"Bye Felicia" is a popular saying that means "I'm not listening to anything else you have to say so you might as well leave. Two other currently popular ways of saying "Bye Felicia" are "You are dismissed" and "Girl bye."
49. Shamiya Sowell"
"She starkeisha you ratchet thats why he. Don't want you"
50. Sanita Stewert
"Omg I like starrkisha songs"
51. babe kids
"you can sing Cameron Starrkeisha can not sing"
52. thebizarre jessi1 year ago
"Who won?! Who's next?! You Decide!"
53. Nevaeh Gordon
"Is she gonna were different clothes cause that blue jacket is killing me"
"Killing me" here means "causing me severe pain".
54. Keamber Pope
"For. One. Thing. She don't. Got no. Child. Why. He got. To. Pay
Child. Support"
55. Andreona Smith
"lol... she is so funny and she has 3D glasses on and they are cut out the lenses are i lovestarrkeisha she so funny" (This comment is followed by five smiley face emoticons.)
56. Jasmine Cooper
"Im dead so funny lol"
The comment "I'm dead" is found numerous times in all of the discussion threads that I read for Starrkeisha videos. "Dead" here means "I'm dying of laughter".
57. babe kids
"lol, that mademy day"
"made my"
58. Sameka Howard
"she only need money lol y cant she get a job"
59. Jamia Boyd1
60. Jamia Boyd
61. Ameriyah Mccray
"Girl bye stop begging that boy"
62. jj
"Starrkeishs if u won't to be a girl don't u think u should shave your berd"
“won’t” here is probably a typo for “want”
63. Daisha Porter
"Starr go hard"
"To go hard" is a compliment from African American Vernacular English. It means "to do something very well. "to do something to the fullest", "to put all of your energy into something, resulting in it being done well".
64. Andrea Reynolds
"starrkeisha is a man tell him/her to sit down with his gay behind"
"Sit your behind down" is a familiar African American retort. "Gay" here is a putdown that indicates that the commenter believes that the actor/vocalist Cameron J is gay. There's no indication of that other than him acting as a female impersonation in these videos.
65. Lailah Moreno
"It sounds like she's paying for herself and not for her baby (and I know it's a guy it's obvious )"
66. Zachary Gleghorn
"Love the beat"
This comment was written by numerous persons in the discussion threads for the five Starrkeisha videos that I've watched to date.
67. emma brown
"Girl boo go to court with him and take a test to see if it is his kid"
In this context, "boo" is an affectionate term for a female or a male. "Boo" can also be a referent for a person's special Boyfriend or Girlfriend. The AAVE word "boo" rhymes with the word "you" although it comes from the word "beau", which is pronounced "boh".
68. AERIAL Brown
"Cameron that is your baby so stop tripping and pay the child support fool"
"tripping"= acting foolish, perhaps from the saying "going on a wild goose chase"
69. Kate Pierce
"As a mom who's kids dad pays child support that shit don't cover not even half of the cost of raising a child. ... and yeah after I buy everything for my children when I get the child support check he'll yeah I treat my self along with my kids. Their dad tried that sh&t and Luke the judge said he can order him to pay more like my bills and child care"
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.
70. Cieyrah Hill
I know he is so feed up with her calling him all the time.(followed by five smiley emoticons)
"feed up"= "fed up" which means "very tired of"
71. Kendra Johnson
why are you asking him all that stuff do you really need all that stuff starrkeisha
72. Nakiesha Howell
"yall act like yall cant get an abortion"
73. Timnesha Hiwsrd
"she stay calling some one"
“Stay” = constantly; always [adverb]
74. Rakieya Davis
"I know every word"
75. A Sad Lack of Buffalos
"I don't usually like rap. But that was hilarious."
76. Rakieya Davis
"The slap the taste out yo mouth blam but I need food in my house ham" [^]
77. Tiara Williams
"+Rakieya Davis so do i girl"
78. Tiara Williams
"+Rakieya Davis yo baby need dipers yo baby need wipes he need a pasifier he be cryin all night" [^]
79. Rakieya Davis
"Thanks every one I'm gonna get my check I just your money I don't need your respect" [^]
80. Isreal Best
She need to go on muary
*This is one of several comments in this discussion thread and in other Starrkeisha discussion threads that suggested that Starrkeisha and Cameron J should go on the syndicated American television talk show "Maury Povich" (or suggested that Cameron J should make a video pretending that the couple went on that show).
Maury Povich shows often features women who are trying to find out whether a particular man is the biological father of her baby. Maury Povich pays for DNA testing and the results of given on air- often resulting in physical fights.
Another comment in this discussion thread suggested that Starrkeisha go on "Jerry Springer", a similar syndicated American television talk show.
81. Kamryn Rabb
"Can u make one when they go to court"
A number of commenters wrote this. By "court", the commenters mean going in front of a judge to determine if Cameron is the father of Starrkeisha's child (or children) as she claims. The judge would base that decision on the results of a DNA test (for each child).
82. Mt. Theodore Alan
"Boy your flow is sweet. Beat and all, always on point. I know the work of a perfectionist."
"Boy" is used a number of times in Starrkeisha videos as a referent for a Black man. This example was posted by a Black man (as indicated by his screen photo). However, it appears that a lot of the uses of "boy" for a Black man are from Black children. Because of the history of disrespecting Black males and not treating them as adults, African American have frowned upon the use of "boy" for a Black male teens and Black men. I wonder if this is changing.
In contrast, it was and is alright to use "girl" as an informal referent for Black females (except older Black women).
83. Nasir Gayle
84. Shelby Johnson
"No its not"
85. John Williams
"Sharkeisha you are a man"
86. Tomekia Rogers
"she. just. want your. money. cuz. she. is. broke. she. just. want. your. money for. her. not. no. that. baby"
87. Tomekia Rogers
"that so. cool. Cameron. u. rap. better. than. starrikeish"
88. Jakeri Castille
"ima get my child support czz I need my rent paid." [^] (This quote is followed by three smiling face emoticons)
89. Noah Maloid
"starfish need to shut her ratchet mouth up
90. Gbzb Bdhjd
"i love it she want ALL his money i wonder is that what every ghetto baby momma like"
"Baby momma" is a familiar African American Vernacular English term. That term is a referent for women who have a baby outside of marriage. It may also be used by a male to refer to his baby's mother, ie. "She is my baby mama".
91. Jalissa Brown
"so was it his baby?"
92. Colleen Owens
"I will slap the taste out blam but I need food in my house ham say what u want ima get my check I just want ur money I don't need ur respect u won't get a dime after they run the test maybe we should go to court so we can put this to rest [^] yesb"
93. Rebekah Ludwig
"OMG baby momma drama"
"Baby mama drama" is a familiar phrase that originated in AAVE.
94. Vernon Venters
"Starrkeashia ugly camron j is hot (with one surprised face emoticon)
95. Debra Twymon
"y u always looking rachit wit yo messed up wig and yo idibidy jacket" [^]
96. Taquain Bottoms
"Dump truck swag" [^] followed by (three smiley face emoticons)
97. shirley roman
"no lie this guy is so funny made my stress go away a bit lmfao"
98. Mckenzey Marshall
"say what you won't I'm gone get my check I just want your money I don't need your respect [^]
99. Marcell Bell
"you think u so cute with you donald trump swag"
This is a folk processed form of a quote from Cameron J's rap. The actual saying was "dump truck" swag.
100. Haifaa Anoms
"that was so lit"
Something being "lit" means it is very very good. "Lit" comes from the same AAVE compliment "family" as "hot", "smoking", "dynamite", "the bomb", "on fire" etc.
101. Contearia Donaldson
"is u star and your self"
102. Taniya Holmes
"that is impossible because how does he do 2 people at once"
103. Aleemah Ndour
"ooh u such a lame dude cant believe i got with u wish that i can take it back but that aint possible" [^]
"Lame"= a person who isn't hip. (up to date with the latest urban street culture)
104. Ayanna Wardrick
"When we leave court u gone be looking real funny (followed by three smiley face emotions) I'll slapped the taste out your mouth blam! I need food in my house ham! You talkin bout me why you always looking ratchet and your messed up wig and your little bity jacket convo is irrelevant I don't need to have it you want my money no you can't have it (followed by seven smiley face emoticons) [^]
105. Jameisha McKinnis
"Why are you aking like that to starrkeisha boy"
106. It'smilaaa*
It's a joke chill (followed by one smiley face emoticon).
"Chill" is a shortened form of "Chill out" which means "Relax", "Be calm".
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