Brexit Sparks Calls For Other EU Referendums

Washington Post: These countries could be next now that Britain has left the E.U.

LONDON — There was no lack of doomsday rhetoric before Britain's referendum on E.U. membership. European Council President Donald Tusk warned that Britain leaving the European Union could seriously threaten "Western political civilization."

Now, those fears have been stunningly amplified by the decision of British voters to break away. Predictions that the E.U. could break apart might be a bit far-fetched, but there certainly are other countries where demands for similar referendums could gain momentum.

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More News On Calls for More Brexit Type Referendums In The EU

EU referendum: Brexit sparks calls for other EU votes -- BBC
Brexit SPREADS across Europe: Italy, France, Holland and Denmark ALL call for referendums -- Express
Brexit Sparks Calls For More EU Exits, World Leaders React To EU Referendum Result -- IBTimes
Buoyed by Brexit vote, more EU countries talk of exit -- Reuters
Who will be NEXIT? The Swexits, Czexits and Frexits that could follow Britain out of the EU... and the aftershocks hitting continent -- Daily Mail
What European Country Could 'Brexit' Next? -- Ian Bremmer, Fortune

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