
Another FAB week with friends staying with us. Bits and bobs done of work, a couple of days out and lots and lots of eating yummy food. Summer is here and it is great!

My flower bed in bloom

Saturday 4th

We woke up feeling slightly worse for wear and had a bit of a lie in before a big brekkie of eggs on toast. We had another friends garden to strim today and managed to rope Charley into helping us - there were two strimmers available and we could get it done quicker with the three of us. In the end it still managed to take us the majority of the day, and was quite hard going in the hot hot heat, but we got it done.  


In the evening we chilled out, had dinner and watched a movie.

Sunday 5th

Another sunny day and another day back to working on our own place. I spent the day in the toilet block tiling the floors of the showers. I got all the whole tiles down but the left the cuts at the edges as I couldn't reach over to measure them without standing on the newly laid tiles.

Cubicle tiled

Whilst I was doing that Pete and Charley were just outside spending the day digging - which again was hot work in the heat. Pete was digging out and levelling the new area for the swimming pool whilst Charley had decided to turn over an area of land and plant potatoes. This is going to be a 'low maintenance' area of the garden (basically growing veg that don't need constant watering) so we may plant other things up there in the future. It also looks great all cleared and open.

The boys digging

Chitting potatoes

Charley clearing the land

And the potatoes are in

We stopped earlyish, showered and ate a late lunch. A week or so ago we'd met, for the first time, some English people that live in a nearby village. They'd invited us over for a drink this evening to meet them properly, so we headed over there at about 5 o'clock. We ended up staying there until about 11 and had a really lovely evening - it's nice to make new friends and hear their stories of living in Bulgaria!   

Bunch of chard
Monday 6th

Today was the day our friends from home (Megan and Dan) were arriving and guess what?! We woke up to torrential rain - bloody typical!! It didn't actually change our plans for the day though - which was to give the house a massive clean and tidy up. We made up the bedroom again and we also moved the bigger gazebo over to the garden table, this means people can now sit at the table without getting water dripping down their backs, which is good!


Cloudy walk, lavender is on it's way.

In the afternoon the rain did die off a bit and we were able to eat lunch (amazing omelette cooked Charley) outside as it was still pretty warm. Me and Pete went out to pick up our friends, from the train station, at 5.30. The rain stayed away early evening so we were able to show them around the garden and campsite land as well as get a fire going to keep us warm. We were all chilling out in the garden, having a few beers and catching up, when Hristo popped over to say hello. We invited him to join us too and he ended up staying with us for the evening. It was a hilarious night - Hristo did extremely well considering he doesn't speak a word of English - and it was so lovely to have friends here again (even though it did rain ALOT.) 

Lunch time
Tuesday 7th 

It was quite an overcast day today but it wasn't yet raining and we had a really nice chilled morning chatting, drinking coffee and eating a big breakfast. As the weather was cooler we decided to go for a walk - heading in the direction of another nearby lake that we hadn't yet walked too (we had only driven there before.) It was a gorgeous walk along the edge of the forest and we even saw a deer and a black stalk, which we think is quite a rare species. When we got to the lake we found it was completely empty of water and was overgrown with luscious green plants. It is a shame there was no water (we're not sure why) but it looked beautiful and it was cool to see the old water line along all the trees. We were also able to walk right across the bottom of the lake to the other side and walk home along the small road.

Hollyhocks in the village

Wild tracks

Little shepherds hut

The lake! (the green area on the right hand side)

Sitting on the edge of the lake

Lucy at the bottom of the lake

The old water line in the trees

By the time we got home it was already gone 4 and the clouds were starting to open up again. Because of the rain we had a relaxed evening in the yellow room playing Scrabble and cooking stew over the woodburner. Another lovely evening. :)

A good game of Scrabble

Lucy enjoys the fire too
Wednesday 8th

The weather was still looking temperamental today so we decided to have a day trip out as there was not much to do at home. We headed over Kazanluk way to visit Buzludzha - the big abandoned communist building in the mountains. This is mine and Pete's fourth time visiting there now, but we still find it incredible every time we go. I recommend a visit if you can!

In the back of the van


We got there and had a slow walk up the hill, taking lots of photos on the way - there was even a group of wild horses we had to pass which were beautiful. Once we were at the building we found that the hole we have climbed through to get inside before had been barred off, but luckily someone had created another way in which was actually much easier to access. We spent some time looking around and then decided to try and find the staircase which, we have heard, leads you all the way up the tall tower (at least 20 stories - so very high!) The corridor to access the stairs was very dark but we braved it and managed to find the bottom of the stairs. I say stairs but what we actually found was a very rusty looking metal ladder that just went up and up into complete darkness. We considered it for a while but in the end none of us were brave enough to try it - maybe next time!!

At the bottom

Walk up the hill

The front - they have put up warning signs all around the building
Arriving inside

Close ups of some of the mosaics

We walked back down to the van and drove down the mountain to our next stop - a Thracian tomb. The valley we were in is known as the Valley of the Thracian Kings and after a quick look in the guide book we chose one tomb to visit (from about 8 or 9 nearby.) They all sit under mounds of earth so are quite easy to spot and when we got there we found a guy sitting in a booth who you paid for a ticket and then he took you in and gave you a tour. The site was very small with only one tomb remaining, but the tomb was made entirely out of one 60 tonne piece of granite and was very impressive. There were carvings inside the tomb and remnants of old paintings, with one painting of a girl still in tact - amazing considering it was made 2500 years ago! Anyway, I won't go into more detail but it is definitely another recommended spot!

Me and Charley on top of the hill - this gives an idea of how big the building is!

Thracian burial mound

Beautiful area of the world

After that we headed to nearby Shipka Church for a quick look around and stop for coffee and icecream. On the way home we stopped in Kazanluk to do a supermarket shop and Stara Zagora to get a new shower head as our one had burst yesterday.

Hanging out at Shipka Church

Kittens in the souvenir shop!

When we got home it was about 6.30 and the sun was attempting to shine through the clouds, so we got the BBQ going and had a great evening in the garden around a fire.

Fairy lights in the garden
Thursday 9th

Today was a stunning sunny day! Yay! Infact it got very hot, it must have been at least 30 degrees, so almost too hot for working really. We had a chilled morning - with another big breakfast - and then we got on with doing a few jobs around the house and garden. Megan and Dan had said they wanted to work and help us (we're not slave drivers!) so we thought of a few bits and pieces that needed doing.

Dan started by raking out the pool area and clearing it of any stones or hard stumps. He also lay down a layer of grass and straw which we hope will help it not puncture if there are any stray stones around. He then worked with Charley and together they cleared the toilet block site of all the left over wood and tiles and got it all swept and looking great. Megan set her self the task of mowing and strimming the whole walnut orchard which took her all day and also ended up looking fantastic. Me and Pete uncovered the swimming pool from the depths of the barn and got it filling up and then went down to try and start plumbing in the outside tap. Frustratingly we didn't have the right bits to get it all done, but we managed to successfully put together the metal pipework without any leaks.

Dan at work

Moving wood!

Getting the pool out

We stopped for a lovely long lunch in the sun and then in the afternoon carried on working a bit. Me and Pete decided to finish off the tiling in the showers and got that all finished. Charley started building a bird house from old mulberry branches whilst Megan finished the strimming in the orchard. Dan started working on securing some fence posts with gravel so that we can have a barrier at the top of the garden wall - he did a fab job of doing this as well and they are now ready to have wood fixed across them.

Orchard looking amazing after a mow and strim

Charley being crafty

Fence posts being secured in the ground

In the late afternoon we stopped working for G & T time and we all chilled out for a bit, some went out for a wander around the village with Lucy, and we all enjoyed the evening sunshine. At about 7.30 we all got in the van and went out for dinner in Chirpan. We decided to go to Flamingoes as it's very Bulgarian and we like it there a lot! We arrived, got some drinks and ordered (a huge amount of) food. We had just finished our salad starters and suddenly the power went out - which isn't unusual here in Bulgaria. But then I noticed the kitchen door open and loads of flames came out - the kitchen was on fire! It looked like a big fire but the waitress and other customers seemed pretty mellow so we just stayed sitting, sipping our drinks. A man went in with a fire extinguisher (and a cigarette in mouth!) to try and put it out and then the fire brigade turned up and shouted at us all to get out. It was all a bit scary! We stayed outside for a bit, finished our drinks and made sure everything as okay (which is was - the fire was put out) before leaving and heading to another restaurant nearby. The second restaurant was really busy and had a big grill going outside so we ordered a couple of sharing plates and had a great meal. By the time we got home it was nearly midnight and we were all knackered after such a long and eventful day, so it was straight to bed.

Dip in the pool after a hard days work!
Stop in the lavender fields on the way to Chirpan

Big dinner
Friday 10th

It was market morning of course so we were up early and Megan came out with me and Pete to experience the Chirpan market. Charley and Dan stayed at home - they chilled out and took Lucy out for a walk. We had a lovely morning at the market, introducing Megan to all the stall holders we go to. We then did a bit more shopping around Chirpan and got home at about midday.

Walking Lucy in the beautiful meadow

Back home I unpacked the shopping and we all chilled out as it was already Megan and Dan's last day here (too soon!) I did a few bits in the garden, including planting more marigolds around the tomatoes. Dan finished the last couple of fence posts and Pete cooked us an incredible soup for lunch with beetroots I'd just harvested. Yum!

Melon season is back

Summer ball courgettes growing

Marigolds around the toms

Harvesting beets

Delicious soup, fresh from the garden

After lunch me and Charley had another go at plumbing in the outside tap but we found that the plumbing bits we'd bought were very cheaply made and they just kept leaking no matter what we did - very annoying. So that job had to be put on hold again. Once we'd given up with that we all decided to go down the road and pick cherries from our friends garden. The cherry tree there is quite tall so we took a ladder and spent over an hour collecting cherries. Once our big tub was half full we'd had enough and, after stopping for a quick chat with some villagers, we went home to have a beer.

Area to build the new sink

Attempted plumbing and digging the footing

A tiny amount of the cherries we picked

Pete cooked yet another delicious BBQ and we had yet another lovely evening outside. Oh I forgot to mention that the fireflies have been out more and more every evening and we've been going up to the top of the orchard to watch the every night. This evening was the best and they put on a real light show for us, which was so cool!

Saturday 11th

We got up earlyish today so we had time to sit down and have some brekkie before all taking Megan and Dan to the train station at 9.30. We got to the station and had time for a quick coffee before the train came. We said our goodbyes and waved them off - it has been such an amazing week and we miss them already! Thank you both so much for coming and we hope to see you here again sooon!! :D :D

Waiting for the train

Saying goodbye!

Once they'd gone me, Pete and Charley nipped to the shops to get the correct (and good quality) plumbing bits for the outside tap and then went home. After a quick stop for lunch Pete and I went out to SG to do some more strimming and gardening at a friends house, which took us a few hours. When we got home Pete went up to the kitchen to make compote from the cherries we'd picked whilst me and Char got to work on the new plumbing. This time we did it successfully and we even decided to start work on building the stone base and attached raised bed. Our idea is for the water to drain into the raised bed behind and hopefully keep the soil wet - we want to plant watercress here so it needs to stay moist. We managed to build the stone base for the old sink to sit on and we think it looks great already!

Hay bales in the fields

At the scrap yard

Cherry compote - absolutely delicious with yoghurt

Finally plumbed in

The base is built and the sink is on

View from the back

Tap near the ground to attach the hose

We ended up working until nearly 8 o'clock - Pete came and helped us too - and then we ate a quick dinner before Skyping Pete's mum. After Skyping it was already dark so we watched a bit of telly and then all had an early night.    

Sunday 12th

We were up at normal time today - another scorching day by the way - and after a coffee we all got to work. We'd written a list of various bits and bobs that needed doing before our next guest arrives (on Tuesday!) so Pete got to work on ticking those off whilst me and Charley went back to the stone sink. We ended up taking almost all day to finish the sink - we were not left with much nice shaped stone to work with (since me and Pete and built the large stone wall) so it was tricky to find pieces that would fit nicely. But when we did finally finished it looked amazing - and will look even better when the raised bed is full with earth and has water cress growing!

Bilko thinks she's a seedling

Choosing stones

All finished!

Whilst we were doing that Pete was doing other various jobs. These included harvesting radishes and beetroots (it's non stop!), strimming the garden and the road to the walnut orchard and loading up the van with the piles and piles of stuff we need to take to the dump. In the afternoon we did a quick run to the dump which has now uncovered a whole area in the garden that we haven't seen for months! It looks much nicer.

Dump run!

For dinner Charley cooked a delicious chilli which we had to eat in the yellow room as it started to rain. In the evening we all chilled out - I wrote the blog whilst the boys played guitar.

Yummy dinner

Monday 13th

Today we decided to do a big clean up of the house and do a few more odd jobs around. Me and Pete got the house looking lovely again for Pete's dad's arrival tomorrow. Whilst we were busy doing that Charley got the raised bed (on the outside sink) filled with rubble and earth and planted a load of watercress seeds, so we're looking forward to that growing now.

Filled and planted - looks great!

In the afternoon me and Pete were still in the house and once I'd finished I went down the road for a couple of hours to do a bit of gardening. Charley was back in his low maintenance veg patch planting sweetcorn and leeks - it's all experimental so we'll see how it goes. The potatoes he planted are growing already, which is great! He also did some weeding in the main veg garden and tidied up the compost bin and made a lid for it. Once the house was clean Pete went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for tomorrow evening as we had a busy day planned.

Planting veg

Potatoes already!

Compost bin

When I came back from gardening me and Charley took Lucy our for a walk and then I made dinner and we ate quite early. After we'd eaten some friends popped by for an hour or so, so we had a couple of beers with them before Skyping my parents. We then stayed up quite late having a few more beers and had a really nice evening - celebrating Charley's birthday when it passed midnight!

Walkies in the flowers

I'll leave it there for now! Pete's dad is now here with us for a week, so more about that next time - we are loving having all our friends and family here! :) :)

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