We had some students staying with us and they wanted to meet locals and practise their language. So we took one to meet Nubi Hussin Abd el Rasol (spellings vary).
Of course I know the story of his family but it is much more interesting when he tells it and says my father, my grandfather and points to all these iconic pictures it really makes the history live.
We start with DB320( aka TT320) the Royal Cache which was discovered by Ahmed and his brother Mohammed Abd el Rasul in 1871. Their sales of goods from this cache brought to the attention of the local authorities and set off an investigation by Sir Gaston Maspero, director of the Egyptian Antiquities Service, in the spring of 1881. This was Nubi’s grand grand father as he explained to us.
Jump forward to 1922 and the discovery of Tutankhamens tomb. Nubi’s grandfather is helping at the dig and there are photos to prove it.
And Nubi’s father is the little boy who was photographed wearing Tutankhamen's pectoral.
Listening to this story from the real life descendent is a special experience. If you want to meet any of this family Nubi runs the Selkhet alabaster factory and one of his brother’s the Ramasseum café. We visited both places and she was able to see this living history