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4years today. Happy wedding anniversary to us.💞💗💙💚💟💜❤💖💕💓💝💛 #Mr&MrsRodriguez💏A video posted by Uche Jombo-Rodriguez (@uchejombo) on May 15, 2016 at 11:58pm PDT
Always the life of a party... may we always be as joyful as we were 💃💃when Nigerians hit the dance floor 😂😂 #HappyPeople #weddingparty @babyjuleswow @iambaroness @duchessjenny @desmondelliot @bfran718 @virgie1964 #happyanniversaryMr&MrsRodriguezA video posted by Uche Jombo-Rodriguez (@uchejombo) on May 16, 2016 at 12:36am PDT